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Fermilab Proton Driver Project Weiren Chou for Bill Foster Fermilab, U.S.A. October 20, 2004 Presentation at the Proton Driver Session ICFA-HB2004, Bensheim,

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1 Fermilab Proton Driver Project Weiren Chou for Bill Foster Fermilab, U.S.A. October 20, 2004 Presentation at the Proton Driver Session ICFA-HB2004, Bensheim, Germany, Oct 18-22, 2004

2 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 20042 Introduction  Neutrino Superbeam/Proton Driver is one of 28 new facilities on the DOE’s 20-year strategic plan.  Fermilab Long Range Planning Committee has recommended the proton driver as one of two candidates for a future construction project at Fermilab. (LC is the other one.)  Early this year Fermilab director issued a charge to Bill Foster and Steve Geer to prepare a CD0 document for establishing mission needs for a proton driver.  There were two options considered: 8 GeV RCS or 8 GeV sc rf linac.  The ICFA decision to choose sc rf technology for a future ILC gave a big boost to the linac option.  Fermilab director recent announced to go for the linac option.  R&D for LC and proton driver will go in parallel.  The core part of this R&D is to establish a Superconducting rf Module Test Facility (SMTF) at Fermilab. This will be a multi-institution collaboration project. A LOI is being circulated. A number of instituion have signed up.

3 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 20043 Introduction (cont…)  The Proton Driver project is defined as: “a complete replacement of our current 400 MeV linac and 8 GeV Booster, accompanied by Main Injector upgrades.”  Beam power spec:  8 GeV Proton Driver:  0.5 MW  8–120 GeV upgraded Main Injector: 2 MW  Total beam power:  2.5 MW

4 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 20044 Proton Driver Study II (Fermilab-TM-2169)

5 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 20045 8 GeV Linac Parameters EnergyGeV8 Particle Type H , e Rep. Rate Hz10 Active Length m671 Beam Current mA25 Pulse Length ms1 Beam Intensity P / pulse1.5E+14 P/hour5.4E+18 Linac Beam PowerMW avg.2 MW peak200

6 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 20046 Wide Range of Applications ~ 700m Active Length 8 GeV Linac X-RAY FEL LAB Long-Pulse Spallation Source 8 GeV neutrino Main Injector @2 MW Anti- Proton SY-120 Fixed- Target Neutrino “Super- Beams” NUMI Off- Axis & Neutrino Target Neutrinos to “Homestake” Short Baseline Detector Array Target and Muon Cooling Channel Bunching Ring Recirculating Linac for Neutrino Factory VLHC at Fermilab Damping Rings for TESLA @ FNAL With 8 GeV e+ Preacc. 1% LC Systems Test

7 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 20047 Wide Range Choice of MI Beam Energy

8 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 20048 Wide Range Choice of MI Beam Energy (cont…)

9 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 20049 8 GeV Linac Baseline 2 MW

10 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200410 0.5 MW with TESLA Frequencies & SCRF F.E.

11 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200411 RF Fanout

12 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200412 RF Fanout at Each Cavity


14 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200414 Ferrite Phase Shifter High-Power Test Stand  805 MHz Klystron  12 MW x 100usec (need: 0.5 MW x 1 msec) First goal: See if existing YIG tuner functions at 500kW. (yes!) Ultimate Goal: 0.2 dB loss for 360 deg. phase shift in 100~500usec. Door-knob Transition YIG Ferrite Phase Shifter Dry Load Ferrite Bias Supply Hybrid Tee 12 MW Klystron A. Moretti, D. Wildman, N. Solyak, Y. Terechkine

15 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200415 Main Injector Upgrade to 2 MW Present Upgrade Injection kinetic energy (GeV) 88 Extraction kinetic energy (GeV) 120 8 - 120 Protons per MI cycle 3  10 13 1.5  10 14 Cycle time at 120 GeV (s)1.867 1.533 Beam power (MW) 0.31.9 Increase beam intensity by a factor of 5 Reduce cycle time by 20% Increase beam power by a factor of 6

16 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200416 Technical Systems Upgrade

17 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200417 Dual PA for MI RF Cavity To be replaced by a 2 nd PA

18 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200418 New RF Design Z 0 = 20 , R= 100 k , Q = 4000, R/Q = 25 , V = 240 kV

19 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200419 Large Aperture Quadrupole Lamination design3-D calculation Fabricating 9 magnets, 7 to be installed in the MI in 2005

20 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200420 Issues Concerning 8 GeV H  Ions

21 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200421 Blackbody Radiation Stripping At 8 GeV, thermal photons emitted from the room temperature beam pipe would cause a loss of ~ 0.53 × 10  6 m  1 sec  1 Or about 0.53 × 10 8 particles m  1 sec  1 High radiation activation on the beam pipe is a serious concern 8 GeV 1 GeV

22 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200422 Foil Stripping Efficiency  Measurements Webber & Hojvat, 1979 Fermilab linac, 200 MeV Gulley et al., 1996 LANL linac, 800 MeV 11.2% H 0 0.4% H 0 H0H0 H-H- H+H+ H+H+ H-H- H0H0

23 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200423 Foil Stripping Efficiency  Calculation 0.5% H 0

24 Chou for Foster ICFA-HB2004 Workshop, October 20, 200424 Summary  Proton driver and ILC are two candidates for a future construction project at Fermilab  The sc linac design is chosen. This has the major advantage of a large overlap in R&D for both candidates, e.g., SMTF  A key R&D item is the fast phase shifter  A comprehensive understanding of the transport and stripping of 8 GeV H  ions is another high priority item  The lab has decided to work towards the goal of getting DOE’s CD0 approval next year.

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