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Using cash crops to strengthen one empire, while devastating another…

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1 Using cash crops to strengthen one empire, while devastating another…





6  What is one question that you had on either chart?  Try to figure out an answer for your questions

7  Leading power in India  Officially, the British government regulated the East India Company’s efforts both in London and in India  Until the early 19 th century, the East India Co. ruled India with little interference from the British government  Even had its own army, led by British officers

8  India was considered the most valuable of all of Britain’s colonies.  Thus, Britain considered India its brightest “jewel” in its “crown”  India was a major supplier of raw materials  300 million people in India also made it a large potential for British- made goods

9  The British set up restrictions that prevented the Indian economy from operating on its own  Policies required India to produce raw materials (cash crops) for British manufacturing and to buy British finished goods (such as cheap cloth)  Example: you grow corn on your land, but have to buy corn tortillas and “corn on the cob” from someone else (so they make all the profit)

10  Indian goods (goods made in India) were not allowed to compete with British goods  The British establish a railroad network in India, making it economically valuable (remember, economics have to do with money or wealth)  Establishing a railroad network meant easier and more trading…which meant the British needed more resources (cash crops) to trade = more $$$ for the British

11  How much control did India have over its production of resources?  Justify your answer Yes…because… No…because…

12  Food crops replaced with “cash crops”  Cash crops were crops (goods) that could be sold for profit (exported to Europe, benefit Britain)  Since the trading companies were owned and operated by the British and not the Indians…the British gained the Gold and the Glory

13  Cash crops included:  Jute (fiber used to make sacks and cord)  Wheat, oilseeds, tea, cotton, indigo, coffee, opium  So:  India produces opium and then British ship it to China  China gives tea in exchange  Tea is sold to England (British empire)  British profit on all ends!!!


15  What are some + / - of replacing all your crops with “cash crops” (especially non-edible)?

16  Railroad system allowed India to develop a modern economy and brought unity to the different regions  Also helped to modernize:  Modern road network  Telephone and telegraph lines  Dams, bridges, and irrigation canals

17  Sanitation and public health improved  Schools and colleges founded, literacy increased  British troops put an end to local warfare among competing rulers


19  How did the use of cash crops impact India?  Was it a positive and/or negative impact? How did it impact them positively? How did it impact them negatively?  Why did this happen? (what happened to cause this situation?)

20  British had most of the political and economic power in India  India couldn’t control its production of resources or commerce (buying, selling, trading)  British restricted Indian-owned industries such as textiles (cloth)  Which resulted in loss of economic stability

21  Emphasis on cash crops resulted in a loss of self-sufficiency (independent living) for many Indians due to reduced food production  which caused a major famine (food shortage; starvation)  British modernized India  Improved education, sanitation, transportation, irrigation, and communication  Made economically valuable

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