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You Said, We Did…. Launch; October 2009 You Said: “We need to be heard when we speak about what matters to us and our children.” We Did: Set up the Parents’

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Presentation on theme: "You Said, We Did…. Launch; October 2009 You Said: “We need to be heard when we speak about what matters to us and our children.” We Did: Set up the Parents’"— Presentation transcript:

1 You Said, We Did…

2 Launch; October 2009 You Said: “We need to be heard when we speak about what matters to us and our children.” We Did: Set up the Parents’ Assembly – now consisting of just under 300 members, all of whom are regularly consulted on key issues.


4 E-Safety Workshop You Said: “We are concerned about our children’s online safety.” We Did: “How To Be A Cyber Parent” – a workshop showing parents how to protect their children on the internet.

5 Youth Offer You Said: “We want to know what support is available for our children and young people and how to access it.” We Did: Worked with hundreds of people citywide to circulate publications and information packs about the services on offer.

6 Anti-Social Behaviour Statistics You Said: “We want to know how accurate the media portrayal of anti-social behaviour in Sheffield actually is.” We Did: A workshop on the true extent of anti- social behaviour, addressing the myths and presenting the realities.

7 Story Time; June 2010 You Said: “There are too few low-cost / no-cost activities available for families at half term.” We Did: “Story Time” – an event in the city centre including a drama workshop, an art wall, storytelling, DJ’ing and street dancing; with MC Nige and Johnny Nelson in attendance.


9 Staying Safe You Said: “We have concerns about how safe our children are and what we can do to keep them out of harm’s way.” We Did: Put on a series of workshops looking at Road Safety, E-Safety and Gangs.

10 Website You Said: “We would like to have regular information available at a few clicks.” We Did: Relaunched our website, splitting pages into bitesize chunks and making information available to download.

11 Parents’ Assembly Newsletter You Said: “We want to be kept informed of the work of the Parents’ Assembly and how we can access other services.” We Did: Produced quarterly newsletters for all members, available on email, on the website and at venues across the city.

12 Membership Cards & Discounts You Said: “How about an extra incentive to join the Parents’ Assembly?” We Did: Contacted local businesses, 18 of whom offer discounts and freebies on their services to all members.

13 Oh, and he said: “Parents’ Assembly is a superb initiative that every local authority ought to have.” -Bestselling author Gervase Phinn, July 2010

14 To all our members and partners, we’d like to say a huge…

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