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Aquatic Critters By: Brittany Martin. Benthic Macroinvertebrates  They are organisms without backbones and they live in the bottom substrates of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Aquatic Critters By: Brittany Martin. Benthic Macroinvertebrates  They are organisms without backbones and they live in the bottom substrates of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquatic Critters By: Brittany Martin

2 Benthic Macroinvertebrates  They are organisms without backbones and they live in the bottom substrates of the habitat they live in for at least part of their life. Benthic Macroinvertebrates are also invisible to the naked eye. The most abundant of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates tend to be insect larva in freshwater aquatic ecosystems.

3 Tubifex Worms  Eats decaying matter.

4 Leeches  Eats insects like gnats and mosquitos. Some are also bloodsuckers.

5 Planaria  Eats living and dead small animals, decaying organic matter, and can eat fish eggs.

6 Scuds/“Sideswimmers”  Eats plant and animal matter.

7 Cranefly Adult The do not eat, their purpose is to mate and die. Larva Eats grass roots.

8 Water Boatmen  Eats Algae and minute aquatic organisms.

9 Water Strider  Eats small insects that come to the surface of the water and larva.

10 Predaceous Diving Beetle  Eats worms, dragonflies, small fish, and snails without shells.

11 Whirligig Beetle  Eats small pond insects.

12 Scavenger Beetle  Eats carcasses, feathers, fur, skin, rotting meat, pet food, bacon, cheese and dried fish.

13 Dragonfly Nymph Eats insects. Adult Eats other insects and eat other dragonflies.

14 Damselfly Nymph Eats aquatic insects. Adult Eats mosquitoes.

15 Mayfly Nymph Don’t eat. Adult Eats algae, buds, young leaves.

16 Stonefly Nymph Eats vegetation, pollen, and nectar. Adult Eats vegetation, pollen, and nectar.

17 Caddisfly Nymph Eats small aquatic vascular plants. Adult Eats decaying plant tissue and algae.

18 Dobsonfly Nymph Adult Don’t eat.

19 Water Pennies Larva Eats algae. Riffle Beetle Adult Eats algae and detritus.

20 What Is That? Jared Hostrander Period 1-2

21 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Animals without backbones that are larger than ½ millimeter (the size of a pencil dot). These animals live on rocks, logs, sediment, debris and aquatic plants during some period in their life. The benthos include crustaceans such as crayfish, mollusks such as clams and snails, aquatic worms and the immature forms of aquatic insects such as stonefly and mayfly nymphs.

22 Tubifex Worms Consumer- Eats large amounts of mud and other organic debris

23 Leeches Consumer- Some species feed on blood, others eat detritus, decaying plant and animal debris

24 Planaria Consumer- Planaria eat living or dead small animals

25 Scuds/Sideswimmers Consumer- Eat plant and animal matter

26 Cranefly Larva/Adult Consumer- Mostly plants and plant debris; some are predaceous

27 Water Boatmen Consumer- The majority of species are herbivorous, but some species may eat small animals such as tadpoles

28 Water Strider Consumer- Eats small insects

29 Whirligig Beetle Consumer- Eats aquatic insects and small insects May look metallic Often groups of them swim in circles Video

30 Dragonfly Nymph/Adult Consumer- Predaceous, nymphs feed upon other aquatic macro invertebrates, small fish, and tadpoles

31 Damselfly Nymph/Adult Consumer- Predaceous, nymphs feed on other aquatic macro invertebrates

32 Mayfly Nymph/Adult Consumer- Consists of small plant and animal debris, such as algae, diatoms, and plankton

33 Stonefly Nymph/Adult Consumer- Some stoneflies are carnivorous, others feed on algae, bacteria, and vegetable debris

34 Caddisfly Nymph/Adult Consumer- larvae feed on algae, small bits of plant material, and animals; some species build nets where they catch drifting food

35 Dobsonfly Nymph/Adult Consumer- Predaceous larvae feed upon other aquatic macro invertebrates

36 Water Pennies-Riffle Beetle Consumer- Primarily plant debris such as algae and diatoms

37 Gilled Snails / Air Breathing Snail


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