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Presentation on theme: "INVERTEBRATES BY SPENCER HOUSTON AND BRADY MURPHY SH."— Presentation transcript:



3 MOLLUSK EX: sea snail Definition: Soft body and no bones Body Systems: On these animals, the mantle is a tough layer that forms a covering for the soft body. Reproduction: They release eggs and sperm into the water, where the eggs are fertilized. Food: Snails have an organ is celled a raolule. Habitats: sea water Problems: Birds Fun Facts: snails shell changes color. BM

4 ECHINODERM'S EX: Sea Animals Definition: Echinoderm's are invertebrates that have internal skeleton's and spines sticking out from it’s body. Body systems – Underneath the sea stars are rays of soft tentacles and tube feet. Reproduction- The female sea star lays a million eggs at a time. Food- They eat dead crabs or dead fish. Sometimes thay eat meat. Habitat- They live in all the oceans of the world, mostly around coral reefs. Predators and problems- Other animals in the oceans and humans. Fun Facts- Sea stars can grow back there arms. BM

5 ARTHROPODS  EX : spider  Definition: An animal that has a jointed exoskeleton and joined limbs.  Body systems: book lungs it is a symmetrical body and has eight legs and pincers or fang to usually inject poison but not all spiders inject poison.  Reproduction: reproduces sexually the female lays eggs.  Food: animals are there food the use poison or sharp pincers to get there food.  Habitat: the kind of live everywhere in the world like houses holes and walls.  Predators and problem: Humans step on them because we are usually afraid of the them.  They make there on house out of web and they live in it. SH

6 NEMATODES EX: Rouded Worms Definition:An animal, with a round tube body, that has a digestives system with to opens. Body Systems: Mandy round worms harm often organsins in which they live and feed. Food: It is used to take in food and to push out wastes. To eat, a planarian externs a tube form it mouth. Habitat: Rocks- live in soil. Fun Facts: Sucks small parasites liquids into the animals. BM

7 SPONGES Ex Venus flower basket Definition: is a type of animal that filters water that it live in to get food. Body System's The beating motion of the worm with structures force water thru the sponge. Reproduction they reproduce sexually with eggs and sperms. Food A living sponge filters the water to get food. Habitat Lives at the bottom of the sea and on oe next to coral reefs. Problems clams and humans, fish and lobsters will eat the sponges. SH

8 FLATWORMS Definition. Has a flat body. Body System sense organs and has body organs. Reproduction. Sex organs they can lay eggs. Food has a digestive system with one opening. Habitat lives in all oceans and by coral reefs. Problems fish and jellyfish eat the flatworms. SH

9 MOLLUSKS Definition An animal with a soft body and no bones. Body system has a body shell called a mantle. Reproduction Has eggs and sperm they can make babies called larva. Food Muscular foot to burrow in the sand in the ocean. Uses foot to move. Habitat Lives in the seas and oceans. Problems Fish, octopuses, squids clams or lobsters all eat mollusks. SH

10 CNIDARIANS EX: Box Jelly Fish Definition: An animal with tentacles that have a silley to sting its prey or predator. Body Systems: Mouth, stomach, and tentacle, NO ORGRENS, CELLS. Reproduction: Two parts life cycle. Food: Meat Habitat: Lives in all water sea water and slat water. Promblems: Sea turtes. Fun Facts: They sting predators to live. BM


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