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CEPT preparations status for WRC-15 Mr. Per Christensen (ECO Director) August 2015 The second Annual Middle East & North Africa Spectrum Management Conference,

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Presentation on theme: "CEPT preparations status for WRC-15 Mr. Per Christensen (ECO Director) August 2015 The second Annual Middle East & North Africa Spectrum Management Conference,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CEPT preparations status for WRC-15 Mr. Per Christensen (ECO Director) August 2015 The second Annual Middle East & North Africa Spectrum Management Conference, 28 August 2015, Rabat, Morocco

2 Overview of WRC issues Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 1

3 Role of CPG in the CEPT family Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 2

4 CPG15 Deliverables For both, WRC-15 and the RA-15: European Common Proposals (ECPs) At least 10 administrations in support No more than 6 opposing – as a general guideline CEPT Briefs Describe each agenda item Contains the CEPT view – agreed by consensus at each stage CEPT co-ordination Co-ordination on which lines to take during the Conference. Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 3

5 35 ECPs agreed in June 2015  Mobile Broadband  (1427-1528; 3400-3800) (470-694; 3800-4200; 5 GHz;…)  700 MHz (Band edge 694 MHz, Broadcasting, SAB/SAP)  EESS extension 9-10 GHz  Modern Maritime Communications (VDES)  Radio based Avionic Systems (WAIC)  Fixed Satellite Service at 7-8 GHz  Update of Satellite Regulation (Resolution 86) – 7 Proposals  Regulation on “Small Satellites”  Earth stations on mobile platforms  …  Open for proposals from other regions * European Common Proposals on the above mentioned Agenda Items have already been submitted as input contributions to WRC-15. Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 4

6 CPG15 will decide in September on  Spectrum regulation of Unmanned aerial systems (UAS)  (Automotive) Short-Range-Radar  New FSS frequencies in the range 10-17 GHz  Global flight tracking  Leap second  International Harmonisation of spectrum for PPDR  Coordination arc  … CEPT decided to not develop ECPs on AI 9.1.5 and 9.3 Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 5

7 Agenda Item 1.1 (mobile broadband)  CEPT aims at worldwide harmonization of spectrum for mobile broadband including IMT. Two main frequency bands are essential: 1427-1518 MHz and 3400-3800 MHz. On both detailed proposals with corresponding provision have been agreed.  CEPT does not see any possibility in particular below 694 MHz, 3800-4200 MHz and the 5 GHz range.  Discussions are ongoing regarding 2700 – 2900 MHz, decision will be taken in September. Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 6

8 Agenda Item 1.2 (use of 700 MHz by mobile service)  CEPT supports the lower band edge of 694 MHz (Issue A).  Protection of broadcasting systems, CEPT is of the view that non-mandatory measures in combination with the existing provisions of the GE-06 agreement are sufficient (Issue B).  Spectrum for SAB/SAP, mainly wireless microphones, CEPT supports ITU-R studies for identification of tuning ranges, e.g. under the framework of Resolution ITU-R 59 (Issue D). CPG in June 2015 finally approved the ECPs on Issues A&B and D.  Remaining issue is the protection of aeronautical radionavigation systems (Issue C). CEPT supports bi- or multilateral agreements before WRC-15 based on a common coordination framework, which also provides a frame for protection criteria in the Radio Regulations. Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 7

9 Agenda Item 1.3 (PPDR Resolution 646) CEPT aims at a worldwide harmonised solution for a Revision of Resolution 646 (Rev. WRC-12). CEPT supports Method C of the CPM Report (no frequency ranges mentioning in the Resolution 646). However, CEPT believes that tuning ranges based on the bands which are already in Resolution 646 may still be named in the revised version. Further studies are still ongoing and a non-mandatory reference to a new ITU-R Recommendation/Report provides sufficient flexibility for up- to-date information regarding available PPDR frequency ranges in different countries/regions. Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 8

10 Agenda Item 1.5 (UAS) CEPT is considering two options on this agenda item:  Resolution describing the conditions for the use of some bands allocated to the FSS for control and non-payload communications of UAS;  No change (NOC) to the RR. CEPTs final position will be available in September 2015 Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 9

11 Agenda Item 1.6 (new FSS allocation) CEPT is currently considering three possible solutions: 1. FSS (downlink) allocation (band 13.4-13.65 GHz) + FSS (uplink) allocation (in the band 14.5-14.75 GHz in Regions 1 and 2, and in the band 14.5-14.8 GHz in Region 3); 2. FSS (downlink) allocation, NOC ECP for FSS (uplink). 3. FSS (downlink) allocation + no FSS (uplink) allocation. Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 10

12 Agenda Item 7 (Resolution 86) CEPT is welcoming possible improvements of the coordination and notification procedures for space services. CEPT also supports retaining the current process of continuing evolution at successive WRCs of the regime governing space services. CEPT has developed specific positions to bring improvement to the regulatory process.  CPG approved ECPs on Issues A to G in June.  ECPs on Issues I to L pending CPG approval in September. Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 11

13 Agenda Item 10 (Future agenda) CEPT is currently discussing 13 different proposals for WRC-19 agenda items amongst those are:  IMT above 6 GHz;  sharing mechanisms for Wireless Access Systems including radio local area networks in the 5 GHz range;  land mobile/fixed services in the frequency range 275-450 GHz;  allocation to the space operation service in the range 137 MHz – 960MHz to accommodate the growing number of small non-GSO satellites;  earth stations on mobile platforms operating with GSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency ranges 17.7-19.7 GHz and 27.5-29.5 GHz;  development and implementation of the Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System. The CEPT position will be finalised in September. Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 12

14 GFT (Plenipotentiary Conference Res. 185) CEPT noted that this issue can be addressed in different ways aiming at:  a new allocation to the AMS(R)S allowing the system of ADS-B to receive existing signals by satellite;  a new agenda item for WRC -19 to achieve a global air traffic surveillance and management system. CEPT is currently considering both approaches and its final proposal will be available after the meeting in September. Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 13

15 Useful links: CPG page: Coordinators: CEPT Briefs/ECPs: ecps-for-wrc-15 ecps-for-wrc-15 CEPT presentations to other Regional organisations: cept-presentations-to-regional-organisations cept-presentations-to-regional-organisations Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 14

16 THANK YOU ECO Nyropsgade 37, 4th floor 1602 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 33 89 63 00 Per Christensen, ECO Director MENA Conference, 28 August, Rabat, Morocco Page 15

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