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Alpha Phi Omega Board Re-Structuring Proposal By Delta Chapter.

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1 Alpha Phi Omega Board Re-Structuring Proposal By Delta Chapter

2 2 Outline  Motivations for Change  Issues Considered  Current Board Structure  Delta Chapter’s Proposed Board Structure  Proposed Changes to Program Director  Proposed Changes to Executive Committee  Proposed Changes to Region Structure  Benefits of the Proposed Changes  Primary Differences between National Board’s proposal and Delta Chapter’s proposal

3 3 Motivations for Change  Current board structure has been in place for over thirty years with little change  National Board membership has become too large to effectively meet and manage fraternity affairs  Ensure qualified leadership is elected to the National Board from convention floor  Control of changing financial structure is limited by board experience  Desire for more student voice and involvement on National Board

4 4 Motivations for Change (continued)  Desire to develop more internal volunteers throughout Fraternity  Desire to create better communication between chapters, sections, regions and board  Desire to ensure that students are controlling the direction of the National Fraternity  Desire to better react to emergencies  Desire to improve the quality and quantity of chapters and their memberships

5 5 Motivations for Change (continued)  Desire to improve recognition of membership needs identified at and between conventions  Desire to improve Scouting and Youth Services relations with partner organizations  Desire to develop “Brotherhood” across entire student membership and promote all three cardinal principles

6 6 Issues Considered  Student involvement on board  Size of National Board Membership  Election process of program directors  Board Experience/New Leadership  Financial Structure

7 7 Issues Considered (continued)  Internal Volunteer Development  Ability to react to Emergencies  Ability to meet Membership Needs  How to develop and improve Scouting & Youth Services

8 8 Current Board Structure -41 members Note: Many current Board members are not active but count in quorum. Of the 41 members 19 are elected by the current National Convention and 17 were elected by previous Conventions. 5 are members by virtue of their positions.* National President National Vice-President 6 Program Directors 11 Regional Directors Elected by the students at the National Convention 17 Past National Presidents and Life Members of the Board Elected by students at previous National Conventions 5 Ex-officio MembersMember of the Board by virtue of their position *Information taken from National Board’s “Board Restructuring Proposal”

9 9 Delta Chapter’s Proposed Board Structure President (elected by students at convention) Voting Power 11 Region Directors (elected by students at convention) Voting Power 6 Program Directors (elected by students at convention) (Voice but no vote) 2 Presidential Advisors (elected by students at convention) Voting Power Ex-Officio Members: National Executive Dir., National Legal Counsel, International Relations Director Corporate Advisor (elected by Board of Directors) Voting Power Representative of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America (approved by National Board) Vice-President (elected by students at convention) Voting Power

10 10 Proposed Changes to Board Structures  National President & National Vice-President: Continue student elections at each National Convention  Corporate Advisor: Add experience to the board that current Board Members may not possess. Elected by the Board of Directors to serve concurrent term of two years. National Convention may wish to add additional Corporate Advisor positions in the future. This would serve as an experimental period for future growth.

11 11 Proposed Changes to Board Structure (continued)  Program Directors: Restrict the number of votes on the Board of Directors Program Directors shall no longer have a vote, but will continue to have voice. Program Directors will be held accountable for their actions and duties, will help to eliminate inequality of power within the Fraternity. Will allow Program Directors to focus on Program Development rather than governance of chapters.  Regional Directors: Directly responsible for hearing the concerns of the students Directly responsible for hearing input from other National Board members and committees

12 12 Proposed Changes to Board Structure (continued)  Regional Directors (continued): Would carry a greater responsibility for the decision making process of the National Fraternity Would be directly more accountable to the students and chapters.  Internal Volunteer Development. Development of two related but separate paths for Internal Volunteers Region Directors will be charged primarily with a management style of Leadership Program Directors will be charged with a creative and developing style of Leadership.

13 13 Proposed Changes to Board Structure (continued)  Life Members of the Board: Removal of Life Members of the Board  Past National Presidents: Shall be two Past National Presidents selected to serve on board at each convention. Past National Presidents on the National Board shall be known as Presidential Advisors for clarity. Past National Presidents would submit nominations, would be considered by Nominations Committee and would be elected after the Program Directors election. Incumbent National President is eligible to be elected as Presidential Advisor, if not re-elected as President. May be nominated from the floor. Otherwise they would submit nomination.

14 14 Proposed Changes to Board Structure (continued)  National Archivist: Charged with ensuring the collection and protection of the Fraternities historical items Not necessary to be at National Board Meetings which primarily focus on the membership development and governance of the national fraternity. Continue to be appointed by the President but would not be required to participate in Board activities unless otherwise directed by the President or Board.

15 15 Proposed Changes to Board Structure (continued)  Representative of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America: BSA Representative will continue to be a member of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, shall be approved by National Board of Directors. Will serve on the Scouting and Youth Services Committee as the partner liaison with the Boy Scouts of America. Will remain on the National Board of Directors and continue to have a vote.

16 16 Program Directors National President Finance & Operations Director (1 st Program Director Elected) Membership & Extension Director (2 nd Program Director Elected) Marketing Director (3 rd Program Director Elected) Scouting & Youth Services Director (4 th Program Director Elected) Service & Communications Director (5 th Program Director Elected) Leadership Development Director (6 th Program Director Elected)

17 17 Proposed Changes to Program Director  Alumni Relations and Internal Volunteer Development Director shall become an appointed office under the President.  Marketing Director shall become a permanent Program Director position.  Scouting and Youth Services shall become a permanent Program Director position.

18 18 Proposed Changes to Program Director (continued)  Program Directors shall be elected in order: This election process will aid in filling each position with the best possible candidate. Those members vying for a program director position shall testify to their capabilities in the Nominations Committee prior to the election. Each candidate shall submit a nomination for each Director’s position they wish to run for and interview for each. The process of interviewing shall be left to the determination of the Nominations Committee, however, it is recommended that each member be interviewed for all appropriate positions during one interview session so as to expedite the committee interview process and eliminate redundancy.

19 19 Proposed Changes to Program Director (continued)  Program Directors (continued): Each legislative election shall remove the corresponding elected member from subsequent election nominations. Term Limits: Members shall be limited to no more than three consecutive terms (six years) of service as a Program Director effective January 1, 2007. By instating term limits, more volunteers will have the opportunity to be of service on the National level and will help to ensure that all programs are continually developed. Members may be elected to a PD position after their one term vacancy from any PD office.

20 20 Executive Committee National President 2 Presidential Advisors Corporate Advisor Ex-Officio Members National Executive Director National Legal Counsel National Vice President

21 21 Proposed Changes to Executive Committee  Executive Committee: Shall consist of five voting members: National President, National Vice President, Two Past National Presidents (known as Presidential Advisors), and the Corporate Advisor. Shall consist of two ex-officio members: National Executive Director and National Legal Counsel The Executive Committee, at the discretion of the National President, shall ask any other members or directors to attend Executive Committee meetings as necessary. Any such members shall have voice, but no vote. The Executive Committee shall have the power to act on behalf of the National Board between board meetings on those matters considered to be of financial, legal, personnel or public relations emergency status which must be handled prior to the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting.

22 22 Proposed Region Structure Region Director Region Staff Regional Student Council Sectional Student Council Section Chairs Section Representatives Section Staff

23 23 Proposed Changes to Region Structure  Student Participation on the Board: No direct student participation due to travel and expectations Can not expect a student to be able to accurately and reliably voice the concerns of all fellow student members across the nation  Regional Student Council: The Regional Student Council will consist of the chairpersons of each of the Sectional Student Councils within the respective region. The council shall elect a chairperson to oversee council meetings.  Sectional Student Council: To consist of one student representative from each chapter within the respective Section. The council shall elect a chairperson to oversee council meetings and represent the Section on the Regional Student Council.

24 24 Proposed Changes to Region Structure (continued)  Purpose of Regional and Sectional Student Councils: To allow for greater student voice throughout the National Fraternity and ensure that actions taken by the Board between conventions would be within the scope of the students desires. To promote effective communication between the Students and the National Board ensuring that all voices can be heard and that democracy prevails. To ensure that the student elected leadership of the National Board is held accountable for Board actions. To promote Leadership, Friendship and Service between chapters, sections, regions and the nation as a whole. To develop future alumni volunteers and leaders by giving more students an opportunity to participate in the decision making process of the National Fraternity.

25 25 Proposed Changes to Region Structure (continued)  Council Responsibilities and Duties: To discuss issues facing the national fraternity on a local student level To voice concerns about proposals to be considered by the National Board To make ongoing recommendations to the National Board and National Convention To promote the general welfare of the chapters through effective communication with the National Board To convene monthly/bi-monthly, or as needed, under the direction of the Section Chair and Regional Director respectively.

26 26 Benefits More student involvement Student voice heard on Board Board size decreased Program Directors position based on credentials, instead of popularity vote Internal Volunteers developed Additional experience brought to Board

27 27 Benefits (continued) Better suited to react to emergencies Developed ability to meet membership needs Improve relationships with partner organizations Ensures Board follows students direction Development of Program Director positions Nominations Committee Structured for time consideration Promotes cardinal principles and brotherhood

28 28 Primary Differences between Proposals  National Board’s proposed Board Restructuring  1 student voice on Board representing 11 Regional Student Advisors  2 Region Directors elected from 11 Region Directors to serve on Board of Directors  3 Members elected by Board to broaden expertise  5 At-Large members elected to Program Director Positions  2 Past National Presidents  Executive Committee remains unchanged  Focus removes voice and power from Region Directors, power shifts more to Program Directors and 3 outside members of the Board  Limited accountability to students over 3 outside members elected by board  Program Director positions remain unchanged  Increased student involvement of approximately 11 members

29 29 National Board’s Proposed Board Structure – 18 members National President & Vice President + 5 At- Large Members 2 Past Presidents 3 Ex-officio Members Elected by the students at the National Convention Elected by students at prior National Conventions Member of the Board by virtue of their position 11 Regional DirectorsElected by the students 2 Regional Directors serve on B of D Elected by the 11 Regional Directors 11 Regional Student AdvisorsElected by the students Student Chair serves on Board of Dir. Elected by the 11 Regional Student Advisors Unknown Number of Program Chairs Appointed by the President 3 MembersMembers elected by the Board *Information taken from National Board’s “Board Restructuring Proposal”

30 30 Primary Differences between Proposals (continued)  Delta Chapter’s proposed Board Restructuring  Regional Student Council, and Sectional Student Council in place to improve students voice on the board  11 Region Directors serve on Board, have input from Program Directors and directly from Student Councils  1 Corporate Advisor elected by Board to broaden expertise (trial period)  6 Specific Program Directors elected in specified order  2 Presidential Advisors (Past Presidents), apply to Nominations Committee, elected from floor  Executive Committee composition changes  Focus removes power from Program Director, power shifts to Region Directors  Greater accountability of Board members to students  Increased student involvement of approximately 366 students  Increased chapter reporting, support, quality and strength through Student Councils  Better reporting and communication expected under Section Chairs/ Region Directors  Proposal begins unifying voice of all students between and at conventions  Increases awareness of students by participation in councils

31 31 Questions or Comments? Email feedback to: Authors: Delta Chapter

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