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Electric-Dipole Moment Searches * Philip Harris *(mainly neutron)

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1 Electric-Dipole Moment Searches * Philip Harris *(mainly neutron)
Room-temperature nEDM expt: latest results CryoEDM: upcoming, 100x sensitivity Other EDM expts

2 Electric Dipole Moments
EDMs are P odd T odd Complementary approach to study of CPv; probe new physics SM predictions v. small; other models typ. 106 larger... + E dn = dn s

3 Generating EDMs E.g. in SUSY: g
Assumptions: gg’a, sin(f)1, L200 GeV Gives u, d quark EDMs  3x10-24 ecm 100 x current limit “SUSY CP” problem g coupling const g squark g’eif q q gaugino

4 Constraints on SUSY parameters
MSUSY = 500 GeV tan b = 3 Pospelov & Ritz, hep-ph/

5 SUSY, cont’d Lebedev et al., hep-ph/

6 Measurement principle
Use (Ramsey) NMR on ultracold neutrons in B, E fields B0 B0 E B0 E <Sz> = + h/2 h(0) h() h() <Sz> = - h/2 () – () = – 4 E d/ h assuming B unchanged when E is reversed. Level splitting we can resolve: <10-21 eV

7 Apparatus High voltage lead Magnetic shielding Magnetic field coil
B Storage cell Approx scale 1 m S N Magnet & polarizing foil /analysing foil Ultracold neutrons (UCN) UCN detector

8 Apparatus HV feedthru Neutron storage chamber B-field coils

9 nEDM measurement Keep track of neutron resonant frequency
Look for n freq changes correlated with changes in E Electric Field + - This slide is a quick summary slide for short talks.

10 Mercury co-magnetometer
Compensates B drift... This slide is a quick summary slide for short talks.

11 nEDM measurement T Raw neutron frequency Corrected frequency
Corrected frequency This slide is a quick summary slide for short talks. -10 Precession frequency (Hz) D B = 10 T 5 10 15 20 25 Run duration (hours)

12 New systematic Two effects:
and, from Special Relativity, extra motion-induced field

13 Geometric Phase Bnet ... so particle sees additional rotating field
J. Pendlebury et al., PRA (2004) P. Harris, J. Pendlebury, PRA (2006) Bnet Br Bnet ... so particle sees additional rotating field Bv Bottle (top view) Frequency shift  E Looks like an EDM Unique signature: can eliminate it

14 Error budget (10-26 Effect Shift Uncertainty Statistical 1.51
1.51 Door cavity dipole; quadrupole fields -1.10 0.45 Other GP dipole shifts 0.60 (E x v)/c2 from translation 0.05 (E x v)/c2 from rotation 0.10 Light shift: direct & GP 0.35 0.08 B fluctuations 0.24 E forces – distortion of bottle 0.04 Tangential leakage currents 0.01 AC B fields from HV ripple 0.001 Hg atom EDM 2nd order Exv 0.002 Total –0.75 1.51 stat, 0.80 sys

15 Final Result New limit: |dn| < 3.0 x 10-26 (90% CL)
(prev. limit 6.3 x, PRL 82, 904 (1999)) Preprint hep-ex/ provisional acceptance PRL

16 2. CryoEDM 100-fold improvement in sensitivity! More neutrons
ln = 8.9 Å; E = 1.03 meV Landau-Feynman dispersion curve for 4He excitations Dispersion curve for free neutrons R. Golub and J.M. Pendlebury Phys. Lett. 53A (1975), Phys. Lett. 62A (1977) More neutrons Higher E field Better polarisation Longer coherence time 100-fold improvement in sensitivity!

17 CryoEDM overview Neutron beam input Cryogenic Ramsey chamber
Transfer section

18 Cryogenic Ramsey chamber
HV electrode HV feed Superfluid He n storage cells (eventually 4)

19 CryoEDM Turns on October 2006

20 3. Other EDM experiments: PSI
spallation target D2O moderator currently testing apparatus from ILL

21 Other nEDM experiments: USA
SNS at ORNL LANL-led testing underway not yet funded

22 Electron EDM: Berkeley
State analyser laser Use unpaired e- in paramagnetic atom Pairs of Tl beams in opposite E fields Na beams as comagnetometer Down beam Up beam E field B field Final result: de<1.6 x (systematics limited) State preparation laser

23 Electron EDM measurements
Group System Advantages Projected gain D. Weiss (Penn St.) Trapped Cs Long coherence ~100! D. Heinzen (Texas) H. Gould (LBL) Cs fountain ? L. Hunter (Amherst) GdIG solid Huge S/N 100? S. Lamoreaux (LANL) C.-Y. Liu (Indiana) GGG solid 100?-100,000? E. Hinds (Imperial) YbF beam Large Internal E 3, then 30 D. DeMille (Yale) PbO* cell Int.E+good S/N 30-1,000? E. Cornell (JILA) trapped HBr+ Int. E + long T ?? N. Shafer-Ray (Okla.) trapped PbF (This slide mainly from DeMille, PANIC ’05)

24 Imperial College Electron EDM experiment
J.J.Hudson, B.E. Sauer, M.R. Tarbutt, & E.A. Hinds, PRL. 89, (2002). Molecule interferometer detection laser PMT state recombiner Pulsed supersonic YbF beam source state splitter pulsed YAG laser Yb target Ar+SF6 skimmer E B pump laser Now taking data Studying systematics Results soon

25 199Hg EDM Optically pumped 199Hg atoms precess in B, E fields, modulating absorption signal Dual cells remove effect of drifts in B Result: d(199Hg) < 2.1 x e cm Provides good limit on CPv effects in nuclear forces, inc. qQCD

26 ... and more! Muon EDM: from g-2 (7E-19; proposal at JPARC for ~10-24)
Deuterium EDM: similar principle (may reach ~10-29 Tau weak dipole moment – look for CP-odd observables in diff. x-sec at Z res. (6E-18 from LEP data) Sensitivity to physics BSM depends on source of CPv

27 Conclusions New nEDM limit, 3.0 x 10-26
Tightens the constraints on beyond-SM CPv Systematics understood as never before CryoEDM coming soon – 100x more sensitive Several new measurements starting up Watch this space!

28 spare slides

29 Cryogenic Ramsey chamber
HV electrode Superfluid He n storage cells

30 Ramsey method of Separated Oscillating Fields
4. 3. 2. 1. Free precession... Apply /2 spin flip pulse... “Spin up” neutron... Second /2 spin flip pulse.

31 Ramsey resonance “2-slit” interference pattern
Phase gives freq offset from resonance

32 nEDM apparatus Four-layer mu-metal shield High voltage lead
Quartz insulating cylinder Coil for 10 mG magnetic field Upper electrode Main storage cell Hg u.v. lamp PMT to detect Hg u.v. light Vacuum wall Mercury prepolarising cell RF coil to flip spins Magnet UCN polarising foil UCN guide changeover Ultracold neutrons (UCN) UCN detector

33 Neutron EDM results (binned)
Stat. limit now 1.51 x

34 Neutron EDM results (individual runs)
What’s going on here, for example?

35 Geometric Phase How to measure it
Consider Should have value 1 R is shifted by magnetic field gradients Plot EDM vs measured R-1:

36 Geometric Phase Magnetic field down

37 Geometric Phase Magnetic field up

38 Results EDM The answer? B up B down R-1 Nearly...

39 Small dipole/quadrupole fields
Results Small dipole/quadrupole fields can pull lines apart & add GP shifts EDM B up R-1 B down

40 Small dipole/quadrupole fields
Results Small dipole/quadrupole fields can pull lines apart & add GP shifts EDM B up R-1 Measure and apply correction ...difficult! B down

41 History Factor 10 every 8 years on average Now CryoEDM

42 Other nEDM experiments: Mainz
Testing UCN source at TRIGA, Mainz for later installation at FRM, Munich

43 The interference fringes
Fluorescence signal The interference fringes EDM given by fringe shift with reversal of E or B Magnetic field (nT) Data being taken now. Systematics being studied. de = _ ± 5 x Current status: de = _ ± 5 x Expected 2010:

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