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APES 12.10 and 12.11 Please take out your Mining Lab and FRQ Log in to a computer for notes! Please take out your Mining Lab and FRQ Log in to a computer.

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Presentation on theme: "APES 12.10 and 12.11 Please take out your Mining Lab and FRQ Log in to a computer for notes! Please take out your Mining Lab and FRQ Log in to a computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 APES 12.10 and 12.11 Please take out your Mining Lab and FRQ Log in to a computer for notes! Please take out your Mining Lab and FRQ Log in to a computer for notes!

2 Mining FRQ Scoring  Find the “Mining FRQ Key” on my website (labs/hw page)  Score your neighbor’s paper out of 11  Add things they missed  Find the “Mining FRQ Key” on my website (labs/hw page)  Score your neighbor’s paper out of 11  Add things they missed

3 Mining Basics  How are sites selected?  consider env. cost, potential profits, amt. and stability of overburden (materials that must be removed to reach the mineral)  Types of Mining  Surface Mining (strip mining, open-pit mining, mountaintop removal, placer mining)  Subsurface mining  How are sites selected?  consider env. cost, potential profits, amt. and stability of overburden (materials that must be removed to reach the mineral)  Types of Mining  Surface Mining (strip mining, open-pit mining, mountaintop removal, placer mining)  Subsurface mining

4 Surface Mining 1.Strip Mining: removal of mineral deposits in horizontal strips a.Land is clear-cut and overburden is removed by explosives/heavy equipment b.Mineral deposits removed by huge power shovels c.Overburden is replaced Land cannot be returned to original state, and heavy equipment compacts soil. Long-term damage. 1.Strip Mining: removal of mineral deposits in horizontal strips a.Land is clear-cut and overburden is removed by explosives/heavy equipment b.Mineral deposits removed by huge power shovels c.Overburden is replaced Land cannot be returned to original state, and heavy equipment compacts soil. Long-term damage.

5 Iron-Ore Mine, Liberia Iron-ore mines like this one have altered the landscape of Liberia. The Liberian Civil War (1989- 1996) and the declining world demand for iron ore led to the complete shutdown of Liberian iron-ore mining in the early 1990s. Coal Mine in Appalachia

6 Surface Mining 2. Mountaintop removal  Entire top of a mountain is removed by explosives, causing it to fall into surrounding valleys  Common in coal mining in Eastern U.S.  Permanently buries streams, alters topography 2. Mountaintop removal  Entire top of a mountain is removed by explosives, causing it to fall into surrounding valleys  Common in coal mining in Eastern U.S.  Permanently buries streams, alters topography

7 Surface Mining 3. Open-Pit Mining  A huge hole is dug using explosives and heavy equipment; ore is removed  Pit is abandoned and often fills with water  Pit becomes acidic and polluted with heavy metals due to mine waste left behind  Acid Mine Drainage: Sulfur compounds are oxidized by air, dissolve in rain water to form sulfuric acid run-off! 3. Open-Pit Mining  A huge hole is dug using explosives and heavy equipment; ore is removed  Pit is abandoned and often fills with water  Pit becomes acidic and polluted with heavy metals due to mine waste left behind  Acid Mine Drainage: Sulfur compounds are oxidized by air, dissolve in rain water to form sulfuric acid run-off!

8 One of North America’s largest open-pit copper mines, located in Kennecott, Utah.

9 Surface Mining 4. Placer Mining  Searching for ores in river sediments (i.e. California Gold Rush of mid-1800’s)  Rivers are diverted, dammed to make extraction easier  Mercury is used to chemically remove gold from ores, polluting rivers 4. Placer Mining  Searching for ores in river sediments (i.e. California Gold Rush of mid-1800’s)  Rivers are diverted, dammed to make extraction easier  Mercury is used to chemically remove gold from ores, polluting rivers rJ22U

10 Subsurface Mining  Deep, vertical shafts are drilled with horizontal branches  Less surface env. degradation, but can cause collapse, explosions (methane and coal dust)  Not just for coal!- any ore too far down to remove overburden  Deep, vertical shafts are drilled with horizontal branches  Less surface env. degradation, but can cause collapse, explosions (methane and coal dust)  Not just for coal!- any ore too far down to remove overburden

11 Types of Coal Mining Often called mountaintop removal

12 Downsides of Subsurface Mining  Labor Intensive  Filling in mines after they are empty  Health of workers  Black lung disease, high rates of cancer from particulate matters  Danger of accidents  Labor Intensive  Filling in mines after they are empty  Health of workers  Black lung disease, high rates of cancer from particulate matters  Danger of accidents

13 Major Coal Mining Accidents 3/us/u-s-mine-disasters-fast- facts/ China is by far the most dangerous! 2010 collapse in Chile

14 Environmental Impacts  Clear-cutting of forests  Destruction of soil horizons  Soil compaction  Stream/river destruction, diversion, pollution  Acidic and metallic waste-water pollution  Solid waste, toxic dust and emissions  75% if all solid waste in U.S. comes from mines!  This waste is called “tailings” or mining spoils- unwanted waste material  Clear-cutting of forests  Destruction of soil horizons  Soil compaction  Stream/river destruction, diversion, pollution  Acidic and metallic waste-water pollution  Solid waste, toxic dust and emissions  75% if all solid waste in U.S. comes from mines!  This waste is called “tailings” or mining spoils- unwanted waste material

15 Animas River Spill (8/2015) caused-colorado-mine-spill/

16 Important Legislation in U.S. 1. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA)  Land must be reclaimed after surface mining  Clean up any pollution  **Various levels of enforcement** 2. General Mining Law of 1872  Encourages exploration of mineral resources  Corporations can buy large tracts of public land for cheap!  Minor modifications, but critics argue companies aren’t paying enough taxes on royalties or cleaning up well. 1. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA)  Land must be reclaimed after surface mining  Clean up any pollution  **Various levels of enforcement** 2. General Mining Law of 1872  Encourages exploration of mineral resources  Corporations can buy large tracts of public land for cheap!  Minor modifications, but critics argue companies aren’t paying enough taxes on royalties or cleaning up well.

17 Break Time

18 Soil Degradation #2: Farming! How have we changed our farming practices to meet the nutritional requirements of our growing population?

19 Today, we are producing more food per capita  Food production currently exceeds population growth  We produce food through technology  Fossil fuels, irrigation, fertilizer, pesticides, crossbreeding  Predictions of mass starvation in 1960s did not happen (population bomb, Malthus)  Why? Agricultural technology kept pace  Food production currently exceeds population growth  We produce food through technology  Fossil fuels, irrigation, fertilizer, pesticides, crossbreeding  Predictions of mass starvation in 1960s did not happen (population bomb, Malthus)  Why? Agricultural technology kept pace

20 Too little and too much food  Undernourishment = people receive less than 90% of their daily caloric needs  Mainly from economic reasons in developing countries  31 million Americans are food insecure  Overnutrition = receiving too many calories  In the U.S., 25% of adults are obese  Worldwide, more than 300 million people are obese  Malnutrition = a shortage of nutrients the body needs  The diet lacks adequate vitamins and minerals 


22 What lead to this increase in production?

23 The Green Revolution Defined  A significant increase in agricultural productivity beginning in the 1940s and resulting from the introduction of high-yield varieties of grains, the use of pesticides, and improved management techniques. Norman Borlaug 1940’s Mexico Selective Breeding Disease resistant crops High Productivity crops -0:35-7:30

24 Green Revolution - Increased Agricultural Production  Realization: More people could not be fed simply by cultivating more land.  Spread to the developing world in the 1940s with wheat, rice, corn.  Depended on large amounts of:  Synthetic fertilizers  Chemical pesticides  Irrigation  Heavy equipment  Realization: More people could not be fed simply by cultivating more land.  Spread to the developing world in the 1940s with wheat, rice, corn.  Depended on large amounts of:  Synthetic fertilizers  Chemical pesticides  Irrigation  Heavy equipment

25 Pros and Cons of Green Rev.  From 1900 to 2000, cultivated area increased 33%, while energy inputs increased 80 times!  Positive effects:  Prevented some deforestation  Preserved biodiversity  Negative effects:  Pollution (water and air)  Erosion  Salinization  Desertification  From 1900 to 2000, cultivated area increased 33%, while energy inputs increased 80 times!  Positive effects:  Prevented some deforestation  Preserved biodiversity  Negative effects:  Pollution (water and air)  Erosion  Salinization  Desertification

26 Pros/cons of Monocultures  Monoculture = a large expanse of a single crop  More efficient, increases output  Devastates biodiversity  Susceptible to disease and pests  Narrows human diet: 90% of our food comes from 15 crop species and 8 livestock species Armyworms easily defoliate monocultures


28 Your Turn  We will come back to crop and pest management farming strategies next time.  Let’s investigate how we get our non- vegetarian items by visiting the Meatrix!!!  We will come back to crop and pest management farming strategies next time.  Let’s investigate how we get our non- vegetarian items by visiting the Meatrix!!!

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