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Calcium Silicate Board Calcium Silicate Boards (CSB) are one of the largest selling building boards across the world CSB is preferred over plaster boards.

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Presentation on theme: "Calcium Silicate Board Calcium Silicate Boards (CSB) are one of the largest selling building boards across the world CSB is preferred over plaster boards."— Presentation transcript:


2 Calcium Silicate Board Calcium Silicate Boards (CSB) are one of the largest selling building boards across the world CSB is preferred over plaster boards due to the strength of the material & also the manufacturing process CSB possesses some of the core properties that are not found in contemporary building materials CSB is made with Silicate and Calcium materials as aggregates and strong cellulose fibre as reinforcing materials The Boards are made in a laminar process and autoclaved to give a stable crystalline structure

3 RamcoHILUX Board HILUX is the CSB brand marketed by Ramco Industries Ltd. all over India HILUX is the only board in India manufactured with GEL technology i.e. specially prepared Tobermolite Gel is added to the aggregate mixture during the manufacturing process which makes the boards comparatively light in weight. During the manufacturing HILUX is subjected to HPSC* & HTAD** processes which makes it strong & fit enough to be used in making wall partitions which are as strong as brick walls. Due to its good workability & thermal insulation properties HILUX is used for constructing suspended ceilings (seamless & grid type) By the virtue of its material of construction HILUX has got some versatile core properties, which literally make it a new age building solution * High Pressure Steam Curing ** High Temperature Air Drying

4 HILUX - Core Properties HILUX has got a fire propagation Index of 4.0 which shows it is virtually non-ignitable This property makes the HILUX partitions passive fire protectors The fire resistance rating of the HILUX partitions ranges from 1 hr to 4 hrs

5 HILUX - Core Properties Having made out of porous materials, HILUX boards absorb water / moisture about 60% of their weight. But, because of the solid crystalline structure, these boards do not loose their integrity During wet condition HILUX boards may loose their strength by about 25%. But as soon as get dried, these boards regain their original strength (Just like bricks). This feature makes it an ideal material to be used in humid climates

6 HILUX - Core Properties HILUX boards are made from inorganic materials & hence resistant to vermin, termites & microbial growth This feature ensures the long life of the building interiors in general & also in the places where termites & vermin are a menace The anti-microbial property makes HILUX suitable to be used in the areas of perpetual dampness.

7 HILUX - Core Properties HILUX boards are very stable crystalline structures & do not react with most of the chemicals. Hence, they can be easily decorated with almost all paints. These boards do not change their dimension and their thermal expansion & contraction is negligible. This feature helps in maintaining the integrity of the HILUX structures that are exposed to rapid variations of temperature

8 HILUX - Core Properties HILUX boards are good thermal insulators with a K-Value of 0.13 Kcal / hr m deg C This feature helps in energy conservation on heating & cooling of building interiors HILUX can also be used for beam & A/C duct encasement

9 HILUX - Core Properties HILUX boards are very stable crystalline structures & do not react with most of the chemicals. Hence, they can be easily decorated with almost all paints. These boards do not change their dimension and their thermal expansion & contraction is negligible. This feature helps in maintaining the integrity of the HILUX structures that are exposed to rapid variations of temperature

10 HILUX – Eco Friendly HILUX boards are made out of natural occurring recyclable materials These boards do not contain asbestos HILUX boards do not emit VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) & thus, contributes a healthy living environment HILUX boards can help fetch good rating for GREEN BUILDINGS on recyclable material, water conservation & energy conservation aspects

11 HILUX systems provide very good sound insulation depending on the system design The sound insulation range is 39 dB to 56 dB CalSidecor acoustic tiles carved out of HILUX boards provide an NRC value of 0.7 – 0.85 HILUX – Additional Features

12 HILUX boards are easy to work on & has a superb workability with engineering precision Cutting –Fine toothed panel saw Drilling –Normal low or high speed drills Planning –Edges can be planed / smoothed Sanding –Sanded with conventional papers

13 CalSiDecor – Acoustic Tiles CalSidecor acoustic tiles carved out of HILUX boards are available in 595 mm X 595 mm & 595 mm X 1195 mm sizes

14 CalSiDecor – Acoustic Board CalSidecor acoustic board is available in 6’ X 4’ size & is suitable for acoustic wall paneling

15 CalSiDecor – Designer Tiles CalSidecor designer tiles carved out of HILUX boards are available in 595 mm X 595 mm & 595 mm X 1195 mm sizes


17 Suspended Ceilings Seamless finish

18 Suspended Ceilings Grid Ceiling

19 Wall Partitions

20 Washroom Partitions

21 Hospital Clean room

22 Movie hall interiors

23 Duct & Column encasement

24 Part of Ramco Group, a business conglomerate having presence in Building material, Green Energy, Biotech, Textile & Information Technology verticals Always one of the few organizations that are at the fore-front in bringing innovation & new technology to the country HILUX is manufactured with technological know-how from A & A Material Corporation, Japan which itself is a testament of the quality of the board Pioneers having introduced GEL Technology in the Indian Industry Wide reach with Distributors, Dealers, Depots and Godowns throughout the country Availability of certified applicators who are trained to install the Boards correctly Tech Support Team that is always available before, during and after installation About Ramco Industries

25 A Building Material that … … has excellent aesthetic appeal … … is robust … … is water, fire & termite resistant … … is environment friendly … … is of international pedigree … … is light in weight … … and is also economical? If your need is...

26 Here is the wonder material...

27 Thank You

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