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Are you ready for the quiz? Review yesterday’s notes in interactive notebook. Practice with objectives #1-4.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you ready for the quiz? Review yesterday’s notes in interactive notebook. Practice with objectives #1-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you ready for the quiz? Review yesterday’s notes in interactive notebook. Practice with objectives #1-4.

2 Climate – on a geologic scale – WAAAAY back in the day!

3 First, try this: Take the average of the following numbers: 100, 0 Take the average of 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,& 0 (that’s 9 sets of 100)

4 How does having more data affect an average? Your GPA is a lot harder to change than a progress report grade.

5 Use your graph- reading skills to complete the worksheet

6 Interactive notebook: New page Title: Historical Climate Date: April 14 Cut out Graph A and glue it onto the right side. Leave space below for notes Title the graph Historical Climate Change

7 *Graph: Three important inferences Climate change is natural on Earth 100,000 year cycles between glacial maximum (ice age) and interglacial periods (maximum warmth) A change in -3 o C can create an ice age

8 A change of 1 o is significant Global average temperature = 59 o F Current CO 2 concentration = 398ppm (changing your GPA is much harder than changing a progress report average in one class)

9 Observations?

10 *Milankovitch cycles Combination of these effects creates 100,000 year cycle of warming and cooling Earth’s orbit around the sun

11 Ice core sampling


13 We are changing the carbon cycle – burning ancient carbon (fossil fuels) moves C into the air.


15 *Climate and civilization Human civilizations change when climate changes Farming relies on predictable weather

16 Mayan civilization – collapses suddenly 950 CE (common era – used to be called AD) Leif Erikson – 950 CE sails to Greenland

17 Black Death in Europe – famine 1315-1317 – needed to import grain from China Little Ice age – 1550-1850 Irish Potato Famine

18 Dust Bowl – 1930’s drought+ poor farming practices

19 Wrap it up! Which is surprising to climatologists – that the climate changes or the current rate of change? Has climate always been the same on Earth? What are Milankovitch cycles? How do we depend on predictable climate?

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