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September 27 Molly Dellinger-Wray. Parent of a student who currently attends school Teacher or school staff Administrator Other?

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Presentation on theme: "September 27 Molly Dellinger-Wray. Parent of a student who currently attends school Teacher or school staff Administrator Other?"— Presentation transcript:

1 September 27 Molly Dellinger-Wray

2 Parent of a student who currently attends school Teacher or school staff Administrator Other?

3 Partnership for People with Disabilities at VCU 804/828-6926

4 Dear Parent, Molly is having a difficult time with sequencing events. Please work on this at home. From, Your child’s teacher Dear Teacher, Molly is having a difficult time making her bed. Please work on this at school. From, Your student’s Parent

5 Review appropriateness of IEP goals Day-to-day events at home and school


7 Remember the 5: 1 ratio!



10 Asking for help is a sign of strength! How does your student ask for help?

11 Music Eating- chewing something Walking /standing /moving/dancing Seated posture Writing things down while listening to them Written text to support topic HOW DOES YOUR STUDENT LEARN?


13 Visual schedules Text pictures Social stories What to do when the unpredictable happens!

14 Instead of saying: Don’t screw it up You never study You are never going to be a good student You better shape up or you will fail I know you are going to try your hardest to do your best What part of your studying do you like the best? What parts of school do you like? It’s time to get busy. What do you need to do to ____? What’s realistic? Try saying:

15 Instead of saying: Why are you always Talking? Fooling around? Getting into trouble?

16 Negative thoughts become negative behaviors Create your own crisis word—or one for your family Turn your pessimistic thought into a positive one Press your own reset button

17 Eating Multi vitamin Sleeping Resting “down time” Fun time for everyone Resist the urge for “perfect attendance! Practice hand washing, sneezing, etc. and STAY HOME IF YOU DON’T FEEL WELL

18 Set an example by showing good habits when Working Having fun Being healthy Making choices

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