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APWH Review 1750-1914.

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1 APWH Review

2 AFRICA : Key Concepts African trading empires continued to control most parts of E & W Africa before the 1850s. End of trans-Atlantic slave trade by 1867 Industrialization & nationalism fed the European desire for more influence in Africa by the 1870s New Imperialism: Euro countries began exerting political, economic, and cultural control over their African colonies. “Scramble” for Africa: Africa carved up into colonies, except Ethiopia & Liberia Euro imperialism altered Africans’ political, economic, and cultural way of life.

3 AFRICA 1750-1914: Key Terms Afrikaners Battle of Adowa
Berlin Conference Colonialism Industrial Revolution Modernization Nationalism New Imperialism Palm oil “Scramble” for Africa” Sokoto Caliphate South African War Suez Canal Trans-Atlantic slave trade Zulu

4 THE MIDDLE EAST 1750-1914: Key Concepts
The Ottoman Empire faced a series of political, economic, and social setbacks in the 19th century that led to a decline in its power. Attempts at modernization (i.e. Tanzimat, Young Ottomans) Reforms did not include women “Sick man of Europe” The Eastern Question: Should the OE continue to exist; if not, who should take over its territory? Young Turks: supported a crackdown on ethnic minorities and closer alignment with Germany on the eve of WWI

5 THE MIDDLE EAST 1750-1914: Key Terms
Crimean War Eastern Question Extraterritoriality Greek independence Janissaries Nationalism “Sick man of Europe” Tanzimat Ulama Young Ottomans Young Turks

6 ASIA : Key Concepts Euro colonialism directly and indirectly affected most of Asia during the 19th & early 20th centuries. India (British colony by mid-19th c): large, efficient British bureaucracy saw P, E, & S changes Qing dynasty (19th c): threatened by internal economic crisis and rebellion and pressure to open up the nation to Euro colonial powers Chinese revolution (1911): unable to unite under a single national govt (regional warlords) Japan became a strong imperial power (modernized & industrialized) By the end of the 19th c, nationalist movements that questioned Euro colonial control began to attract supporters, especially among the educated class.

7 ASIA 1750-1914: Key Terms Aborigines Bannermen
British East India Company (EIC) Clipper ships Durbars Extraterritoriality Indentured servants Indian Civil Service Maori Meiji Restoration Most-favored-nation status Nawab Opium War Raj Russo-Japanese War Sepoys Sepoy Rebellion Sino-Japanese War Treaty of Nanking Taiping Rebellion

8 EUROPE : Key Concepts Revolutionary ideas (Enlightenment): individual liberty, citizen’s right to question govt swept across Europe (Late 18th, early 19th c) French Rev produced a conservative reaction throughout Europe (suppression of radical movements) Industrial Revolution: innovation in tech led to increases in productivity IR and Enlight.: created new ideologies that dealt with problems in industrial societies Global economy increased: trade in raw materials & manufactured goods Rise of nationalism led to birth of new nations and conflicts

9 EUROPE 1750-1914: Key Terms Congress of Vienna Crimean War
Declaration of the Rights of Man Division of labor Enlightenment Estates General Industrial Revolution Jacobins Labor unions Laissez-faire Liberalism Mass production Mechanization National Assembly Nationalism Pan-Slavism Positivism Revolutions of 1848 Slavophile Socialism “separate spheres” Steam engine Victorian Age

10 THE AMERICAS 1750-1914: Key Concepts
Enlightenment political ideas: ideological basis of American independence movements American Rev created the 1st constitutional democracy & influenced rev movements throughout the world Revs in the Americas created limited political democracies in which only a minority of the pop. Participated Lat. Am. Nations gained independence in the 19th c, but the creation of stable, successful govts was difficult N. Am: produced manufactured goods Lat. Am: supplied raw materials for those consumer goods Industrialization created new economic and social challenges that led to social reform movements (19th c) U.S. became the dominant economic and politica force in the Americas; began building an empire after Spanish-Am War

11 THE AMERICAS 1750-1914: Key Terms
Abolitionists American Revolution Confederate States of America Creole Declaration of Independence Empire of Brazil Enlightenment Free-trade imperialism Gens de couleur Gran Colombia Haitian Revolution Industrialism Mexican-American War Mexican Revolution Monroe Doctrine Platt Amendment Spanish-American War Trans-Atlantic slave trade

12 Major Comparisons Compare...
Causes & early phases of the industrial revolution in w. Europe and Japan Revolutions: American, French, Haitian, Mexican, Chinese Reaction to foreign domination in: Ottoman Empire, China, India, Japan Nationalism in various countries: Italy, Germany, etc Forms of Western intervention in Latin America and Africa Roles and conditions of women in upper/middle classes w/ peasantry and working class in Western Europe

13 The Big Picture Interconnections of the Industrial Revolution and Imperialism Regional developments and impact on others How were regional developments able to have global impact? Why did nationalism grow? How did nationalism impact Europe, Asia, Americas? How and why does change occur? Social, political, economic developments led to changes in the world. How and why did it happen?

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