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Integers G5.1M.C1.PO3: Locate integers on the number line.

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Presentation on theme: "Integers G5.1M.C1.PO3: Locate integers on the number line."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integers G5.1M.C1.PO3: Locate integers on the number line.

2 Today’s Objective I can review locating integers using zero as a guide for my test.

3 Essential Questions 1. What are positive and negative numbers? How are they related? 2. Which integers are greater than zero and which integers are less than zero? How could the number line be used to determine whether a number is positive or negative? 3. What is absolute value? How does it relate to positive and negative integers?

4 Set... Think why zero is important? Write on your board why zero is important.

5 Lesson Remember that integers are how many spots from zero. If there are no numbers... you can use zero as your guide. 0 Then use just count the lines to find the numbers 123

6 Watch Me.... Look at the number line below. Each space on the number line is one unit long. Which letter represents the number 9? A. P B. X C. T 0 XPT

7 Lets do together.... Look at the number line below. Each space on the number line is one unit long. Which letter represents the number -2? A. D B. F C. Q 0 D Q F

8 You do and we’ll check... Look at the number line below. Each space on the number line is one unit long. Which letter represents the number 5? A. R B. S C. W 0 WRS

9 You do and we’ll check... Look at the number line below. Each space on the number line is one unit long. Which letter represents the number -6? A. N B. M C. B 0 B NM

10 You do and we’ll check... Look at the number line below. Each space on the number line is one unit long. Which letter represents the number 3? A. H B. J C. K 0 K JH

11 Closure: Close your eyes and repeat today’s objective to yourself.

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