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Curriculum Night 2014 Mrs. Browning’s Class First Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night 2014 Mrs. Browning’s Class First Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night 2014 Mrs. Browning’s Class First Grade

2 Daily Schedule 7:50Morning Work 8:20Teacher Directed Reading 9:30Guided Reading 10:30Math 11:05Lunch 11:30Guided Math 12:30Specials 1:10Recess 1:40Science/Social Studies 2:45Dismissal

3 C.O.W. Book Completely Organized Work Homework and responsibility sheet will be in this folder. Money goes in the clear pouch. Make sure money is labeled with a note or inside an envelope to make sure it gets to the correct place. High Frequency Words

4 Tuesday Folders Come home every Tuesday. Many important items in this folder. Please touch every piece of paper. Return the folder the next day.

5 Homework Homework will be given Monday through Thursday. Reading 10-15 minutes Math Spelling Writing (on occasion) Should not take more than 30 minutes. Most important part of the homework: READING! Please initial Responsibility Sheet Nightly.

6 Read to Achieve Students must pass test at the end of 3 rd grade. Dibels and TRC testing in September, January and May PEP’s for all first graders READING IS IMPORTANT!

7 Wanted! Good Behavior! Best in the West!You’re on the Wrong Trail Cowboy!Whoa Partner! Make Better Choices! WANTED! You May Need to See the Sheriff!

8 Classroom Rules Listen and follow directions. Be respectful of others. Keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times. Be responsible for your actions, assignments, and property. Be honest and fair.

9 Communication Please come to me to address any possible concerns or questions. Best form of communication: email

10 Online Payments

11 Field Trips 1 st Quarter – October 28 th Junie B. Jones Play 2 nd Quarter – January 14 th Children’s Museum 3 rd Quarter – March Lazy 5 Ranch??? 4 th Quarter – June Dan Nicholas Park

12 Please remember that to accompany us on ANY fieldtrip, YOU MUST be an approved volunteer. This MUST be renewed on a yearly basis.

13 Morning Drop-off Please remember children should not be dropped off at school prior to 7:50

14 Join Our PTA!

15 The best teacher your child will ever have is you! -anonymous

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