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Integrated Thematic Instruction Integration in the classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Thematic Instruction Integration in the classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Thematic Instruction Integration in the classroom

2 What is integration? What does it mean to have an integrated curriculum? What might it look like?


4 Eight Brain-Compatible Elements Absence of Threat Meaniningful Content Choices Adequate Time Enriched Environment Collaboration Immediate Feedback Mastery (Application)

5 The Model Three parts: Brain Research Curriculum Development Teaching Strategies Bring these three parts together to create a “vehicle” to bring purposeful instruction to the students that we have been entrusted with.


7 Characteristics of an Integrated Curriculum An integrated program includes: Experiences to develop children’s attitudes, skills, and knowledge and to help them make connections across the curriculum Activities that provide for a range of abilities Activities that are both teacher-initiated and directed and child-initiated and directed Whole class, small group, and individual experiences Opportunities for critical and creative thinking Teacher, peer, and self-assessment Opportunities to experience learning as a meaningful whole

8 Themes Themes are not an end to the means without making sure that all parts are there It is not enough to pick and choose what we are comfortable with. The theme needs to have these parts:




12 It must have substance and application to the real world It must have readily available resources It must be age-appropriate It must be worthy of the time spent on it It should flow---from month-to-month and back to center The title should be a kid-grabber

13 Pacey 4th Grade Schedule 2014-2015 TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00 - 8:15Opening 8:15 - 9:30Guided Math Groups 9:30 - 10:30Gym/Music ArtGym/MusicGuidance/Library 10:30 - 11:10 Social Studies/Science 11:10-11:35Tier II 11:35-12:10Lunch/Recess 12:15 - 12:30Read-aloud 12:30 - 1:40 Guided Reading/Daily5 1:40 - 2:00 Recess 2:00 - 3:00Language Arts 3:00 - 3:06Review/Pack Up


15 Recap How will you use the eight brain-compatible elements in your classroom when integrating curriculum?

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