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Presentation on theme: "PLATYHELMINTHES REVIEW"— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Penis Fencing Male & reproductive organs are in same body of planarians 2 planarians “joust or fence” to deliver sperm on the skin of mate Whoever receives sperm first becomes mother

3 2. monoceious Hermaphrodite
Male and females reproductive organs are in the same body

4 3. Flame cells Excretory organ of platyhelminths
Maintains water balance

5 4. Scolex Hooks Head of tapeworm Has hooks & suckers Suckers

6 5. Why do parasitic worms lack a complex digestive system?
They feed off the food already digested by the host.

7 6. Explain why directional movement is correlated with cephalization.
Having a brain with sensory organs allows organisms to move with a purpose in a certain direction

8 7. 4 senses of planarians Sight (sense light) Smell Touch Taste

9 8. 6 characteristics of flatworms
Acoelomate Cephaization Triploblastic Protostome Bilateral symmetry Rely on diffusion for excretion, respiration, circulation

10 9.Explain & draw planarian reproduction
Cells divide to regrow lost body parts

11 10. 2 terms for hosts Intermediate Primary

12 11. Schistosomiasis Caused by parasitic blood fluke – schistosome
Infects people in Asia, Africa & South America Mainly prevalent in unsanitary conditions Causes intestinal bleeding and tissue decay Massive buildup can cause cancer Snail is intermediate host Human is primary host

13 12. How do tapeworms differ from flatworms?
Lack eyespots Lack mouth/pharynx No gastrovascular cavity No other digestive organs

14 13. Life cycle of tapeworm Mature proglottids released in feceseggs are ingested by grazing animalseggs hatch into larvalarva infect muscle tissue of animal & form cystshuman becomes infected from eating undercooked meat

15 14. Organs infected by flukes
Liver Kidney Blood Lung

16 15. What is the most dangerous fluke to infect a human?
Blood fluke

17 16. Signs & symptoms of a porkworm that has formed cysts in the brain
Seizures Hallucinations Coma Death

18 17. How do lung flukes spread so rapidly?
Cause inflammation in the lungs which causes the person to cough up blood contaminated with eggsthe blood is reswallowed & eggs are passed out in feces

19 18. Id 4 symptoms of a tapeworm
Digestive probs Weight loss Lack of energy Anemia

20 19. Flatworms are the first to show what?
Bilateral symmetry Cephalization

21 20. What happens if you come in contact with tapeworm eggs in feces?
Causes cysts in tissues

22 21. What happens when you ingest cysts of tapeworm in undercooked pork?
You get the worm in your gut

23 22. How many people are infected with the tapeworm?
50 million

24 23. What medicine is given to kill a tapeworm?

25 24. How many people are infected with Schistosomiasis worldwide?
200 million


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