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Third Grade – Jan. 20 and 21. Grant Purpose and Background Partnerships Purpose of this Training Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee.

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Presentation on theme: "Third Grade – Jan. 20 and 21. Grant Purpose and Background Partnerships Purpose of this Training Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Grade – Jan. 20 and 21

2 Grant Purpose and Background Partnerships Purpose of this Training Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education Standards for Math as measured through a STEM challenge. Introductions and Training Purpose

3 Teams Bathrooms/Breaks/Cell Phones Agenda STEM Materials Training Teams and Logistics

4 Please take the time to visit the site later Contact us if you have any questions or need help. MSP Wikispace – Your Source for All Resources


6 You will need these materials: A copy of the Instructional Alignment Chart, K-12 Vertical Progression book, composition notebook (for notes) and a sentence strip for the group Using the Instructional Alignment Chart – identify the vertical alignment of the targeted standards. Identify the implications across the grade levels Discuss with your team – modify if needed. Choose one implication to share with the whole group and write on a sentence strip. Vertical Alignment

7 What works v. what doesn’t work Individually take notes on your charts Then as a team, come up with one best practice to record on a sentence strip. Be prepared to share with the entire group. Current v. Best Practices

8 1.What is the value of reviewing the vertical alignment? 2.Name one instructional practice that you will use in your classroom and why? Think About It http://www.onli ne- countdown- clock/full- screen/

9 Third Grade Challenge Design a Drive Through Safari Park The American Safari Park Company wants to expand their business. They would like to build several more safari parks in different regions of the United States. The company needs help with the research and design of the parks. You have been asked to design a prototype/blueprint of a new safari park. The design must be animal and environmentally friendly.

10 Video Link of Safari Park

11 Targeted Standards Math 3.MD.D.8 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters. SPI 306.4.4 Calculate the perimeter of shapes made from polygons. Science SPI 0307.3.1 Identify the basic needs of plants and animals. SPI 0307.3.2 Recognize that animals obtain their food by eating plants and other animals SPI 0307.7.1 Classify landforms and bodies of water according to their geological features and identify them on a map SPI 0307.7.3 Identify an object as natural or manmade

12 Scaffolding Skills Chart Introduce challenge early in instruction Discuss skills/topics that have already been taught or need to be taught Provide connections and integration Share the materials and resources if the entire STEM team is not here Remember all resources will also be available on the Wiki

13 Geoboard Review : A math manipulative used to explore two- dimensional shapes and their attributes. What is a peg? How many are there? Dot paper (pegs?) The space between two pegs on a geoboard is one unit. Appropriate use of rubber bands and the geoboard Make connections to polygons and area (if used) Length of sides using geoboard Perimeter and area are attributes of 2D shapes

14 Don’t have enough geoboards? Grid/dot paper can be used Give each team a geoboard instead of every student Use online resources /ShapeExplorer/ ml perimeter

15 Target Use a geoboard to find the perimeter of a polygon when given the side lengths. What is a Polygon? A closed, plane shape (two- dimensional) with straight sides. What is a side? The lines that form the polygon. What is length? The measurement of something from end to end. What is perimeter? The distance around or border around a two-dimensional shape. Just for teachers!

16 Perimeter: The distance around a two-dimensional shape (the border or boundary). Put a rubber band around the outside pegs. What shape? How long are the sides? Talk with your team and describe how we could find the distance around these pegs or this shape? If perimeter represents the distance around a 2-D shape – what does the rubber band represent on the geoboard? P = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 P = 16

17 Your Turn – Shoulder Partners Student 1 – make the polygon on geoboard with rubber band. Student 2 – check shape and coach if needed. BOTH determine perimeter. Draw shape and label sides and then write equation. Switch jobs. 1.A rectangle with side lengths of 1 and 3. 2.A square with side lengths of 3. 3.A rectangle with side lengths of 2 and 4

18 Your Turn – Independent Practice Put the date in notebook and label it “Perimeter with Geoboards.” Using dot/grid paper, draw two rectangles with different side lengths. Draw two squares with different side lengths. Be sure to label side lengths and include perimeter equation. Put paper in notebooks.

19 Think About It 1.Would students prefer using the geoboards or the dot/grid paper? Why should they use both? 2.What are some drawbacks to using the geoboards? 3.What are other skills/content that could be taught using the geoboard?

20 Target: Identify the unknown side lengths when given the perimeter. Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake Task Your teacher baked a chocolate chip cookie cake for the class. There is only chocolate frosting on the perimeter of the cookie. The perimeter of the pan used was 106 cm. Which pan was used? Be sure to include an explanation using math vocabulary, a drawing and an equation of how you would solve this problem. What are some things that you need to know? Think about what you have already learned about polygons and calculating perimeter. Look back at your notes if needed. Predict which pan you think was used. Draw a picture of how you could solve this problem.

21 Perimeters of the Pans Pan AP = Pan BP = Pan CP = Pan DP = Pan EP =

22 Extensions/Enrichment Change the measurements to inches or include fractional lengths. Show the 106 cm perimeter cake on grid paper – have students cut into 20 equal pieces and determine perimeter of each piece. Combine area with perimeter - frost the entire cookie instead of the perimeter – determine how much frosting. Choose which pan would provide enough cookie pieces for the entire class.

23 Think About It 1.What other manipulatives could be used to measure? 2.What other standards are addressed in this problem? 3.What other real world scenarios could be used to solve for perimeter?

24 Lunch 11:30-12:45 http://www.o nline- /countdown- clock/full- screen/

25 Think About It 1.What other manipulatives could be used to measure? 2.What other standards are addressed in this problem? 3.What other real world scenarios could be used to solve for perimeter? clock/full-screen/

26 Additional Perimeter (and Area) Ideas Index cards Frames (mirror, window, door, white board, picture) Crust on a rectangular pizza Bulletin board trim Walking the perimeter of the gym or playground Decorating a triptych for STEM Fringe/ribbon on blankets, scarves Edging on rugs, pot holders, towels Crown molding or trim Gutters on a building Concrete/fence around a pool Fence around a garden Fenced in yard for dogs/Calculate area with sod installation

27 Design a Drive Through Safari Park The American Safari Park Company wants to expand their business. They would like to build several more safari parks in different regions of the United States. The company needs help with the research and design of the parks. You have been asked to design a prototype/blueprint of a new safari park. The design must be animal and environmentally friendly.

28 Targeted Standards Math 3.MD.D.8 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters. SPI 306.4.4 Calculate the perimeter of shapes made from polygons. Science SPI 0307.3.1 Identify the basic needs of plants and animals. SPI 0307.3.2 Recognize that animals obtain their food by eating plants and other animals SPI 0307.7.1 Classify landforms and bodies of water according to their geological features and identify them on a map SPI 0307.7.3 Identify an object as natural or manmade

29 Drive Through Safari Park Each team has an outline of the perimeter of the entire park. 1.Determine and record the perimeter of the entire park. 2.With the habitat, animals and landforms you have been given, design enclosures for the animals in your park. Be sure to think about the animals’ needs. 3.Determine the perimeter of each enclosure and record on the sheet and in your notebooks. 4.Choose and record the type of materials that will be used for the perimeter. Record on sheet and notebooks. 5.Come up with a name for your park and record on sheet.

30 Challenge Extension Have students solve for area along with perimeter to show connections between the two skills Put all the team blueprints (habitats) together to make one “large” safari park

31 Think About It 1.How will you use this challenge in your classroom? 2.How could technology be used for the blueprint? ( 3.How could you incorporate writing into this challenge?

32 Closure Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education Standards for Math as measured through a STEM challenge. Remember to check out the Wiki Remember to share information with rest of team (Math and Science) Remember to bring back the notebook and vertical progression book for future trainings Take with you: composition books, vertical progression books, tape measures, geoboards

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