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YEAR END 2012/13 Angela Farmer Finance Unit Resources Group.

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Presentation on theme: "YEAR END 2012/13 Angela Farmer Finance Unit Resources Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 YEAR END 2012/13 Angela Farmer Finance Unit Resources Group

2 Why Do We Do This? Council’s (including schools) year end is 31/3/13. Year end accounts are produced and must be externally audited. Need to ensure that accounts reflect the true position ie all income and expenditure relating to 2012/13 financial year is accounted for. Final closedown date is Thurs 2 nd May

3 SEA Returns Balance SEA return to Thursday 28 th March 2013 ie last banking day before year end. Submit to Abid in Finance by Thursday 18 th April Include copy of bank statement which shows the balance at end of March Include list of uncleared transactions from Money Manager/SIMS as at date of your bank reconciliation

4 Definitions Special Creditors “Work done/goods received up to 31/3 but the payment has not yet been made.” Special Debtors “Income due on/before 31 st March but this has not yet been received.”

5 Definitions (2) Receipt in Advance “Income received and paid into bank on/before 31/3 but expenditure will occur in new year.” Payment in Advance “Payment made before 31/3 but goods/services to be provided/received in new financial year.”

6 How to Complete Forms Exclude VAT from amount on form Minimum level for individual item is £250 Separate forms for internal & external suppliers (ie council services are internal)

7 How Transactions Appear in MPGL 12/1313/14 Creditordebitcredit Debtorcreditdebit Receipt in advancedebitcredit Payment in advancecredit debit

8 Other Information Salaries & Wages Accruals: -will be done automatically (see year end instructions on intranet - app 4) Journals –Friday 26 th April is the final date for school journals relating to 2012/13

9 Summary Deadline Dates Thursday 18 th April 2013 –Period 13 SEA return to Finance + bank statement + list uncleared transactions –Year end forms ie creditor, debtor etc to Finance including NIL return –Supply agency supply claims to Finance

10 MPGL Prints W/c 11 th March: CP12 prints requested (nb: no teachers salaries) W/c 29 th April: CP13 prints requested W/c 6 th May: CP14 prints requested

11 School Balances Notification w/c 6 th May Excess balance threshold: 8% Middle and secondary 10% Nursery, primary & special 7 th June: deadline for return of excess balances pro-forma

12 CFR July 2013 school information sent to DfE by Finance October: DfE place information onto their benchmarking website: –

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