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L/O: To understand the career choices which are open to you.

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Presentation on theme: "L/O: To understand the career choices which are open to you."— Presentation transcript:

1 L/O: To understand the career choices which are open to you.

2 Over the next three weeks, you will… Understand more about yourself (self- development) Know where to look for useful information. Plan for the future (career management).

3 In this unit you will…. Understand the importance of making the right choices soon. Understand what choices are available to you. Discuss your values, your strengths and weaknesses.

4 Starter ( 5minutes) On a scrap of paper, write down the name of someone in your form and the job you think he/she would be good at. Be prepared to explain to the form your reasons. Be sensible ! Hand your piece of paper to your tutor.

5 FEEDBACK TO FORM ( 2 ONLY) “So, tell me, why do you think Jenny would make a good pilot?”

6 What choices of career do they have?

7 What choices of career does she have?

8 What choices do they have?

9 REMEMBER…. You ALL have choices NOW ! Time and again, teachers watch students waste their choices and limit them until…. They have NO choice.

10 SELF-DEVELOPMENT Copy the following VALUES and BELIEFS into your book.


12 Match them to the following statements. I want to be rich.I want everyone to know my name.I am approachable.I like to enjoy myself.I like spending time with my mates.I want to get to the top.I love doing things with my family.You get out what you put in. I always want to be in control.Exercise is important to me.I need to know the latest fashion.I like taking risks.I want people to respect me. I enjoy choosing presents for my friends and family. I worry about Earth’s future.

13 TASK. Write a mini paragraph explaining what your values were when you were YOUNGER. “ All I really cared about was if Mum bought me the toy that I wanted, or if I could watch my favourite programme…”

14 Share your paragraph with your neighbour. What questions could you ask each other?

15 TASK Write a mini paragraph explaining what you hope your values will be in the FUTURE ( aged 30). “ I would love to be respected by my family and friends for my ability to provide them with the things they wanted…..”

16 Share your paragraph with your neighbour. What questions could you ask each other?

17 WATCH THIS. 7Tuw 7Tuw

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