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Page 1© Crown copyright 2004 FLUME Marco Christoforou, Rupert Ford, Steve Mullerworth, Graham Riley, Allyn Treshansky, et. al. 19 October 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1© Crown copyright 2004 FLUME Marco Christoforou, Rupert Ford, Steve Mullerworth, Graham Riley, Allyn Treshansky, et. al. 19 October 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1© Crown copyright 2004 FLUME Marco Christoforou, Rupert Ford, Steve Mullerworth, Graham Riley, Allyn Treshansky, et. al. 19 October 2007

2 Page 2© Crown copyright 2004 what is FLUME? everything you wanted to know about FLUME Metadata some other interesting things progress report

3 Page 3© Crown copyright 2004 What is FLUME? FLexible Unified Model Environment scientific code is modularised; infrastructure code is generated big plans for UM vn7.0 (a bit)

4 Page 4© Crown copyright 2004 What is FLUME? a small set of F90 modules which provide types and subroutines to link components into a coherent program 2. Framework 1. Components any piece of atomic code that can form part of a composition “everything is a model”

5 Page 5© Crown copyright 2004 What is FLUME? a set of tools to aid the user in creating experiments. helps users to manipulate metadata so that it can be passed on to the code generator. 4. User Interface 3. Code Generator [BFG] transforms a metadata description of an experiment into code (and input files) to actually run the experiment

6 Page 6© Crown copyright 2004 What is FLUME? 5. Metadata links all of the above entities together describes all necessary aspects of a FLUME experiment manipulated according to the DCCD paradigm

7 Page 7© Crown copyright 2004 FLUME Metadata why do we need another set of schemas? process-driven: each metadata document corresponds to a particular step in the experiment-creation (DCCD) process syntactic: FLUME describes models at a very low level – it is predominantly syntactic rather than semantic generic: there is almost nothing climate-specific about FLUME metadata therefore it shouldn’t need to be extended as new climate configurations emerge

8 Page 8© Crown copyright 2004 FLUME Metadata definition - defining a job’s components; writing code and creating metadata that follows the FLUME Single Model Guidelines configuration - creating a specific instance of a component based upon the set of potential instances described by its definition; filling in the blanks composition - creating links between components; specifying the behaviour of the coupled system deployment - specifying how to deploy a composition onto computing resources validation - ensuring no constraints are broken; ensuring that (definitions) metadata accurately reflects code D C CD

9 Page 9© Crown copyright 2004 FLUME Metadata machines data grids resources roles groups users administration “models” scientific modelstransformer modelsdiagnostic modelscomposite models configurationcompositiondeployment modified during definition grids modified during configuration modified during composition modified during deployment definitions selections nonspecific information model-specific information experiment-specific information constraints

10 Page 10© Crown copyright 2004 grids are dissociated from model code and model metadata grids are defined as resources that (variables within) models can map to uninstantiated grids high-level generic schema just containing some standard names, a set of question / answer pairs, and a reference to a grid instantiator grid instantiators algorithm that takes the answers to a configured uninstantiated grid as input and produces (a set of) instantiated grid(s) as output instantiated grids a “complete” description of a grid (gridspec?) some interesting things grids

11 Page 11© Crown copyright 2004 some interesting things how grid information might flow through flume: configured grid data is referenced as data by a configured component; this data is passed directly to the component code (as subroutine arguments, for instance) algorithm instantiates the grid and the FLUME Framework reads that information directly (and uses it for coupling, for instance)

12 Page 12© Crown copyright 2004 some interesting things specify logical relationships among metadata elements built into metadata (written in XML) implicit vs. explicit constraints local vs. global constraints constraints

13 Page 13© Crown copyright 2004 some interesting things

14 Page 14© Crown copyright 2004 progress report framework can flexibly couple toy models (add and remove models, change coupling options, etc.) framework components “FLUMEifying” the UM Atmosphere (stripping out infrastructure code)

15 Page 15© Crown copyright 2004 progress report metadata & code generator basic structure is there code generation “works” grids decompositions constraints more complex compositions

16 Page 16© Crown copyright 2004 final thoughts where does FLUME fit within the vast menagerie of standards compatible with OASIS because using OASIS will be a deployment option complementary to ESMF because generating ESMF models is a target of BFG incorporates (a variant of) BFG agnostic (probably) about model output metadata has a different goal than NMM one of the standards informing METAFOR as for Curator…

17 Page 17© Crown copyright 2004 the end

18 Page 18© Crown copyright 2004 the end

19 Page 19© Crown copyright 2004 the end

20 Page 20© Crown copyright 2004 the end

21 Page 21© Crown copyright 2004 the end

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