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Trac (e) ing geochemical processes and pollution in groundwater M.J.M. Vissers P.F.M. van Gaans S.P. Vriend.

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Presentation on theme: "Trac (e) ing geochemical processes and pollution in groundwater M.J.M. Vissers P.F.M. van Gaans S.P. Vriend."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trac (e) ing geochemical processes and pollution in groundwater M.J.M. Vissers P.F.M. van Gaans S.P. Vriend

2 Multilevel wells have advantages over single level GWQ networks when studying trace elements Many geochemical processes + The dynamic behavior of groundwater + Changes in input (anthropogenic influence) i.e. no steady state + (Analytical / sampling errors )

3 I will show this by presenting: Study area and processes that (may) occur Two example elements –Rubidium –Uranium

4 Study area and processes Map of the study area Sandy, unconsolidated aquifer, with ice-pushed ridge in the east Mainly Agricultural land use, eastern part cultivated in the 1920’s 10 Borings, total of 244 mini screens

5 Boring with mini well screens Calcite saturated waters NO3/Fe redox boundary SO4 redox boundary Groundwater level Streamlines Pine / deciduous forest Arable land (mostly corn) 2 km Clay A5 A10 Study area and processes Cross-section of the study area Filtrated over 0.45μm, analyzed on ICP-MS Sampled in 1989 (no trace elements), 1996 (½), and 2002 (all) Randomly analyzed on > 70 inorganic components and DOC

6 Study area and processes Processes and number of observed boundaries  > 60  11  9  4  5  Pollution / changes in input Iron reduction Mn reduction Sulphate reduction pH changes / carbonate buffering Mineral Dissolution / Precipitation Coprecipitation / Codissolution Adsorption / Desorption Kinetics Analytical problems In major elements

7  Rubidium and Uranium  Two example elements Rubidium: “No” mineral phases, input from either recharge or sediment, and adsorption processes are expected to play role Uranium: Many saturation phases, depending on redox conditions. What is needed for interpretation? Concentration – depth profiles of trace element Knowledge derived from macro-chemistry Geochemical knowledge

8 Rubidium Concentration (μg/l) - depth profiles of all borings “Noisy profiles” Base level

9 Rubidium Input and adsorption, and influence of pH and redox in boring A7 Rubidium 0.3 μg/l in pristene water Adsorption plays a role (retention): boring A5 and A8 Input by recharge (up to 100 μg/l) No (direct) influence of redox and pH boundaries “Ox” Red Acid Buff

10 Uranium SI – Eh dependence of a 6 ppb groundwater Log Saturation index Eh (mv)

11 Uranium Concentration (μg/l) – depth profiles of all borings Low concentrations as complete boring is reduced: Uraninite U (µg/l) 

12 Uranium Oxic waters: Undersaturation, concentrations determined by recharge U (µg/l) 

13 Uranium High concentrations, not related to input U (µg/l) 

14 Uranium Concentration – depth profiles of boring A7 in μg/l μ

15 Uranium Iron reduced waters have concentrations of 0.001 – 0.05 μg/l (uraninite saturation) Input in recently recharged water: 0.1μg/l In deeper oxic water lower concentrations are found At reduction boundary (manganese reduced) concentrations reach 1 – 8 μg/l Source is the sediment

16 Conclusions In the examples, multilevel wells give possibility to: –Determine background concentration for Rb –Exclude redox and pH as important process for Rb –Show input and retention are important for Rb –Accuratly determine redox zone of high U –Exclude pollution as potential U-source –Estimate input of U from recharge and from sediment

17 Conclusions II Even with the help of multilevel wells, it is hard to determine trace element systematics

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