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Making the Difference The Role of Activities. Back to Basics… 218,000 people in Bromley 54,100 people over 65 70+38,400 people 80+16,800 people 90+3,100.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Difference The Role of Activities. Back to Basics… 218,000 people in Bromley 54,100 people over 65 70+38,400 people 80+16,800 people 90+3,100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Difference The Role of Activities

2 Back to Basics… 218,000 people in Bromley 54,100 people over 65 70+38,400 people 80+16,800 people 90+3,100 people 1,749 people in Residential Provisions 301 people in Extra Care Housing

3 Back to Basics… 2,050 residents (4.5% people over 65) 52 elderly care provisions in Bromley 6 Extra Care Housing Schemes 24 Residential Providers 19 Nursing Providers 3 Providers with separate Nursing & Residential Units

4 Back to Basics… Approx. 4,200 people in Bromley have needs associated with dementia Mobility Impairment Sight Impairment Hearing Impairment English as a second language

5 Back to Basics… 800,000 people in the UK are “chronically lonely” Campaign to End Loneliness, Age UK 46% people over 80 report feeling lonely ‘some of the time’ or ‘often’ Campaign to End Loneliness, Age UK

6 The Need Activity is: “Human action which is carried out for definite reasons, and with specific purposes in mind… …The vast bulk of human behaviour is composed of meaningful activities…” (Oxford Dictionary)

7 The Need What are “meaningful activities”?

8 The Expectation - LBB LBB Residential Core Contract “…leisure and social activities… should be designed to meet the preferences and choice of the Service Users. The activities should provide opportunities for social engagement and stimulation.”

9 The Expectation - LBB LBB Residential Core Contract The Provider shall ensure that provision is made for the continuing cultural, religious and social interests of Service Users which may include the opportunity for continued learning. Service Users shall have the choice whether or not they want to participate in the activities organised.”

10 The Expectation - CQC “The assessment, planning and delivery of [people’s] care and support… maintains their welfare and promotes their wellbeing by taking account of all their needs, including: CQC Regulation 4A (Care & Welfare of People who Use Services)

11 The Expectation - CQC Physical Mental Social Personal relationships Emotional Daytime activity” CQC Regulation 4A (Care & Welfare of People who Use Services)

12 Assessment, Planning, Delivery What is the purpose of assessment? Find out who the person is Work out what needs to happen to meet the person’s social and spiritual needs. Find out what the person needs/wants

13 Assessment, Planning, Delivery Does your provision assess social/ spiritual needs? How and when are these needs assessed? Who should be involved? How is this assessment recorded? Discuss in your groups…

14 Assessment, Planning, Delivery How do you plan? Providers who plan well have innovative, flexible and interesting activities, enabling residents to continue to learn and gain/use skills

15 Assessment, Planning, Delivery How do you deliver the plan? Group activities 1:1 activities Themes / Special Events

16 Assessment, Planning, Delivery Care Staff Ratio 1:5 Activity Co-ordinator Ratio 1: ?

17 Delivery - Evidencing Recording is needed to: Evidence that you are meeting the social and spiritual needs of all residents Help identify how people’s needs are changing Help other staff to get to know the person, not just the needs.

18 Delivery - Evidencing How do you evidence/record? Weekly plan? Noticeboards? ‘Daily log’ entries? Resident meetings?

19 Final words…

20 For further information, please contact: Susan Scripture, Contract Compliance Officer 0208 313 4267

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