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WEBCAST – MARCH 20, 2015 SHRM Certification Team SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT 2015 NOVEMBER 19-21, 2015 | WASHINGTON, DC Mechanics of Certification 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "WEBCAST – MARCH 20, 2015 SHRM Certification Team SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT 2015 NOVEMBER 19-21, 2015 | WASHINGTON, DC Mechanics of Certification 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEBCAST – MARCH 20, 2015 SHRM Certification Team SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT 2015 NOVEMBER 19-21, 2015 | WASHINGTON, DC Mechanics of Certification 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT 1

2 Welcome! Meet the SHRM Certification Team  Cornelia Springer – Director, Certification Services  Alicia Crittendon – Manager, Certification Services Introduction  Dorothy Knapp, MS, SHRM-SCP – Field Services Director 2 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

3 The Mechanics of Certification “News You Can Use” Provider Program Overview SHRM Recertification Overview Education Program Planning How to use the BoCK to drive your programming How to Enter your Programming Updates for 2016 Group Discussion 3 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

4 Provider Program  Is made up of providers that offer education programming aligned to the competencies and/or the functional areas within the SHRM BoCK.  Allows Providers to allocate SHRM PDCs  Is free of charge to all SHRM Chapters and State Councils. 4 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT Volunteer Leaders’ Resources Center » SHRM Preferred Provider Resources » SHRM Preferred Provider Registration Volunteer Leaders’ Resources Center » SHRM Preferred Provider Resources » SHRM Preferred Provider Registration

5 Provider Program Roles & Highlights Easy to access No submission timing requirements All HR-related education activities are approved The “Activities” search functionality 5 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

6 Share YOUR Stories! Which key benefit(s) of being a Provider have you found most useful? –Ability to award PDCs for individual HR programs, without pre-approval from SHRM –Advertisement of SHRM Provider status –Use of the SHRM Provider seal on materials –Inclusion of program offerings in a searchable database –Other 6 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

7 Recertification Overview SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP CREDENTIAL HOLDERS MUST: Earn 60 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) within a 3-year recertification period that ends on the last day of the credential holder’s birth month -OR- Retake the certification exam at the end of the 3-year recertification period. 7 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

8 Recertification Overview 8 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

9 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) Standard continuing education programs, PDC conversion:  1-hour educational program = 1 PDC  1-hour-and-15-minute concurrent conference session = 1.25 PDCs  3-hour e-Learning course = 3 PDCs Degree programs (undergraduate/graduate), PDC conversion:  Semester system: 1 credit-hour = 15 PDCs  Trimester system: 1 credit-hour = 12 PDCs  Quarter system: 1 credit-hour = 10 PDCs *Ensure qualifying programs are at least ONE hour (e.g. 45-minute presentation with 15 minute Q&A period)* *Welcomes, introductions, meals, & breaks do not count as educational time and must be omitted from the total* 9 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

10 We Want to Hear From YOU! What type of feedback have you received from your members regarding the programming that was offered this year? 10 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

11 Why Have a Program Plan for 2016? The sooner your program plan is confirmed, the sooner you can generate activity IDs and begin to market PDCs Opportunities for Member Engagement – Educational offerings are key benefits to SHRM members. Unique & Diverse Programming - Using the BoCK greatly expands the scope of programming Chapters can offer. 11 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT


13 HR Knowledge Standards 13 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

14 Behavioral Competencies of the BoCK 14 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

15 Behavioral Competencies Definitions The SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge identifies Eight key Behavioral Competencies: Leadership & Navigation: The ability to direct and contribute to initiatives and processes within the organization Ethical Practice: The ability to integrate core value, integrity, and accountability throughout all organizational and business practices. Business Acumen: The ability to understand and apply information with which to contribute to the organization’s strategic plan. Relationship Management: The ability to manage interactions to provide service and to support the organization. Consultation: The ability to provide guidance to organizational stakeholders. Critical Evaluation: The ability to interpret information with which to make business decisions and recommendations. Global & Cultural Effectiveness: The ability to value and to consider the perspectives and backgrounds of all parties in global business. Communication: The ability to effectively exchange information with stakeholders. # 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

16 BoCK Programming Examples Communication: “Business Writing Style” –This workshop addresses the competency of Communication located in the SHRM BoCK. This workshop will assist participants on how to compose clear and concise messages for both public and organizational consumptions, which covers the core definition of Communications. Communication: The ability to effectively exchange information with stakeholders. Relationship Management: “Being an Effective Team Leader” –This session ties directly into the “Relationship Management” competency of the SHRM BoCK by demonstrating the ability to not only develop excellent working relationships with followers, but to also help their team members do the same and achieve extraordinary results. Relationship Management: the ability to manage interactions to provide service and to support the organization. 16 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

17 BoCK Programming Examples Business Acumen: “Transforming Millennials into Leaders” –This program ties directly to the Business Acumen competency. According to the BoCK this program aligns with being capable of understanding the industry and the business/competitive environment in which the organization operates. Business Acumen: the ability to understand and apply information with which to contribute to the organization’s strategic plan. Global & Cultural Effectiveness: “From Dining Table to Business Negotiation” –This program is designed to help businesses recognize the importance of embracing cultural effectiveness into business and building partnership. The presenter talks about the relationship between food and negotiations in a series of examples among diverse cultures, and demonstrates successful business deals are based on mutual respect and inclusiveness. The covered topics represent key behaviors of the Global & Cultural Effectiveness competency by conducting business with understanding respect for the different cultures and customs. Global & Cultural Effectiveness: the ability to value and to consider the perspectives and backgrounds of all parties in global business. 17 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

18 BoCK Programming Examples Consultation: “Improve Customer Satisfaction” –This program is designed to help businesses gather information that directly or indirectly effect and impact customer happiness, identify areas of improvement, and strategic processes to increase customer satisfaction. The presenter talks about various metrics to measure customer satisfaction and translating findings into tangible improvements. The covered topics represent key behaviors of the Consultation competency by analyzing customer challenges and finding creative solutions to address issue Consultation: the ability to provide guidance to organizational stakeholders. Critical Evaluation: “The Relationship Between Agile and Business Operations” –This program is designed to help businesses understand what Agile is and why it is essential for long term sustainable organization agility. The presenter talks about Agile practices and mechanism that goes beyond the fundamentals of Agile frameworks, including requirements gathering, release planning, estimating, sprint execution, metrics and culture, etc. The covered topics represent key behaviors of the Critical Evaluation competency by analyzing organization data, managing projects, and making effective decision to adapting today’s fast-changing business. Critical Evaluation: the ability to interpret information with which to make business decisions and recommendation. 18 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

19 Accessing Your Online Account 19 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT To access the portal online: To access the portal online:

20 Enter Your Login Credentials 20 Your Username is the email address you registered with. 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

21 Profile Page 21 Upon logging in, you will see the Preferred Provider section on the home tab of your profile. 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

22 Adding a Course & Class 22 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

23 Create Your Course 23 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

24 Enter Your Class Details 24 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

25 Enter Your Class Location 25 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

26 Competency & Functional Area Selection 26 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

27 Activity ID Creation 27 Activity IDs are alpha numeric, and are available to share with course participants as soon as the activity concludes. 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

28 How to distribute the program activity ID code to participants? Certificate of Completion Via Post-Class Email Posting the ID in the Presentation 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT 28

29 Sample Certificate of Completion 29 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

30 Program Documentation Required Key program details to keep readily available: Program description Activity Code Attendees List Documentation that may be requested: Course Details: –Complete Course Outline –Agenda, inclusive of scheduled breaks SHRM BoCK Alignment: Overall description of how the selected program correlates to one or more of the behavioral competencies and/or HR functional areas identified in the SHRM BoCK. Presenter’s Bio Number of Educational hours/ PDC’s awarded Course Evaluation: Evaluation should include feedback on course content, facilitator, and the overall experience of the program. 30 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

31 2016 Update The SHRM Preferred Provider program will be renamed the “SHRM Recertification Provider” program. This update WILL NOT impact the program processes or requirements. 31 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

32 2016 Update We ask that in preparation for the marketing of future 2016 programming, you incorporate the new title and seal on all publications (website, print, certificates, etc.) Please use the approved SHRM Provider seal AND approved statement on any collateral. 32 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

33 2016 Update Approved Full Statement “[ Organization name] is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP SM or SHRM-SCP SM. This program has been approved for [XX] PDCs for the SHRM-CP SM or SHRM-SCP SM. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit” Approved Abbreviated Statement “This program has been approved for [XX] PDCs for the SHRM-CP SM or SHRM-SCP SM.” 33 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

34 Share Your Stories Tell us about a successful program or event your Chapter/State Council hosted this year. (may be outside of education – community outreach, advocacy efforts, mentoring) 34 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

35 Share Your Stories What type of information or resources can the SHRM Certification Team provide to increase the clarity around the Recertification Provider Program and the application process? 35 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

36 Share Your Stories Are there any suggestions on how we can continue to strengthen the partnerships between SHRM and the Chapters and State Councils? 36 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

37 Resources 37 The SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge (SHRM BoCK) contains the responsibility statements for each competency and functional area. The SHRM Recertification Requirements Handbook outlines the categories of recertification, offers examples of qualifying activities, and provides the PDC calculations by program type. 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT

38 Contact Us Additional information is always available on the SHRM website: Please contact the SHRM Certification Team directly with any additional questions + 1 703.535.6250 + 1 703.535.6052 38 2015 SHRM VOLUNTEER LEADERS’ SUMMIT


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