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YEAR THREE(1863) Half way point of the war. 627 battles. Half in Va., Tenn., Miss. Slavery until Dec. 18, 1868 (13th Amendment)

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Presentation on theme: "YEAR THREE(1863) Half way point of the war. 627 battles. Half in Va., Tenn., Miss. Slavery until Dec. 18, 1868 (13th Amendment)"— Presentation transcript:

1 YEAR THREE(1863) Half way point of the war. 627 battles. Half in Va., Tenn., Miss. Slavery until Dec. 18, 1868 (13th Amendment)

2 MAJOR BATTLES 1863: 1.Battle of Chacellorsville (May, Robert E. Lee) 2.Battle of Chickamauga (Sept.) 3.Battle of Gettysburg (July, last battle on northern soil) 4.Battle of Vicksburg (Miss. 31,277 confederates lost or dead)

3 Georgia during 1863: General Grant taking Vicksburg. General Rosecrans moved against Chattanooga. Confederate Bragg was to stop them at Chickamauga Creek. (river of death). Sept. 19 & 20. 17,804 -CSA 15,851-USA killed, wounded or missing.South won. Grant went to Chattanooga waited for More troops. Medical supplies low.

4 Gettysburg Address: -Two minutes -270 words -Don’t let them die in vain. Problems at Gettysburg: 1.All troops were not there. 2.Wrong direction. 3. Generals could not agree.

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