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Vicksburg, Sherman’s March, Appomattox Court House.

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1 Vicksburg, Sherman’s March, Appomattox Court House

2 Vicksburg General Ulysses Grant defeated the Confederates on July 4, 1863 Vicksburg was the last major Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River

3 Vicksburg Grant tried numerous times to take Vicksburg Developed new plan… ~ Attacked Jackson, Mississippi and then turned west and attacked Vicksburg from behind enemy lines (South) Grant’s troops surrounded the city and prevented the delivery of food and supplies Confederates ran out of food, and in desperation, ate mules, dogs, and rats After a month and a half, the Confederates surrendered


5 Aftermath of Vicksburg Fulfilled a major part of the Anaconda Plan South was split in two Tide of the was turned in favor of the North President Lincoln found a man who was willing to fight General Lee e-union-siege-of-vicksburg#the- union-siege-of-vicksburg


7 Sherman’s March William Tecumseh Sherman led Union Troops through the Deep South to Atlanta and the Atlantic Coast Sherman waged total war: a war not only against enemy troops, but against everything that supports the enemy Sherman’s victories helped Lincoln's reelection the-burning-of-atlanta

8 Analyze the photo… 1.What does the picture show? 2.If you were a character in the picture, what would you… See, Hear, Smell, Taste, Feel? 3.What can you infer from this picture? 4.How would you describe this picture in one word?


10 Election of 1864 Northerners were tired of war Democrats nominated George McClellan, on an antiwar platform, “Peace Democrats” Northerners sensed victory after Sherman’s march Lincoln was able to win 55% of the popular vote

11 Surrender at Appomattox Grant chased Lee out of Richmond Lee wanted to continue to fight, but knew his situation was hopeless On April 9, 1865, Lee and Grant met at Appomattox Court House to arrange the surrender Grant offered generous terms of surrender ~ Confederates could return home in peace, taking their private possessions and horses at-appomattox-courthouse#surrender-at- appomattox-courthouse

12 Analyze the photo… 1.What does the picture show? 2.If you were a character in the picture, what would you… See, Hear, Smell, Taste, Feel? 3.What can you infer from this picture? 4.How would you describe this picture in one word?

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