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WWI JEOPARDY UNIT 5 REVIEW. JEOPARDY Causes of WarBattles & Technology Peace Agreements Results of WarGrab Bag! 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI JEOPARDY UNIT 5 REVIEW. JEOPARDY Causes of WarBattles & Technology Peace Agreements Results of WarGrab Bag! 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:


2 JEOPARDY Causes of WarBattles & Technology Peace Agreements Results of WarGrab Bag! 100 200 300 400 500

3 Causes of War-100 What were the 3 major alliances and who were the parties involved? Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia Back

4 Causes of War- 200 Back Competition between European nations for colonies led to bad feelings Colonies were dragged into alliances Give an example of how imperialism led to WWI

5 Causes of War- 300 Back Intense nationalism caused fighting among many different ethnic groups- wanted to break away from A-H empire, Russia was supporting them Why was the Balkans known as the “powder keg” of Europe?

6 Causes of War- 400 Back Who was Gavrilo Princip? A member of the Black Hand—a Serbian terrorist group committed to ridding the region of Austrian rule—who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, setting off WWI

7 Causes of War- 500 Back Describe the circumstances of the Zimmerman Telegram USA intercepted a telegram from Germany to Mexico encouraging Mexico to join the Triple Alliance. In return, Germany would help Mexico regain lands lost to the US DAILY DOUBLE

8 Battles/Tech- 100 Back Describe some of the struggles of trench warfare Wet, dirty, cold, disease, rats, poison gas would sink down and force soldiers into “no man’s land”

9 Battles/ Tech- 200 Back What is significant about the Battle of the Marne? Beginning of the stalemate and start of Germany’s two-front war

10 Battles/ Tech- 300 Back Name one difference between the Western and Eastern fronts Parties involved (Russia vs. Britain/France) Trench vs. mobile warfare Stalemate vs. consistent battles

11 Battles/ Tech- 400 Back Describe 2 military technologies implemented by the Germans in WWI Poison Gas & submarines

12 Battles/ Tech- 500 Back This was the name for the Allies’ failed campaign to take over the city of Constantinople to provide a supply line to Russia. Gallipoli Campaign

13 Peace Agreements- 100 Back When was the armistice signed and what did it accomplish? 11/11/1918, at 11AM Ended war between Germany & France

14 Peace Agreements- 200 Back How did Britain & France’s motives in peace talks differ from the United States’? Britain/France: Focused on revenge, reparations from Germany—had been more physically damaged. US: Focused on creating an enduring peace

15 Peace Agreements- 300 Back Describe 2 stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles that affected Germany: Reduced military Gave up colonies Removed occupation Paid reparations

16 Peace Agreements- 400 Back What was the war-guilt clause and what were its effects? Clause forcing Germany to take the blame for starting WWI. Contributed to enduring bitterness and eventually WWII

17 Peace Agreements- 500 Back Describe 3 components of Wilson’s Fourteen Points League of Nations Self-determination for all nations End secret treaties Freedom of the seas Created new nations in E. Europe

18 Results of War- 100 Back How did the outbreak of war affect the economy of Europe, & why? Encouraged growth- unemployment disappeared as factories focused on producing war goods

19 Results of War- 200 Back Women on war: victory gardens, emotional support, took over men’s jobs at home, worked in factories, nurses War on women: suffrage, dress reform, right to work Name 1 effect women had on the war and 1 effect the war had on women DAILY DOUBLE

20 Results of War- 300 Back Name 2 nations that were created as a result of WWI Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia

21 Results of War- 400 Back If the beginning of the war is like a Human Knot, what is a metaphor for the end of the war?

22 Results of War- 500 Back Why were some allies, such as Japan and Italy, unhappy with the results of WWI? What effect would this later have? Unhappy because did not gain any new territory Would side with Germany in WWII

23 Grab bag- 100 Back Australia declared war on Germany days after Britain did. This is an example of (M, A, I, or N) because….. Alliances: must follow where your ally goes Imperialism: Australia was a former colony of Britain, so they had to be allies

24 Grab bag- 200 Back What is self-determination? The right of each country to decide for itself under what kind of government it wants to live

25 Grab bag- 300 Back What 2 events finally drove America into WWI? The sinking of the Lusitania, and the Zimmerman telegram

26 Grab bag- 400 Back Why did Russia not participate in any of the post-war peace talks? It was occupied with the Russian Revolution, which had started in 1917 and forced Russia to withdraw from the war.

27 Grab bag- 500 Back Austria-Hungary Which country annexed Serbia and Herzegovina, causing the 1908 Crisis in the Balkans?

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