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Tracing the American Dream.  Find five passages from the novel (no more than one passage from each chapter and NOT from chapter 9).  Each passage must.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracing the American Dream.  Find five passages from the novel (no more than one passage from each chapter and NOT from chapter 9).  Each passage must."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracing the American Dream

2  Find five passages from the novel (no more than one passage from each chapter and NOT from chapter 9).  Each passage must be at least three sentences long (include a proper citation).  Clearly separate this passage from the analysis paragraph.

3  Write an annotation that analyzes the specific diction and other stylistic devices (imagery, figurative language, symbols, comparison/contrast, parallel structure, juxtaposition, descriptive details, irony, and more) that reveal Fitzgerald’s purpose.  Your annotation should be at least five sentences in length.

4  Select a variety of passages that demonstrate his interpretation of the American Dream through his portrayal of the following topics:  New Money vs. Old Money  Optimism vs. Disillusionment  Honesty  Nature of Love vs. Marital Fidelity  Personal Responsibility or Obligation  Fabrication of Self

5  New Money  vs.  Old Money

6  Optimism  vs. Disillusionment

7  Honesty

8  Nature of Love vs.  Marital Fidelity

9  Personal Responsibility  or  Obligation

10  Fabrication  of  Self

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