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Careers Related to Working with Children Lesson Plan EDT 650 Paula Bisswurm.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers Related to Working with Children Lesson Plan EDT 650 Paula Bisswurm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers Related to Working with Children Lesson Plan EDT 650 Paula Bisswurm

2 Subject Area Child Development Grades 9-12


4  Explore and use technology to enhance learning

5 OBJECTIVES  Explore and use technology to enhance learning  Integrate a variety of technological tools into assignment

6 OBJECTIVES  Explore and use technology to enhance learning  Integrate a variety of technological tools into assignment  Use technology as a presentation tool to demonstrate assignment concepts

7 OBJECTIVES  Explore and use technology to enhance learning  Integrate a variety of technological tools into assignment  Use technology as a presentation tool to demonstrate assignment concepts  Gain knowledge through research the topic

8 OBJECTIVES  Explore and use technology to enhance learning  Integrate a variety of technological tools into assignment  Use technology as a presentation tool to demonstrate assignment concepts  Gain knowledge through research the topic  Understand the use of technology as a tool to enhance the research and learning

9 FACSE National Standards Area of Study 4.0 Education and Early Childhood Comprehensive Standard Integrate knowledge, skills, and practices required for careers in early childhood, education, and services Content Standards Competencies: 4.1 Analyze career paths within early childhood, education & related services. 4.1.1 Explain the roles and functions of individuals engaged in early childhood, education, and services. 4.1.2 Analyze opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors. 4.1.3 Summarize education and training requirements and opportunities for career paths in early childhood, education, and services.

10 State of Wisconsin Technology Objectives: Technology Specific: A. Media and Technology A.12. 1 Use common media and terminology and equipment. A.12. 3 Use a computer and productivity software to organize and create information. A.12. 4 Use a computer and communications software to access and transmit information. A.12.5 Use media and technology to create and present information B. Information and Inquiry B.12.2 Develops information seeking strategies. B. 12.3 Locate and access information sources. B. 12.5 Record and organize information B. 12.7 Communicate the results of research and inquiry in an appropriate format. C. Independent Learning C.12.1 Pursue information related to various dimensions of personal well-being and academic success C.12.4 Demonstrate self-motivation and increasing responsibility for their learning. D. The Learning Community D.8.2 Use information, media, and technology in a responsible manner.

11 Procedures for Lesson Introduction Discuss the requirements of the research and power point presentation assignment Research the information that must be included in the presentation Create a PowerPoint presentation Present their PowerPoint presentation


13 MV 362.7 W19 Working with Children Video Name: __________________________________ Questions before viewing: 1. How many careers can you name that revolve around children? 2. What kinds of personality traits would fit well in any child-related career? 3. What is the common link that virtually all people in child-related careers share? Time for the video!!!! 1.

14 Video Working with Children Video (23:00)

15 After Movie Viewing Questions Questions after Viewing the Video: 1. Why is it important for a person who works with children to be patient? 2. Name a career you could choose if you want to work in a school, but don ’ t necessarily want to teach at the front of the classroom every single day. 3. Name a career that would allow you to work one-on – one with a child instead of in a large group. 4. Can you name them the main difference? 5. Which careers outlined in the video require a medical school background? 6. What are some reasons the people outlined in this video enjoy working with children? 7. Do all child-related careers require the same amount of training?

16 Discuss the requirements of the research and Power Point presentation: Careers Working with Children Choose a Career related to childcare Personal Qualities Professional Qualities Job Description Education and Training Job Search Job Advancements Work Conditions Job Benefits Job Earnings Job Outlook

17 Research Project Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Child Care and Education Career Resources State Career Clusters Sources:

18 Research and PowerPoint Rubric CATEGORY4321 Use of Time- All of the classroom time used to work on the project. - Conversation was minimal and concentrated on productivity of project. Majority of classroom time used to work on the project. -Conversation was minimal but could have concentrated more on the productivity of project. -Classroom time used to work on the project. -Conversation was distracting to productivity of project. -Classroom time was not used to work on project. -Conversation was distracting and not used to completing the project. PRESENTATION-Presentation was well rehearsed and executed very smoothly. -Student is very comfortable using technology to present information. -Held the audience attention all of the time. -Presentation was executed fairly smoothly. -Student is comfortable using technology to present information -Held the audience attention most of the time. -Presentation was executed smoothly. -Student is somewhat comfortable using technology to present information -Held the interest of the audience attention some of the time. -Presentation wasn’t executed very smoothly. -Student is not comfortable using technology to present information -Audience lost interest in the presentation most of the time. ATTRACTIVENESS Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance presentation. Makes good use of Font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance presentation. Makes use of font, color graphics, effects, etc. but these distract from the presentation content. Use of font, color, graphics, etc., but these often distract from presentation content. REQUIREMENTSAll requirements are met and exceeded.All requirements are met.One requirement was not completely met.More than one requirement was not completely met. CONTENTCovers topic in-depth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is excellent. Includes essential knowledge about topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good. Includes essential information about topic, but 1-2 factual errors. Content is minimal or several factual errors. ORGANIZATIONContent is well-organized using headings or bulleted lists or bulleted lists to group-related material. Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed. Content is logically organized for the most part. No clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts. ORIGINALITYProduct shows a great deal of original thought. Ideas creative and inventive. Product shows some original thought. Ideas and insights evident. Use of other people’s ideas, giving them credit, little evidence of original thought. Use other people’s ideas, credit not given.

19 Presentation Class presentation of PowerPoint

20 The End

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