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(Skipping Futuristic Scene). The opening scene is set in a typical urban setting, this connotes the threat of danger in seemingly normal surroundings.

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Presentation on theme: "(Skipping Futuristic Scene). The opening scene is set in a typical urban setting, this connotes the threat of danger in seemingly normal surroundings."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Skipping Futuristic Scene)

2 The opening scene is set in a typical urban setting, this connotes the threat of danger in seemingly normal surroundings to the audience. There is a sudden spark of electricity which breaks the everyday surroundings and indicates that something out of the ordinary is about to happen. We then see Arnold Schwarzenegger as the “Terminator” appear out of the darkness, this expresses to the audience that there is something unnatural about his character as he has appeared during an unusual occurrence.

3 The opening scene is during the evening, therefore the lighting is very low in order to create shadows and darkness. The only lighting is sourced from possibly nearby street lights. By having the opening scene set during the evening, the darkness creates an atmosphere of tension. This is reinforced by the many shadows that are featured in the frame, which has connotations of the unknown, which compliments the narrative perfectly, as the ‘Terminator’ is an unknown, futuristic machine. The typical everyday lighting is abruptly interrupted by the flashing of sparks from an unseen source, and then Arnold Schwarzenegger as the ‘Terminator’ appears. The abrupt interruption of flashing sparks contributes to the idea of a disruption to the equilibrium, in which an intruder from an unknown location has spawned.

4 The most noticeable and significant prop within the opening scene would be the switch-blade that one of the youths wields and stabs the ‘Terminator’ with. The switch-blade is a typical object of iconography within the Thriller genre, as it represents danger and threat. However, within the narrative of ‘Terminator’, the knife is shown to be useless against the Terminator as it is stabbed by it and shows know figure expression of pain. This connotes that the Terminator is beyond human strength.

5 The man in the truck during the opening scene is shown to be confused and amazed by what is happening around him as the sparks begin to flash around his truck. His confusion and amazement is shown by his figure expression, which shows his eyes widen and his body shake, and also his dialogue in which he shouts “What the hell?” The panic and confusion that the man shows, could be a way in which the audience can feel the powerlessness of humans within the narrative, as the technology that the Terminator spawns from and uses, is far beyond human understanding. The man is also seemingly insignificant within the opening scene, which may connote how the Terminator sees human life – it lacks compassion for human life, as it is built to kill people. The Terminator has no emotion on its face, which expresses the unnatural and inhuman character of the cybernetic organism. Arnold Schwarzenegger portrays the fact that his character is not human through his figure expression, which is seemingly blank, his beyond regular human size and his dialogue. For example he says: “Your clothes, give them to me” to the 3 youths who look threatening. The fact that Terminator confronts the dangerous and unpleasant looking youths without any fear, expresses his dominance within the narrative.

6 The opening scene of ‘Terminator’, consists of variety of typical camera shots and angles within the Thriller genre. For example, Low angle shots are used many times when Arnold Schwarzenegger is within the frame, this reveals his dominance and stature by looking up at him. However, there is also a low angle shot of the digger machinery at the very beginning of the scene, which means the audience is forced to look up at. This may have connotations of machines being dominant, (like the Terminator). There are also medium close ups and close ups of Arnold Schwarzenegger, perhaps to show his huge muscles and height or his blank and machine – like expression. Arnold also features in many wide angle shots, which is possibly used to emphasise his scale and how much space he dominates. A high angle shot is used to show the city that Arnold is approaching, which might be to show that the city is tiny to him and that he could create destruction within the equilibrium with ease – Foreshadowing the narrative.

7 The editing during the opening scene is quick and simple continuity editing, that is unnoticeable. The pace of cutting quickens in order to match the action during the fight scene between the Terminator and the 3 youths. There is also eye line match editing within the opening scene, in which the youths look off screen and then the camera cuts to a shot showing Arnold Schwarzenegger walking towards them completely naked. This allows the audience to note the unusual and inhuman character of the Terminator. There is also shot reverse shot during the dialogue between the Terminator and the youths, which allows the conversation to flow easier for the audience. The 180 degree rule is applied to the opening scene as the camera stays on the right of the youths when they are being filmed and does not cross the invisible line which would be just in-front of their feet.

8 There is a variety of diegetic and non-diegetic sound throughout the opening scene. For example the sound of machinery, the dialogue, the sound of squelching during the fight scene, in which the Terminator punches through one of the youth’s body, is all diegetic as it has a source within the frame, although it might be enhanced. The sound of the machinery is fairly loud, which might be used to express the dominance of machines. The dialogue allows the characters to show personality, for example one of the youths shouts “Fuck you asshole”, which expresses he is hostile. Finally, the enhancement of the Terminators’ punch through the youths’ body allows the audience to almost feel as well as witness the brutality of its’ strength. The ominous drumbeat throughout the opening scene and the threatening music when the Terminator appears, are both examples of non-diegetic sound within the scene, as they both do not have a source within the frame. The drumbeat throughout the scene, could be considered to be a representation of machinery as it is repetitive, however, could also be interpreted as simply contributing to the anticipation of the threat within the narrative. The music that is dark and unnerving when the Terminator appears from the shadows, contributes into expressing that it is a threatening character within the narrative.

9 During the opening scene, a man wearing typical, every-day clothing; this might be used to express his insignificance within the narrative, or perhaps to show the juxtaposition between the typical human being and the cybernetic organism. (Arnold Schwarzenegger as the ‘Terminator’). Arnold Schwarzenegger then appears and is completely naked; this might be to show that although he looks human, he is still out of place within the surrounding and does not fit into standard society. He is also immensely muscly and tall which underlines the fact that he is beyond typical human size and also expresses his threat and dominance within the narrative. There are 3 youths wearing stereotypical ‘tough guy’ clothing of the era. With their punk style hair cut and numerous piercings and tattered jackets, they express that they are not people that are not willing to put up a fight. However, the ‘Terminator’ then kills most of them with ease and steals their clothing. This expresses that even the toughest of humans have no chance of beating him.

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