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Published byJayson Hicks Modified over 9 years ago
The Parts of Speech English 1
There Are 8 Parts of Speech 1. Nouns 2. Pronouns 3. Adjectives 4. Verbs 5. Adverbs 6. Prepositions 7. Conjunctions 8. Interjections
Nouns Recognition Tools: -”the” in front of common nouns except ideas -you can take a picture of them Definition: Person, Place, Thing, or Idea Ex. boy, mall, toothpick, peace, strength
Nouns Common Nouns: Common Nouns: name any one person, place, thing, or idea and is generally not capitalized. Ex. woman, school, flag, happiness Proper Nouns: name a specific person, place, thing, or idea and generally is capitalized. Ex. Sally, Granite City High School, St. Louis Arch, September
Nouns Compound Nouns: made up of two or more words used together as a single noun. (They may be written as one word, separate words, or as hyphenated words.) Ex. firefighter, fire drill, brother-in-law Collective Nouns: words that name a group of a people, animals, or things. Ex. audience, flock, assortment
Nouns Concrete Nouns: name ACTUAL people, places, and things with physical, material properties Ex. Pencil, bird, swimming pool Abstract Nouns: do NOT have actual physical existence Ex. Freedom, teamwork, evil
Pronouns Definition: Stands in place of a noun. Recognition Tools: -related to nouns -the word they refer to is the antecedent -memorize them!
Pronouns Personal Pronoun Chart SingularPlural 1 st personI, me, my, minewe, us, our, ours 2 nd personyou, your, yours 3 rd personhe, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its they, them, theirs
Pronouns Reflexive Pronoun Chart Singular- selfPlural- selves 1 st personmyselfourselves 2 nd personyourselfyourselves 3 rd personhimself, herself, itself themselves
Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns : used to point out a specific noun when by themselves -this, that, these, those -Example: The tacos I made taste better than those.
Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns: introduce a question -who, whom, whose, which, what Ex. Which of the songs is your favorite? Relative Pronouns: introduce subordinate clauses (not a complete thought) -that, which, who, whom, whose Ex. The ship that you saw is sailing to Greece.
Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns: do not always refer back to any specific noun; names a general group alleachmorenothingsomething anothereithermostonesuch anyeveryonemuchother anybodyeverybodyneitherseveral anyoneeverythingnobodysome anythingfewnonesomebody bothmanyno onesomeone
Adjectives Definition: modifies nouns or pronouns Ex. happy, bright, yellow Recognition Tools: -Adj. answers: What kind? Which one? How many?
Adjectives Articles -a, an, and the are ALWAYS adjectives
Adjectives Nouns as adjectives -Many words that can stand alone as nouns can also be used as adjectives modifying nouns or pronouns. Ex. cheese sandwich, Ex. cheese sandwich, snow sculpture weather report
Verbs Definition: what you do or a state of being Ex. run, think, been (forms of be) Recognition Tools: -action of the subject or other noun
Verbs Helping Verbs - “helps” the main verb express an action or a state of being Helping Verb Chart Forms of beam, are, isbeen, being, bewas, were Forms of havehashavehad Forms of dododoesdid Modalscan, could, maymight, must, shallshould, will, would
Verbs Action Verbs: physical or mental activity Ex. build, think Linking Verbs: connect subject to the complement Ex. is, are, was Other Linking Verbs: appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn
Adverbs Definition : modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs Ex. too, quite, very, rather, almost, always *(Some words are always adverbs) Recognition Tools: Adverbs answer: When? Where? How? To what extent? -by ending “-ly”
Prepositions Definition: show relation between a noun and the object Ex. of, in, under Recognition Tools: -prepositional phrases: preps + (opt. modifiers) + object
Prepositions Common Prepositions aboutbeforeconcernin g likesinceup abovebehinddownnearthroughupon acrossbelowduringofthroughoutwith afterbeneathexceptofftowithin againstbesideforonetowardwithout Amongbetweenfromoutunder alongbeyondinoutsideunderneat h aroundbut (except) insideoveruntil atbyintopastunto
Prepositions Don’t forget that prepositions can be compound as well. Ex. according to, because of, next to
Conjunctions Definition: joins words, phrases, or clauses, and they indicate the relation between the elements joined. Ex. but, yet, so Recognition Tools: -connects @ junction -MEMORIZE
Conjunctions Coordinating Conjunctions FANBOYS -for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Correlative Conjunctions -They come in pairs -both…and-whether…or -neither…nor-not only …but also -either…or
Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions- -Introduces a subordinate clause (cannot stand alone as a sentence.) - AAAWWUBBIS (as, after, although, while, when, until, because, before, if, since)
Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions afterbecausesincewhen althoughbeforeso thatwhenever aseven thoughthanwhere as ififthoughwherever as long asin order thatunlesswhether as soon asonceuntilwhile
Interjections Definition : express emotion and have no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence Ex. ah, oops, hey, yippee Recognition Tools: -sometimes have exclamation or a comma following them
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