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GENESIS Chapter 12 THE SELLING OF A WIFE I.       Introduction

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1 GENESIS Chapter 12 THE SELLING OF A WIFE I.       Introduction A.    We have seen creation, sin, and rebellion of man.

2 1. World’s population starts over.
2.  “curse” = Ham – “blessing” = Shem. a) Nimrod – Ham’s grandson. b) Shem – Abram the “blessed” line. II.     Genesis 12:1-3

3 A.    Acts 7:2 1. Abram heard from the Lord. a) Leave his family for a place only the Lord knew. B.    3-fold promise. 1.  Land, nation, and blessing

4 a)  Has He made good? (1)  Blessed because of Jesus! (2) One of the longest nations! (3) Occupy 30, square miles! C.    How did Abram react?

5 Genesis 12:4-5 A.    Acts 7:4 1. Too much “family”. a)   Sarai expected but Lot = problem. 2. Why start over? a)   Joshua 24:2 (1)   Raised with idolaters!

6 B.    Abram is wealthy. IV.     Genesis 12:6-7 A.    Who is living in the land - the Canaanites. 1.   “The Promise Land”! a)   Mesopotamia, was civilized,cultured and pagan.

7 b)  Land - pagan and uncivilized.
(1)  Obedient Not easy. (2) When obedient – hears from the Lord. (a)  We hear the Lord’s voice when we are obedient.

8 V.     Genesis 12:8-9 A.   Bethel = “house of God” – Abram worships the Lord! 1.   No fellowship among Canaanites. a)  Abram could depend on the Lord. (1)  Moves south.

9 VI.       Genesis 12:10 A.    The Lord said to Abram: 1.   Abram decides to help the Lord. a)   Usually get ourselves in deeper. VII.     Genesis 12:11-13

10 A.    Dead Sea Scrolls describe Sarai’s beauty.
1.   Abram asks her to lie. a)   Abram “blew it”! (1)  Exposes wife to danger, to save own skin!

11 (i)  Great faith become “puny”. VIII.   Genesis 12:15-20
A.   Pharaoh “rewarded” him, for his wife? 1.   Not enough of a man to rescue his wife.

12 2.   Pharaoh asks Abram to leave Egypt.
a) Asks Abram, “Why?” (1)  Had to admit he was a coward and a liar! IX.  CONCLUSION

13 A.    Were actions approved by the Lord – NO!
1.   Used to show how much he needed to stay close.

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