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Chapter 17 Central Nervous System

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1 Chapter 17 Central Nervous System
The spinal cord Brain brain stem cerebellum diencephalon telencephalon

2 the shape and sublobe of telencephalon
cerebral longitudinal fissure telencephalon frontal lobe the shape and sublobe of telencephalon central sulcus cerebral longitudinal fissure corpus callosum cerebral transverse fissure central sulcus parietooccipital sulcus frontal lobe temporal lobe occipital lobe parietal lobe insular lobe parietal lobe parietooccipital sulcus occipital lobe central sulcus parietal lobe insular lobe, insula frontal lobe parietooccipital sulcus occipital lobe lateral sulcus temporal lobe temporal lobe

3 superolateral surface of hemisphere
frontal lobe: anterior paracentral fissure superior frontal sulcus inferior frontal sulcus precentral gyrus superior frontal gyrus middle frontal gyrus inferior frontal gyrus parietal lobe: postcentral sulcus; intraparietal sulcus postcentral gyrus superior parietal lobule inferior parietal lobule (supramarginal gyrus、angular gyrus) temporal lobe: superior temporal sulcus Inferior temporal sulcus superior temporal gyrus middle temporal gyrus inferior temporal gyrus transverse temporal gyri

4 postcentral gyrus precentral gyrus superior frontal gyrus postcentral sulcus central sulcus precentral sulcus superior frontal sulcus superior parietal lobule middle frontal gyrus intraparietal sulcus inferior frontal sulcus supramarginal gyrus inferior frontal gyrus lateral sulcus superior temporal gyrus superior temporal sulucs angular gyrus middle temporal gyrus preoccipital incisure inferior temporal sulcus inferior temporal gyrus parietooccipital sulcus

5 Hemispherical medial surface
paracentral lobule corpus callosum pseudoventricle calcarine sulcus cuneate lobe lingual gyrussulcus hippocampi cingulate gyrus

6 inferior view olfactory bulb olfactory tract olfactory triangle
anterior perforated substance collateral sulcus subiculum hippocampi uncus medial occipitotemporal gyrus lateral occipitotemporal gyrus dentate gyrus Hippocampus hippocampal formation

7 limbic lobe septal area cingulate gyrus Subiculum hippocampi uncus
hippocampus dentate gyrus

8 functional localization of cerebral cortex
First somatic motor area precentral gyrus,anterior part of paracentral lobule(4、6 area) The efferenting fibers composed of pyramid tract, and carry out the administration of skeletal muscle movement.

9 First somatic sensory area
paracentral lobule,posterior part of paracentral lobule(3、1、2 area)

10 Visual area the occipital cortex above or below the calcarine sulcus (17 area) 17

11 4.auditory area transverse temporal gyri(41、42 area) 5.area of equilibrium sense the inferior extremity of postcentral gyrus 6.olfactory region the medial part of uncus of parahippocampal gyrus and its vicinity 7.gustatory area the inferior part of postcentral gyrus(43 area) 8.visceral motor center limbic lobe

12 posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus-Broca area(44、45 area)
9.speech center (1)motor speech center: posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus-Broca area(44、45 area) (2)writing area: posterior part of middle frontal gyrus( 8 area) (3)auditory speech center: posterior part of superior temporal gyrus(22 area) (4)visual speech center(reading center): angular gyrus(39 area) Wernicke area visual speech center cheirokinesthetic center motor speech center auditory speech center

13 telencephalic internal structure
caudate nucleus lentiform nucleus neostriatum corpus striatum putamen 1.basal nuclei (1)corpus striatum (2)claustrum (3)amygdaloid body globus pallidus—paleostriatum

14 2. lateral cerebral ventricle
divide into four parts: anterior horn — extend to frontal lobe posterior horn — extend to occipital lobe inferior horn — extend to temporal lobe central part — lies in parietal lobe Communicate with the third ventricle of cerebrum through left and right interventricular foramen.

15 3.cerebral cortex the gray matter covering on the surface of cerebral hemisphere

16 subregion: 52 areas can be divided according to Brodmann

17 Interhemispheric medulla
1、association fibers ①fasciculus uncinatus ②superior longitudinal fasciculus ③inferior longitudinal fasciculus ④cingule superior longitudinal fasciculus lentiform nucleus archiform fibers cingulum inferior longitudinal fasciculus uncinate fasciculus

18 corpus callosum:mouth,knee,trunk,splenium
2、commissural fibers corpus callosum:mouth,knee,trunk,splenium anterior commissure—link the temporal lobe of two sides fornix,fornical commissure

19 3、projection fibers Internal capsule
Locate between dorsal thalamus, caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus. The horizontal section assumes the shape of V to the outside. anterior limb of internal capsule—frontal region knee of internal capsule posterior limb of internal capsule—occiput thalamolentiform part (between lentiform nucleus and thalamencephalon) retrolentiform part sublentiform part

20 (3) projection fibers of posterior limb of internal capsule
(1)projection fibers of anterior limb of internal capsule frontopontile tract anterior thalamic radiations (2)projection fibers of knee of internal capsule corticonuclear tract (3) projection fibers of posterior limb of internal capsule corticospinal tract corticorubral tract occipitotemporopontine tract central thalamic radiations optic radiation acoustic radiation

21 The injury of one internal capsule can produce symptom of “three unsymmetrical” :
1、the half body sensory deprivation of opposite side (the injury of central thalamic radiations) 2、contralateral hemiplegia(the injury of corticonuclear tract and corticospinal tract) 3、the half blindness of two visual field in the same side(the injury of optic radiation)

22 limbic system limbic lobe:cingulate gyrus,parahippocampal gyrus,uncus,hippocampus,dentate gyrus et al. Subcortex structure:amygdaloid body,septal nuclei,hypothalamus,the anterior nucleus of dorsal thalamus et al. function: 1、control visceral regulation, emotional reaction and sexual activity and so on. 2、hippocampus is related to memory.

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