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Module 5 Ethnic Culture.  How many minority nationalities are there in China?  Do you know which province has the largest minority group?

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Presentation on theme: "Module 5 Ethnic Culture.  How many minority nationalities are there in China?  Do you know which province has the largest minority group?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 5 Ethnic Culture

2  How many minority nationalities are there in China?  Do you know which province has the largest minority group?

3 云 南 省 Map of Yunnan province Introduction

4 Houses in Yunnan Lang Bridge

5 Yulong Snow Mountain

6 Torch festival

7 Water-splashing festival

8 Daizu Naxizu

9 MiaozuDongzu Hanizu Baizu YaozuBuyizu




13 Naxi Ethnic Group ( 纳西族 )




17 Bai Ethnic Group ( 白族 )




21 Dai Ethnic Group ( 傣族 )

22 Work in pairs. Say what you know about the province of Yunnan. Use the words in the box and the fact file to help you. border; capital; ethnic minority; province; region; share; Tibet

23 NameYunnan Locationmost south-western province GeographyEverything from mountains and takes to rainforests Size394,000 square kilometers PopulationAbout 42 million in 2003 PeopleHome to 25 ethnic minorities, most diverse region of China Capital cityKunming Natural wondersStone Forest, Tiger leaping Gorge, first bend of Yangtze River

24 Look at the picture, and describe what the Dai woman is wearing in the photo.

25 The Dai woman is wearing a brightly-coloured traditional costume. Her blouse is pink. She has a silver belt and her skirt is red. She also has pink flowers in her hair.

26 Work in pairs. Say what you know about the ethnic minorities in Yunnan.

27 Do you know anything about the ethnic group in other countries? Now, let’s learn something about the native Americans and Australian aborigines.


29 Native Americans

30 Australian aborigines

31 Read and discuss in pairs.  In what way are the native American and the Australian Aborigines’ cultures similar?  They both moved from Asia to where they now live. Both groups were hunter-gatherers. The populations of both groups decreased after the arrival of western colonists.

32 Read Para 1 & 2 and answer the questions. 1.Where and when did Native Americans come from? 2. What was the population of Native Americans when the Europeans arrived in North America? 3. What cultures do Native Americans have? 4. When were they made citizens of the US?

33 Read Para 3, 4 & 5 and answer the questions. 1.Where and when did Aborigines come from? 2. What was the population of Aborigines when the Europeans arrived in Australia? 3. What cultures do Aborigines have? 4. What is the population of Aborigines now?

34 make up 组成,构成 Farm workers make up only a small section of the population. How many members is your team made up of? American Indian ____ about five percent of the U.S. population. A. fill up B. bring up C. make up D. set up C

35 make up 还有 “ 弥补, 和解, 编造, 整理, 化妆 ” 之意 Saying you are sorry won’t make up the damage of breaking the vase. Mary and Joan quarreled, but made up after a while. The boy made up a story. It is not true. Leave this notice hanging on your door, asking the servant to make up your room. It didn’t take her long to make up.

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