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Results of the Questionnaire in North Moravia and Silesia district Vladimir Mostyn Jiri Skarupa VSB – Technical University Ostrava.

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Presentation on theme: "Results of the Questionnaire in North Moravia and Silesia district Vladimir Mostyn Jiri Skarupa VSB – Technical University Ostrava."— Presentation transcript:

1 Results of the Questionnaire in North Moravia and Silesia district Vladimir Mostyn Jiri Skarupa VSB – Technical University Ostrava

2 Results of the Questionnaire  Questionnaires were sent to 168 companies  Only 39 companies sent the filled questionnaire back (23%) - 14 companies from area of plastic and rubber parts production - 15 companies from area of machines production - 10 companies from other areas of production (electrical components, medicinal components, jewels etc.)  The companies who sent the answers are relatively small, there is very few answers from large companies

3 How many employees in your company?

4 How many employees in your company are engaged in the prototyping/design/manufacturing function?

5 Have you, or your design team, met the rapid prototyping technology before?

6 Are your design team experienced in new prototyping technologies?

7 To what extent are new prototyping technologies practised by your prototyping/design workforce?

8 Does your design team request continuing professional development in new prototyping techniques?

9 When introducing new prototyping technologies is the trade union involvement in the process?

10 Rank the areas of rapid prototyping in which your design staff may have difficulty.

11 For what purposes do you use rapid prototyping models?

12 To what extent has a lack of prototyping skills hindered the development of your company in the recent past?

13 To what extent would your company benefit from a prototyping technologies skill upgrade for its design staff?

14 Is there a requirement for new prototyping expertise in your design area?

15 Would your company pay for relevant design personnel to attend a modular, flexible, dedicated prototyping/design course?

16 Would an input from your industry to the creation of a new prototyping/design education programme be beneficial to the development of your company?

17 How important does your company consider the development of a strategic plan for prototyping/design education?

18 Would research and development projects in prototyping/design technologies between your company and educational institutes be?

19 Are current prototyping/design skills in your company adequate to cope with your future industrial requirements?

20 Rank the following resources which you consider would be most likely to improve rapid prototyping/design skills in your company. Scoring 5 for most beneficial down to 1 for least beneficial

21 Rank the following initiatives in the education sector which you consider would be most beneficial to your company. Scoring 5 for most beneficial down to 1 for least beneficial

22 Conclusion  The companies met the Rapid Prototyping technology, but they are not experienced in it and they are not using it  They need professional development, they consider it to be beneficial, but they are not willing to pay very often and too much  The companies prefer two types of courses – up – skilling courses for relevant categories of employees mostly at the companies (in – house) – undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the universities

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