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Design an experiment to determine if eating junk food negatively affects learning. AP Psychology Research and Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Design an experiment to determine if eating junk food negatively affects learning. AP Psychology Research and Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design an experiment to determine if eating junk food negatively affects learning. AP Psychology Research and Scientific Method

2 Hypothesis and Operational Definition Hypothesis = A specific, testable proposition (an “educated guess”) Eating food for lunch with low nutritional value and high amounts of sugar will affect a student’s retention of material negatively Operational Definition = statements describing the exact operations or methods used to manipulate or measure the variables in research Low nutritional value = less than ___grams of protein and less than ___ grams of fiber High amounts of sugar = more than ____grams of sugar Student will perform below 70% on quiz given immediately after class lecture

3 Independent & Dependent Variable IV = The variable being manipulated or controlled Nutritional value of the food the students are fed prior to the quiz DV = The factor affected by the IV or the measurement of the consequences of the IV How the students perform on the quiz

4 Experimental & Control Group E = The students who are fed low-nutritional value foods C = All other students

5 Method & Problem Method = Experiment Problems (Confounding Variables) = – Foods the Control Group students have already eaten – Overall health of students – Participant expectations – Academic abilities

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