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What is biodiversity, and why is it important?

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Presentation on theme: "What is biodiversity, and why is it important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is biodiversity, and why is it important?

2 1. What is biodiversity? Variety of living things in an area.

3 2. Complete the table about diversity
Type of diversity definition Ecosystem diversity Species diversity Genetic diversity Variety of ecosystems. Variety of species within an ecosystem. Variety of genes within a species.

4 3. Why is biodiversity one of Earth’s greatest natural resources?
Provides food, industrial products, medicines, etc.

5 4. What are four ways that human activity can reduce biodiversity?
Changing or destroying habitat (homes for animals). Hunting, fishing species to extinction Introducing toxic compounds (pollution) into food webs. Introducing foreign species to new environments

6 5. When does extinction occur?
When a species disappears from all or part of its range.

7 6. A species whose population size is declining in a way that places it in danger of extinction is called a(an)……. Endangered species

8 7. Why does a declining population make a species more vulnerable to extinction?
As population declines, less genetic diversity. Fewer animals to reproduce.

9 habitat fragmentation
8. The process of splitting a habitat into small pieces is called __________________________. habitat fragmentation

10 Meat, fur, hides. Some think the body parts have medical properties.
9. Why are species hunted?

11 9. Why are species hunted? Meat, fur, hides. Some think the body parts have medical properties.

12 Video: Elephant poaching
business?xrs=eml_tds_111314 1:38 – 9:00




16 10. What is DDT? One of the first widely used pesticides.

17 11. What two properties of DDT make it hazardous over the long term?
Non-biodegradable (doesn’t break down, decompose) Stays in bodies of animals when passed up food chain.

18 12. What is biological magnification?
Increase in concentration of harmful substances as passed up food chain.



21 13. Plants and animals that have migrated to places where they are not native are called _______________________________ Invasive species

22 14. Why do invasive species reproduce rapidly and increase their populations?
New habitat lacks parasites and predators or other conditions that control their populations back home. Himalayan blackberry

23 15. What is conservation? Managing resources to save rather than use them up.

24 16. What is the purpose of conservation biology?
Save living things, protect biodiversity.

25 17. What does protecting an ecosystem ensure?
Ensures that all the animals will have homes.

26 Questions?

27 12. What is biological magnification?
Increase in concentration of harmful substances as passed up food chain. hawk frogs grasshoppers

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