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Are you implementing? Or are you “Dabbling”. There are too many marketing strategies to list that will all work to some level 99% of the time when a strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you implementing? Or are you “Dabbling”. There are too many marketing strategies to list that will all work to some level 99% of the time when a strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you implementing? Or are you “Dabbling”

2 There are too many marketing strategies to list that will all work to some level 99% of the time when a strategy does not work, it is because it was not fully implemented It is the number one killer for business growth because until it is recognized and a conscious effort to stop doing it is made other strategies attempted end with the same result……Half done or not fully implemented

3 + =

4 You have to have the boat, then get the oars….then row the boat and you can’t stop rowing until you get to the other side

5 What does that look like for marketing strategies? To Implement Live Presentations to Agents or Buyers – 1. The Boat – a. Content to teach (use done for you or make a class) b. A Place and Date to present 2. The Oars – a. A way to invite Agents – email, FB posts, Title partners b. A way to track who is registering or RSVPing 3. Row the Darn Boat – a. Do this every single month (no matter how many show up in the beginning) b. Follow up with the best partner prospects and develop relationships

6 To Implement a video marketing strategy – 1. The Boat – a. Smart Phone, Laptop with webcam, Flip Cam, handy Cam, GoPro b. account 2. The Oars – a. Record a short video on any subject b. Edit out mistakes or add text for a number (include NMLS#) 3. Row the Darn Boat – a. Email the link to everyone in your database b. Post it to your social media pages (all of them)

7 To implement the Every Door Delivered strategy 1. The Boat – a. A account 2. The Oars – a. Create a Postcard, Flyer, Brochure (or have it created for you) b. Choose “mailing route” 3. Row the darn boat – a. Print your mailing piece (1000 at a time) b. Bring it to the Post office for delivery c. Repeat step 2/b and all of step 3 every single month

8 To implement a Weekly Call strategy – 1. The Boat – a. List of TARGETED referral partner prospects b. List of past clients 2. The Oars – a. A defined Goal/Purpose for your call b. A script of exactly what you will say to achieve the goal 3. Row the Darn Boat – a. Time blocked out to make the calls with NO DISTRACTIONS b. Pick up the phone and dial

9 Every strategy can produce results The key is to determine which works best for you There is one other small thing Turns out its kinda Big!!!!!!

10 Accountability – This is the thing that can cause us to quit rowing mid stream

11 Part of what we do in the Mastermind Group is share with one another Help each other grow Be each others accountability partners So here is a fun thing we are going to do

12 Accountability Sheet and Roll Call

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