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English Pronunciation for Communication

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1 English Pronunciation for Communication

2 Types of English Intonation
Intonation: Why? Falling Tone Rising Tone Fall-rise Tone

3 Intonation: Why? A. It shows the relationship of words within and between sentences; B.  It tells something about the feeling of the speaker.

4 They 're going to ' have a ↘picnic. They 're going to 'have a ↗picnic.

5 ' Those who ' sold ↘↗quickly ' made a ↘profit.
(A profit was made by those who sold quickly.) ' Those who ↘↗sold ' quickly ' made a ↘profit. (A profit was quickly made by those who sold.)

6 I. Types of English Intonation
1. Falling tone 2. Rising tone 3. Fall-rise tone

7 It was a very cold day. ___________________________

8 It was a very cold day. ___________________________

9 You needn't have told him.

10 You needn't have told him.

11 Warming-up exercise 热身练习
Example sentences: We are late. I know. It’s mine. He’s gone. You’re right. I’m wrong. Have you find the principle of the tune while reading these sentences?

12 Practice 练习 Yes. No. Why. Wait. Next. Sure.
Read the following short sentences or phrases with one syllable in falling tune. Yes. No. Why. Wait. Next. Sure.

13 I will comes as soon as I can. I like your new hat. When can you come?
Read the following short sentences or phrases with two or three stressed syllables in falling tune. You must take him home. I will comes as soon as I can. I like your new hat. When can you come? Which do you like best? Why don’t you listen to me?

14 Read the following words
Yes?是吗? Me?是我? Him?是他? All?全部? These?这些? Those?那些? Mine?我的? Yours?你的? Where?哪儿? Four?四个?

15 Introduction The rising tune is used in general interrogative
sentences. 朗读一般问句时,句子的最后一个重读音节时宜使用低升调,以便后面的各个非重读音节能保持依次递升的声调;在某些较长的句子中(包含四个重读音节以上的句子)有时须使用“句中上升”。

16 Yes/no questions and responses
Rising tone Yes/no questions and responses Are you coming later? If I can. May I help you? Yes, I'll have a hotdog. Is it cold outside? It's very cold. Shall I wait for you? No, you go ahead. Did he bring his money? No, he forgot it.

17 Yes/no questions and responses
Rising tone Yes/no questions and responses Are you coming ↗later? If I ↘ can. May I ↗help you? Yes, I'll have a ↘ hotdog. Is it cold ↗outside? It's ↘ very cold. Shall I ↗wait for you? No, you go a ↘ head. Did he bring his ↗money? No, he for ↘ got it.

18 Practice one That’s right.(委婉地同意对方的想法或意见) Don’t trouble.(友好、礼貌的拒绝)
Please sit down.(友好、礼貌地请某人做某事) That’s all.(友好地说明某事已做完) Don’t leave.(委婉地请人留下别走) If you like.(含意是:如果你喜欢,我可以为你做某事) I’m so sorry.(听到不幸的消息表示同情时的用语) Keep on trying.(表示友好、关心、鼓励) Pass the salt, please!(礼貌地请对方为你做某事)

19 Practice two That’s enough.(礼貌到打断对方)
Goodbye. Good morning.(用升调表示友好,亲切) I beg your pardon?(客气地请对方再说一次;如果用降调则意思不同,表示请对方原谅) Come again soon.(热情邀请) Don’t forget to write.(亲切地提醒对方别忘了作某事) That’s the way!(热情鼓励) Let me know how you get on.(表示关心)

20 Introduction The preceding chapters describe the rising and falling tone separately, the following shows the way of indicating the intonation of more than one sense-group, that is, the intonation units. For example: Falling intonation repeated (F+F) , and Falling intonation combined with rising intonation (F+R)

21 Questions/statements and responses
Fall-rise tone Questions/statements and responses -- Do you know German? -- I can read it. --Everyone knows about it. -- Well, not everyone. -- We got there about midnight. -- I think it was earlier than that. -- Nobody wants to buy them. -- Nobody can afford to buy them. -- Are you sure he's coming tonight? -- He said so.

22 Questions/statements and responses
Fall-rise tone Questions/statements and responses -- Do you know ↗German? -- I can ↘↗read it. --Everyone knows a ↘ bout it. -- Well, ↘ not ↗everyone. -- We got there about ↘ midnight. -- I think it was ↘ earlier than ↗that. -- Nobody wants to ↘ buy them. -- Nobody can af ↘ ford to ↗buy them. -- Are you sure he's coming to ↘ night? -- He ↘ said ↗so.

23 Characteristics 1. Usually, “R+R” occurs in:
1) general (yes-no) question co-ordinate predicates, for example: Did you go back ↗ and ask ↗ ? 2) request, for example: Come in ↗ and sit down ↗. Open the books ↗ and fine page fifteen ↗

24 2. “R+F” usually occurs in
1) statements containing enumerations one after the other, for example: One ↗(升), two ↗(升),three ↗(升) and four ↘(降) 2) alternative questions Do you prefer tea ↗(升)or coffee ↘(降)? 3) statements begins with adverbs, adverbial phrases or clauses. At ten o‘clock in the morning ↗(升) the contest began ↘(降)

25 Mark out the tones of the following sentences.
1. Is Gloria coming tonight? I'm not sure. 2. Is there anything special? It's a large party. 3. Is it somebody's birthday? It's house-warming. 4. Will we need to bring something? A bottle of wine will do. 5. Do we need a big cake? That would be great. 6. Are we going to play some light music? Of course.

26 Mark out the tones of the following sentences.
1. Is Gloria coming to ↗ night? I'm not ↘ sure. 2. Is there anything ↗ special? It's a large ↘ party. 3. Is it somebody's ↗ birthday? It's ↘ house-warming. 4. Will we need to ↗ bring something? A bottle of ↘ wine will do. 5. Do we need a big ↗ cake? That would be ↘ great. 6. Are we going to play some light ↗ music? Of ↘ course.

27 7. Are you going to cook by yourself?
I'll buy most of the food. 8. Do you need any help? I would appreciate it. 9. Will the party start at seven? A quarter past seven. 10. Can I come at about five? Let's make it six. 11. Shall we go to the theatre on Friday? I've got some letters to write on Friday. 12. What about Saturday? I'm expecting a friend on Saturday. 13. Can we go on Sunday? I'm going to visit my sister on Sunday.

28 7. Are you going to cook by ↗ yourself?
I'll buy ↘ most of the food. 8. Do you need any ↗ help? I would ap ↘ preciate it. 9. Will the party start at ↗ seven? A quarter ↘ past seven. 10. Can I come at about ↗ five? Let's make it ↘ six. 11. Shall we go to the theatre on ↗ Friday? I've got some ↘ letters to write on ↗ Friday. 12. What about ↘ Saturday? I'm expecting a ↘ friend on ↗ Saturday. 13. Can we go on ↗ Sunday? I'm going to visit my ↘ sister on ↗ Sunday.

29 14. Shall we go next Monday? I have to finish my report on Monday. 15. What do you think of Tuesday? We're having a party on Tuesday. 16. Will Wednesday be OK? I have homework to do on Wednesday. 17. Let's make it Thursday then? I have an evening class on Tuesday. 18. Can we have dinner together? I have dinners with my parents. 19. Shall we have lunch together? That would be possible. 20. Shall we go tomorrow? I'll have lunch with Linda tomorrow.

30 14. Shall we go next ↗ Monday?
I have to finish my re ↘ port on ↗ Monday. 15. What do you think of ↘ Tuesday? We're having a ↘ party on ↗ Tuesday. 16. Will Wednesday be O ↗ K? I have ↘ homework to do on ↗ Wednesday. 17. Let's make it ↘ Thursday then? I have an ↘ evening class on ↗ Tuesday. 18. Can we have dinner to ↗ gether? I have dinners with my ↘ parents. 19. Shall we have ↗ lunch together? That would be ↘ possible. 20. Shall we go to ↗ morrow? I'll have lunch with ↘ Linda tomorrow.

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