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Chelsea Albert Josh Bowman Ross Cable Cory Dobkins.

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1 Chelsea Albert Josh Bowman Ross Cable Cory Dobkins

2  President Obama’s Health Care Reform is one of the most controversial issues in America today.  Important because any changes made to the government’s fiscal policy will have heavy financial impact on Americans

3  Unite the many individual insurance and legal entities and provide universal healthcare to Americans  Expand Medicaid and Medicare as well create the National Health Insurance Exchange

4  More than $2.2 trillion was spent on health care in the United States in 2007, which was 16.2% of the nation’s GDP.  $7,421 per capita and it is growing at an annual rate of 6.1%.  Projected that by 2019 the number of people that are uninsured will increase by 30% in 29 states and by at least 10% in every state  In 45 states the amount of care provided without compensation will more than double  Businesses in 27 states will have premiums that have doubled and fewer people will be covered through their employer  If we do nothing, this will only get worse

5  Key players pushing for the legislation are the Democrats with approximately 87% wanting reform.  Just over one-third (35%) of Republicans approve of a major overhaul in healthcare.  Independent voters are in the middle with 64%.  Elderly people over 65 are less in favor.

6 AGE GROUPSINCOME LEVELS  18-29 67% 27% support oppose  30-44 61% 21% support oppose  45-54 67% 22% support oppose  55-64 62% 30% support oppose  65+ 56% 31% support oppose  < $30k 67% 27% support oppose  $30k-49k 68% 21% support oppose  $50-74k 63% 38 % support oppose  >$100k 58% 35% support oppose

7  Offer a Government sponsored insurance program which people could opt into.  Protection for people with pre-existing conditions that large insurers cut.  More focus on preventive services and wellness centered strategies.  Billing, advertisement, and huge profits (the reasons for higher charges) would be eliminated with a government run program

8  People with pre-existing conditions would be covered with a government run program like Medicaid. This would be directed towards people whom have lower incomes.  The Obama plan would prevent insurers from cancelling coverage for people who fail to mention a condition on an application.

9  Medications for Medicare would receive a 50% discount on name brand drugs.  Currently, the average cost to an individual covered by other insurers is approximately $4,080 per year.  This would be eliminated by 2019 with Obama’s healthcare plan.

10  Tax credits will be given out to lower income individuals based.  Tax credits will also be given to employers and small business owners which will supplement out of pocket cost.  Public health insurance provided for those who can’t afford premiums.  Coverage of those with pre-existing health issues without a mark-up in premiums

11  Having the choice of a public health insurance will do many things Make health care more affordable for patients Foster greater competition in the insurance market Guarantee quality, affordable coverage

12  One Trillion Dollars over the next ten years.  Our government thinks we will be able to save around 100 billion dollars annually.  Saving this amount of money will end up helping our government out in the long-run by paying off our governments debt.  This is going to take a long process and we will not see a great impact in the overall debt until a few years down the road.

13  Although this reform is a lot of money our government will end up saving money in the long-run by not spending extra money on uninsured people.  The current health care bill is spending about 15% of the current GDP on uninsured people.  Once this bill is passed our spending on uninsured people will go down by 10% of the current rate.  Resulting in 5% of current GDP being paid for the uninsured Americans.

14  The current health care act is not supporting small businesses.  Small businesses are the building block to our huge economy. Without them our country would be completely lost.  Our government puts a high broker tax on all the small businesses and this results in small businesses paying roughly 18% more than larger firms for the same health insurance plan.  This results in small firms paying workers less for there hours, and resulting in many of them not providing health insurance.

15  Less than half of the firms with three to nine employees provide health insurance for their employees; while around 75 percent of firms with ten to twenty four employees provide health insurance for their employees.  The United States government keeps on raising the taxes for the small businesses which is not helping our economy in anyway.

16  Small businesses that meet a certain criteria will be able to buy health insurance through an insurance exchange.  This results in many small firms being able to provide health insurance to their employees.  Current small businesses that offer health insurance will get a tax credit with this new plan.  This new plan is going to help open more small firms, which our country will need to further develop.

17  Health premiums will stay roughly the same.  Premiums will differ if you are purchasing individual health insurance, or if you are buying insurance for the first time.  The government will have to raise the price for individual health insurance to still be able to make a profit.  If your company provides health insurance I would strongly suggest taking it because you will save a lot of money on premiums.

18  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will affect individuals who make more than 200,000 and couples that earn more than 250,000 a year.  By doing this it’s said it will help build a team up with other areas to save money for the trust funds in the next nine years.

19  To help low income families or individuals, in 2014 they will be eligible for Medicaid. If they are below 133 percent of poverty, then they are eligible for Medicaid.  This includes families or individual in 2009 that make under $14,403.  It also does not matter what state they live in. These families or individuals will not have to pay premiums to join. It will also be available to children ages 6 to 19.

20  For elderly people, it will help save more than 50% on discount brand-named drugs. It’s also going to save over 100 billion dollars in 10 years.  With the plan being to help senior citizens with more expansive drugs, the Care Act is going to be able to have generic brands improved to help make it more affordable.  Another benefit of the new health care system is the notion that senior citizens will be able to stay in their homes. The Care Act on average will cost $18,000 each year.

21  For young adults, the Care Act will give free services through health insurance plans and invest in preventing illnesses before they become worse. The plan is to limit the number of people who put illnesses off so care is sought before conditions worsen.  Young adults will be able to decide how much they want covered.  This act will also take into consideration the fact that young adults change jobs frequently, while often holding part time jobs too. The plan will include consistent offering of insurance to these individuals regardless of their occupation.

22  The Health Care Reform will provide coverage for those who do not have insurance – money will not be an issue. Children ages 6 to 19 can be put on Medicaid if they are “newly eligible”.  Young adults will be permitted to be covered by their parents’ insurance plan until the age of 26. They can pick a plan that suits their needs.

23  Over 65 million Americans live in communities where they cannot access a primary care provider.  In addition, there are 16,500 practitioners that are going to have to meet their needs. Our nation will be investing in the areas that have shortages of primary health care.  The bill will have incentives for primary health care practitioners to encourage them to provide health care in areas that have shortages.

24  At this time, the bill has not been totally accepted by both parties. Because there is a Democratic President, the Republicans are against the majority of the bill.  President Obama had invited the Republicans into the White House to try to pick up the discussion of the bill and try to come to some agreement.

25  There are 11.5 million residents in Ohio and most of them will benefit from the Health Care Reform  The 1.4 million residents of Ohio who do not currently have insurance and the 533,000 residents who have non-group insurance could get affordable coverage  About 942,000 Ohio residents could potentially qualify for tax credits to assist them in purchasing health care coverage

26  The reform will remove the ability of health insurance companies to place lifetime limits on the coverage they provide  Annual limits of insurance companies will be restricted  Insurers will no longer be able to drop the coverage of Ohioans without explanation  The reform will provide insurance to Ohioans that may have been previously denied due to high-risk conditions  Reform has the ability to save Ohio families up to $1,200 on premiums

27  There are 1.8 million seniors in Ohio currently utilizing Medicare that will receive free preventative services as part of the reform.  Reform will eliminate excessive overpayments Biggest problem with current Medicare system Ohio couples on the current Medicare plan will pay an additional $90 within the next year  There are 325,000 seniors that will have the costs of their prescription drugs cut in half from Medicare assistance Almost 325,000 Ohio seniors are affected by the gap in Medicare drug coverage Pay an average of $4,080 a year

28  69% of Ohio’s businesses are considered small businesses  Only 49% of them offered their employees health coverage benefits in 2008  Reform will provide tax cuts that will help 118,000 small businesses have more affordable premiums

29  Reform will relieve the state budget from exacerbating health care costs  The reform will reduce state employee premiums by expanding coverage to uninsured residents  Reform may provide Ohio families premium relief of up to $1,200 per year  $2.3 billion of uncompensated care will be saved from uninsured people being provided coverage

30  Our group thinks that this is a good plan and a good start to saving our health care program.  Clearly in the short-run our government will be losing a large amount of money but in the long-run we feel that the government will benefit from this bill.  Of course this plan has its drawback, like any major change to fiscal policy, but overall we think it is making a great start to recovery and preserving some of the nation’s wasted resources.

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