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The KELT Follow-Up Network: Crowd-Sourced Photometry

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1 The KELT Follow-Up Network: Crowd-Sourced Photometry
Rob Siverd (LCOGT) Hotwired IV

2 What is KELT? Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope
Wide-field photometric survey for bright transiting exoplanets (~15 discovered!) Coarse pixel scale (23 arcsec, defocused) Wide bandpass Amateur- and commercial-grade hardware Stable (but ugly) PSF Difference Imaging Pipeline (ISIS-based) Bright, high-value targets (8 < V < 10)

3 Why 8 < V < 10?

4 KELT-North and KELT-South
Pepper, J., 2012, “The KELT-South Telescope”, PASP, 124, 230 Pipeline and reductions: Siverd, R. J., et al. 2012, “KELT-1b: A Strongly Irradiated, Highly Inflated, Short Period, 27 Jupiter-mass Companion Transiting a Mid-F Star”, ApJ, 761, 123 Pepper, J., et al. 2007, "The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT): A Small Robotic Telescope for Large-Area Synoptic Surveys", PASP, 119, 923

5 Bandpass

6 Bandpass

7 Performance ~50,000 stars per field 1% error for V < 10

8 Observing Fields Colors indicate differing time baseline

9 KELT’s FOV 26°x26°

10 KELT’s FOV 4.6’ x 4.6’ 26°x26° KELT-North Keck = 10.4 meters
FTN = 2 meters 4.6’ x 4.6’ 26°x26°

11 KELT’s FOV 4.6’ x 4.6’ 4.6’ x 4.6’ 26°x26° KELT-North
Faulkes Telescope North Keck = 10.4 meters FTN = 2 meters 4.6’ x 4.6’ 4.6’ x 4.6’ 26°x26°

12 KELT’s FOV KELT-North Faulkes Telescope North Keck = 10.4 meters (Obtained with NIRC2 adaptive optics) FOV ~ 1/5 KELT pixel FTN = 2 meters (Part of LCOGT) 4.6’ x 4.6’ 4.6’ x 4.6’ 26°x26°

13 Extra Photometry Required
Depth uncertainty due to blending/dilution (consequence of our DIA pipeline) Source confusion (giant pixels) False positives due to imperfect calibration and pointing issues (e.g., hot pixels)

14 Solution: Photometry Crowd
~50 telescopes around the world Sites include backyards and pro observatories Apertures from 0.3m (12”) to 2m Wide variety of filters available Amateurs, professionals, and educators Observations taken at leasure (or request) Results ed to Google Group Key software contributions from collaborators

15 Solution: Photometry Crowd

16 Typical Results

17 Candidate Management (Google Docs)

18 Candidate Dissemination: Tapir
Public version ( Public code:

19 Tapir Search Interface


21 Example Output: BOS



24 Motivation and Incentives
Fun! Scientific interest Authorship or coauthorship Learning new skills Challenging Bored of “pretty pictures”

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