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Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.  “People of the Han”  original Chinese  Paper invented [105 B.C.E.]   Silk Road trade develops; improves life.

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Presentation on theme: "Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.  “People of the Han”  original Chinese  Paper invented [105 B.C.E.]   Silk Road trade develops; improves life."— Presentation transcript:



3 Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.  “People of the Han”  original Chinese  Paper invented [105 B.C.E.]   Silk Road trade develops; improves life for man  Civil service system   bureaucrats  Confucian scholar-gentry  Buddhism introduced into China  Expanded into Central Asia

4 Liu Pang 1. Defeats rival leaders and sets up the Han Dynasty 2.Eased Legalism (ex); Promoted Confucianism (ex) 3.New Title: Han Gaozu: “Exalted Emperor of the Han”

5 Emperor Wudi Martial Emperor 141-87 B.C.E.  Started public schools.  Colonized Manchuria, Korea, & Vietnam.  Set up tributary states  Soldiers, traders, settlers: spread Chinese influence  Revival of Chinese landscape painting.

6 III.Han Dynasty Economy & Trade… established by Wudi 1.Roads & Canals 2.Granaries for storage 3.Govt monopoly on iron & salt industries 4.Silk Road (map) 5.Improved textile, water mill, steel, papermaking, and shipping industries 6.Infrastructure/ Inventions/ Industries: expansion of trade

7 III.Han Dynasty D. Confucian Bureaucracy 1.Scholar-Officials [Scholar-Gentry] *Official belief system… well educated scholars ran bureaucracy… ideal gentleman 2.Civil Service System * Officials in the govt: based on merit… civil service exams… [Sui] Five Classics **See chart on social classes

8 III.Han Dynasty E. The Fall of the Han *Expansion helped to strengthen Han but also led to its decline 1.Political: Warlords… tribute… sinicization * spread Chinese language, customs, culture 2.Economic *Yellow Turban Revolt 3.Military: 220 AD warlords defeat last of Han 4.Social: corruption, self-indulgence

9 III.Han Dynasty F. Achievements of the Han Golden Age *Classical civilization… Han China made such advances in so many fields, Chinese later called themselves “the people of Han” 1. Science & Mathematics * Chemistry, zoology, botany, other sciences * Astronomy: stars, planets; improved calendars * Diagnosed diseases, developed anesthetics & herbal remedies * Acupuncture

10 III.Han Dynasty F. Achievements 2.Technology & Farming *Inventions: paper (wood pulp); bronze & iron stirrups, fishing reels, wheelbarrows, suspension bridges * Advances in shipbuilding: rudder * Reach Europe hundreds of years later

11 Han – Roman Empire Connection

12 Chang’ an The Han Capital

13 Liu Sheng Tomb (d. 113 BCE) His jade suit has 2498 pieces!

14 Han Artifacts Imperial Seal Han Ceramic House

15 Ceramics, Later Han Period

16 Trade Routes of the Ancient World

17 Multi-Cultural Faces -- People Along the Silk Road

18 III.Han Dynasty F. Achievements of Han 3.Arts *Temples, palaces, parks * Jade and ivory carvings *Ceramic figures * Bronze work and silk makers

19 III.Han Dynasty G. Buddhism in China (approx: 100—400AD) 1.Missionaries/Merchants: spread Mahayana B 2.Chinese not accept at first… * Family v. solitary life 3.Popular in times of difficulties * Eternal happiness… escape from suffering… mercy 4.Dao/Confucianism: not address salvation 5.Monasteries: centers of learning/arts 6.MB: absorb Confucian/Dao traditions… filial piety

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