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Welcome to the Art Room!. Miss Davey Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Art Room!. Miss Davey Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Art Room!

2 Miss Davey Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for Mrs. Russoniello Now to November: November and on…

3 Art Room Rules Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for Mr. Golden Paintbrush says… ENTER THE ART ROOM QUIETLY!

4 Art Room Rules Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for Mr. Golden Paintbrush says… QUIETLY GO TO YOUR SEAT & WAIT FOR DIRECTIONS!

5 Art Room Rules Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for Mr. GoldenPaintbrush says… USE INSIDE VOICES WHILE WORKING & RAISE HAND FOR HELP.

6 Art Room Rules Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for Mr. Golden Paintbrush says… SHARE SUPPLIES & FOLLOW ALL SCHOOL RULES!

7 Art Room Rules Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for Mr. Golden Paintbrush says… CLEAN UP 5 MINUTES BEFORE END OF CLASS AND SIT QUIETLY!

8 Art Room Rules Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for Mr. Golden Paintbrush says… LEAVE THE ART ROOM QUIELTY

9 Art Room Rules Copyright 2008 | Redistribution Prohibited | Image © 2008 Thomas Brian | This text section may be deleted for If you forget Mr. Golden Paintbrush’s Rules, look for them in the classroom!

10 What happens if you follow Mr. Golden Paintbrush’s Rules? Helper for the Day Stickers or Awards Special Prizes The Golden Paintbrush Award The BEST class every week will be awarded the Golden Paintbrush to keep in their classroom for a week. The class who receives the Golden Paintbrush the MOST at the end of the year will have an ART PARTY!

11 What happens if you don’t follow Mr. Golden Paintbrush’s Rules? 1 st offense: VERBAL WARNING 2 nd offense: 1 st CHECK GIVEN 3 rd offense: 2 nd CHECK GIVEN 4 th offense: 3 rd CHECK GIVEN & parent call 5 th offense: Principal’s Office SEVERE BEHAVIOR= skipping all above and going directly to principal’s office!!! What would be considered severe behavior?

12 Now you know the rules of the art room... so where are the art supplies?

13 Inside the closet, you will find a lot of art supplies! This shelf is just for you! You will find Sharpies, Elmer’s Glue, colored pencils, pastels, skin color crayons and markers and neon crayons in here!

14 Inside the 4 color shelf, you will find some supplies for your color table! In this box you will find crayons and markers in all different sizes! Make sure you take the CORRECT color box for the table you are sitting at! The label on top of the containers shows you what table it belongs to!

15 Every table has their own table caddy. In this caddy, there should always be: 6 scissors 6 pencils 6 glue sticks 4 erasers Each table will also have a CADDY HELPER who is in charge of counting all the supplies during cleanup. ART TABLE CADDIES

16 NOTE ABOUT SUPPLIES! No supplies will be given out for you to take home and use. All art supplies MUST be returned! Supplies need to be returned to the place you found them! Please treat all supplies with care and respect.

17 Other Important Things in the Art Room SCRAP BOX… What is this for?

18 Other Important Things in the Art Room DRYING RACK… What is this for?

19 Other Important Things in the Art Room CLASS FOLDERS… What is this for?

20 Other Important Things in the Art Room PENCIL SHARPENERS… Pencils DO NOT have to be sharpened for more than a few seconds! Use the pencil sharpening countdown to sharpen your pencils fast!

21 Other Important Things in the Art Room FREE TIME AREA… What is this for?

22 Other Important Things in the Art Room SINKS… You must ask permission to use the sinks! No more than two people at each sink! Use wipes for your hands!

23 Bathroom & Drink Policy Only in emergencies… You only have 40 minutes of art so you don’t want to waste anytime!

24 So What Do I Have to Bring to Art… Always have a smock! Your imagination! Be prepared to work & be creative!

25 How Do I Get an O or a G in Art Class? 1.Try your BEST! 2. Do your own work! 3. Finish your work!

26 Last but not least…. ARTSONIA! If you do a great job on your artwork, it will be posted on!


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