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Imperialism Basic Facts Sheet 50 points CH 9, section 1 (and other sections of the Imperialism chapters; Internet research needed for Berlin Conference)

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism Basic Facts Sheet 50 points CH 9, section 1 (and other sections of the Imperialism chapters; Internet research needed for Berlin Conference)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism Basic Facts Sheet 50 points CH 9, section 1 (and other sections of the Imperialism chapters; Internet research needed for Berlin Conference)

2 Imperialism When one country takes control of another country completely or politically or economically.

3 Motivations (1492-1750) Gold Religion Trade Spice Silk Jade Perfume

4 Motivations of New Imperialism (1750-1914) Gold/silver Trade Religion Foreign markets Cheap foreign labor Social Darwinism Technology to do it

5 Imperialist nations Spain Portugal Britain France Netherlands Ottoman Turkey Russia Belgium Germany United States Japan

6 Justification for Imperialism Imperialists felt biologically superior to the peoples of the rest of the world (Social Darwin) and felt only Imperialists had the right to decide how all the world would be used.

7 Advantages in Technology and Techniques Weapons Maxim gun Repeating rifles Telegraph Steam ships Steam trains River boats Medical advances quinine Organized governments Well trained armies and navies Strong economies to support effective militaries Westerners interested in adventure Missionary impulse Profit motive

8 African and Asian Resistance against Imperialists Futile battles and wars against superior quality Imperialist forces. Leaders organizing nationalist and religious resistance to teach coming generations to resist Imperialists.

9 Direct Rule An Imperialist nation runs a nation with leaders from the imperial nation. France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal,

10 Indirect Rule An imperialist allows the cooperative native leaders to rule, only having Imperialist supervisors to watch the native leaders. Great Britain

11 Protectorate A nation looks like it’s independent but it’s leaders must do what an imperialist nation wants. Egypt was a protectorate of Britain Cuba was a protectorate of the US

12 Spheres of Influence Imperialists only take control of a country’s most profitable or strategic areas. China’s rich harbors and rivers were under the control of Britain, France, Netherlands, US, Germany, Russia, Japan

13 Were all members of Imperialist nations in favor of imperialism? Explain No, anti-imperialists argued it – only helped the rich – Was immoral (Imperialists gave each other democratic rights, but treated the rest of the world like slaves)

14 Importance of the Berlin Conference The Imperialist Powers were nearing war with each other over Africa. Especially Germany and France The conference let all powers competing in Africa to agree on rules that satisfied all (for a while) and avoided war.

15 Berlin Conference Decision An imperialist with people (soldiers, colonists) in an African territory could claim it. Imperialists would ally and help each other to put down native resistance anywhere in Africa.

16 What was the strategic value of the Suez and Panama Canals? Both shortened travel distances between Europe and Asia, increasing profits from trade and making defense of empires easier.

17 Did Imperialists have the right? Pro Might is right Social Darwinism Con Immoral to steal/enslave another’s land and people. Chief Kabonga’s argument against British rule in favor of native rule, “we elected our councils and they made our laws”

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