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Leader: actors for implementation Didier HUYGENS Province of East-Flanders Agriculture and Rural Policy LAG Meetjesland, Leie en Schelde [2007-2013] LAG.

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Presentation on theme: "Leader: actors for implementation Didier HUYGENS Province of East-Flanders Agriculture and Rural Policy LAG Meetjesland, Leie en Schelde [2007-2013] LAG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leader: actors for implementation Didier HUYGENS Province of East-Flanders Agriculture and Rural Policy LAG Meetjesland, Leie en Schelde [2007-2013] LAG Grensregio Waasland [2014- 2020] [RO_201501107] 1

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3 3 Flemisch framework for rural development [2014-2020] Four strategic themes Investing in young farmers and the future of the Flemish agricultural sector Investing in innovation and education Focussing on the increase of viability and sustainability of the agricultural sector, both economically and ecologically Enhancing the vitality of the countryside through a qualitative embedding of the strong evolving Flemish agricultural sector [*] Budget: > € 675 mio (EU 290 mio + 95 mio; VL 290 mio; [*] provinces; promotor

4 Leader_overview – Didier Huygens 4 Flemisch framework for rural development [2014-2020] Twenty one measures Training and consultancy Investment support and acquisition support for young farmers Innovation and demonstration projects Development aid for small farms Organic cultivation Processing and marketing Producer Organizations Non-productive investments (biodiversity, landscape, water quality...) Agri-environment and climate actions Agroforestry EIP operational groups Natura 2000 setup Afforestation and reforestation Strengthen environmental quality and vitality countryside Leader Cooperation countryside – city Technical assistance (management, monitoring, evaluation...)

5 Leader_overview – Didier Huygens 5 Leader Innovative method Public < private area-based partnership (LAG) Bottom-up approach Long-term development strategy (LDS) Cooperation and networking Four submeasures Preparation of the local development strategy Implementation of the local development strategy Cooperation projects (interterritorial and transnational) Operation of the LAG Role of the (regional) government Cofinancing: 50/25/25 [app] Spreading information: regional info point [experts] + coordinator /LAG Coordination: Vice Governor ARD is president LAG’s [without voting rights] NOT Taking or influencing any descision [full responsability LAG]

6 Leader_overview – Didier Huygens 6 Leader beneficiaries [2014-2020 (N+3)] Number of LAG: 3 Budget : € 6.250.0000 (Europe; Flanders; East-Flanders) Preparation of the local development strategy max € 20.000/LDS Implementation of the local development strategy max 65% (incurred and accepted costs) Cooperation projects max 65% investment cost; max 95% operating cost; max € 125.000/LAG Operation of the LAG max 100% (incurred and accepted costs)

7 Leader_overview – Didier Huygens 7 Leader beneficiaries Preparation of the local development strategy: LAG (in formation) Implementation of the local development strategy Municipalities, associations of municipalities, public social welfare centers, counties (provinces) Non-profit organisation (ngo) Unincorporated association … Cooperation projects: LAG and project promoters Operation of the LAG: LAG (after approval)

8 Leader_overview – Didier Huygens 8 Leader beneficiaries [2007-2013] Implementation of the local development strategy Municipalities, associations of municipalities, public social welfare centers, counties (provinces) Non-profit organisations (ngo) Unincorporated associations …

9 Leader_overview – Didier Huygens 9 Leader projects [ 2007-2013 ] Type of projects Tourist infrastructure Village renovation Rural heritage Basic services: energy services, local and digital; rural health center; bike messenger service; childcare; inter-municipal cooperation; culture, out of the box; gardening for elder people; … Intermediary services: farm shops; crowdsourcing and innovation for SMEs and retail; discussion platform; farm and regional products; public participation process International Leader…

10 Leader_overview – Didier Huygens 10 Leader projects [ 2007-2013 ] Type of projects

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12 12 Think global – Act local Think great – Act small Good Luck ~ Succes! Leader_overview – Didier Huygens

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