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Basis Registratie Topografie (BRT) Open Data Ben Bruns Productmanager Topografie.

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Presentation on theme: "Basis Registratie Topografie (BRT) Open Data Ben Bruns Productmanager Topografie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basis Registratie Topografie (BRT) Open Data Ben Bruns Productmanager Topografie

2 25-12-2015 Why Open data ?  Innovation  Economic stimulus  Transparency  EU: Digital Agenda, PSI (Public Sector Information)- guideline, INSPIRE  BZK: funding KEY registers  IenM: ‘open data unless’  2012 -01-01 BRT OPEN DATA 2012-01-01

3 Key-registers

4 Maps on scale 10K – 500k

5 25-12-2015 Aspects for further decision other Key registers  Privacy  Legal security  Rules about reuse  Financing  Open data is always free of charge?

6 Creative Commons  Creative Commons is a non-profit organisation that enables the sharing and use of creative work in the Public Domain through free legal tools.  To simplify and standardise the way the public is given permissions to share and use creative works, Creative Commons have released 4 CC Licenses (modules), free of charge to the public.  Creative works can be released to the Public Domain comprising of a combination of these CC Licenses (modules).

7 CC Licenses  The CC Licenses allows the distribution of copyright works into the Public Domain. It is not an alternative to copyright but works alongside copyright.  The CC Licenses all grant the “baseline right”, which lets any creative work to be redistribute for non- commercial purposes without modification, worldwide, at no cost.  Besides licenses, CC also offers a way to release material into the Public Domain through CC0, a legal tool to waiving as many rights as legally possible.

8 CC Licenses…(cont) Attribution (by) – Lets others (Licensees) to copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the original author/licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. Noncommercial (nc) – Lets others (Licensees) to copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for non- commercial purposes. No Derivative Works (nd) – Lets others (Licensees) to copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim (exact) copies of the work, not derivative works based on it. Share-alike (sa) – Allows others (Licensees) to copy, distribute, perform and modify the works only under a license identical to the license that governs the original work.

9 25-12-2015 9

10 X Government (TAX) Kadaster


12 25-12-2015 Integraal GMA werkoverleg 12 For me, the BRT is a blessing for the open geo community.

13 25-12-2015 Integraal GMA werkoverleg 13

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