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Notes for Week 11 Term project evaluation and tips 3 lectures before Final exam Discussion questions for this week.

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1 Notes for Week 11 Term project evaluation and tips 3 lectures before Final exam Discussion questions for this week

2 Term project evaluation Oral presentation –Evaluation form: background, description, delivery (readable slides for 15 min., eye contact, speak clearly, good examples, relax) –Focus on what you have learned and what you want to share with class: language design, features, applications, implementation issues and techniques, and references (complete info on books, URLs, and other info resources) Written report –CSUS writing assignment standard –See detailed description at course web site –Hand-in-check list

3 3 Lectures before Final Exam Concept review exercises Less homework -> more term project More discussion Example: What is the design idea for the following programming languages: LISP and Scheme? Who is the designer of LISP?

4 Concept questions What are the fundamental issues in intelligent systems? What is machine learning? Give 3 examples of ML applications. What is data mining? Illustrate with an example. What is an expert system? What are the knowledge representation we covered in class so far? Why do we need knowledge representation.

5 Concept Questions What are the relationships between programming languages and knowledge representation? What is backward chaining? What is forward chaining? Which inference method does each of the following language use : Prolog, Clips? What is the relation between Universal Turing machine and EVAL in LISP?

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