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How we get our minerals and rocks

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Presentation on theme: "How we get our minerals and rocks"— Presentation transcript:

1 How we get our minerals and rocks
Mining How we get our minerals and rocks

2 What things can form minerals?
Surface water carrying dissolved minerals When salt water evaporates Presence of groundwater Magma can carry crystals

3 ORE: A natural material whose concentration of economically valuable minerals is high enough for the mineral to be mined profitably A material that is not man-made, It is pure and worth lots of money and companies can sell it to make a profit

4 What affects how much ore is worth?
Cost of extracting vs the value of the ore Usually have to be processed Gold ore 

5 How can we mine for ore? Surface mining (pits, surface coal mines, quarries) Subsurface mining

6 a. Open Pits To remove large, near-surface deposits of things like gold and copper Explosives Transport away


8 b. Surface Coal Mines Aka “strip mining”

9 c. Quarries Open pits that are used to mine building stone, crushed rock, sand, gravel

10 2 mining methods: Surface mining Subsurface mining

11 Subsurface Mining When mineral deposits are too deep
Dig passageways into the Earth

12 What is responsible mining?
Mining can destroy or disturb habitats of plants and animals Waste products can pollute water

13 Ways to fix: Reclamation: the process by which land used for mining is returned to its original state or better Required by law

14 Ways to fix: Another way to be responsible: reduce mineral product use, recycle, etc

15 Your Job: Read 78-79 Fill in the notes as you read Homework: Page 79

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