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Title Staff:Coaches: Mrs. Julie MorleyMrs. Jane Cooney, Math Ms. Leah BewleyMs. Amanda Bradford Ms. Megan Long September 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Staff:Coaches: Mrs. Julie MorleyMrs. Jane Cooney, Math Ms. Leah BewleyMs. Amanda Bradford Ms. Megan Long September 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Staff:Coaches: Mrs. Julie MorleyMrs. Jane Cooney, Math Ms. Leah BewleyMs. Amanda Bradford Ms. Megan Long September 20, 2012

2  Welcome and Introductions  Criteria used for Title services  What will our program look like?  School compact and parent involvement piece  Writing  Upcoming Events  Sign up for parent conferences  Drawing for door prizes September 20, 2012

3 Harris Elementary School Title Staff Mrs. Julie Morley K-3 rd grade Reading and Math Ms. Megan Long K-3 rd Grade Reading and Math Ms. Leah Bewley K-3 rd grade Reading and Math Mrs. Jane Cooney K-3 rd grade Math Coach Welcome

4 Who Qualifies for Title Services ? Student selection is based on : DIBELS Next assessments TRC- Text levels of students Acuity Assessments SRI Assessments ( 3 rd grade ) Teacher Rankings mClass Math assessment

5 What our program looks like….  Students meet for 30 minute intervals in either math or reading  Title services are during our RTI portion of the school day, when all students switch for reading or math extension activities Students who are monitored will be observed in the classroom setting by Title 1 personnel and classroom teacher. If need is present, they will be added to our RTI groups.

6 Paperwork Parent Involvement  Opportunities for parents to be involved in school-Volunteer  Title Blog with School Compact/Parent Involvement/Calendar link on Harris Elementary- Teacher Link- Title  Saturday morning workshop  At home activities  Website: (Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC))  PTO meetings

7 Writing in Mathematics: Writing is how we think our way into a subject- so we encourage students to write to deepen and extend their thinking Writing is a way to integrate and connect mathematics to students’ lives and learning.

8 Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice these are both the goal for math students and the means to the goal Indiana Common Core Standards

9  Problem Solving Explanations: Written explanation of the process used to solve a particular problem The explanation might involve asking the student to suggest another way to solve the same problem. Sharing of other’s explanations broadens thinking. Writing in Mathematics

10 Explaining Ideas Writing might be to explain an algorithm in words such as, “How would you teach your younger cousin to subtract two digit numbers?” Exit Slips ask the students to summarize the new learning of the day in order to plan for future instruction. ask the students for their questions. Tell WHAT you did and WHY you did it! Writing in Mathematics

11 Creative Writing: Product Poetry Raps for memorizing facts or Mnemonics for algorithms “Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally.” Creative prompts such as: Writing in Mathematics The Day Zero Died The Destruction of the Circles A World Without Triangles When Numbers Are No More The Do-Nothing Number

12 Writing in Language Arts What does writing look like for your child?  Break into grade level groups  Share sample writings  Model ways to set up, extend writing Grade Level Groups: Kindergarten/1 st grade: Ms. Long 2 nd grade: Mrs. Morley 3 rd grade: Ms. Bewley

13 Writing Outside of School At home suggestions :  Notes  Lists  Thank you notes  Reminders  E-mail  Important thoughts  Journal  Record on calendar events

14 Websites and Apps Websites     www.primarygames www.primarygames        www.internet4classrooms www.internet4classrooms  Free Apps for iPhone and iPads  Bluster  ReadingSkill  Lakeshore-TicTacToe  Vowel (Lite)  I Like Books  Fry Words  Splash Math- by grade level  Hungry Fish  Rocket Math Free  FlashToPass Free  Counting Money  Phonics Made Easy  Beginning Blends  Ending Blends

15 Title 1 Calendar of Events:  Conferences  Winter Workshop on Saturday morning  Spring Annual Title Meeting -Breakfast  Newsletters

16  Sign up sheets for conferences  Parent Involvement and School Compact paperwork  Drawing for door prizes  Thanks for coming!!!

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