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Published byShanon Hood Modified over 9 years ago
Resident Physics Lectures Christensen, Chapter 4 Basic Interactions Between X-Rays and Matter, Grid Attenuation and Filtration George David Associate Professor Medical College of Georgia Department of Radiology
Photons atoms interations What happen when photons interact with human tissue?
Photon Phate absorbed completely removed from beam ceases to exist scattered change in direction no useful information carried source of noise Nothing Photon passes unmolested X *
Image Noise Example Caution! Image Noise
Basic Interactions Coherent Scattering Compton ScatteringCompton Scattering Photoelectric EffectPhotoelectric Effect Pair Production Photodisintegration
What is important in this lecture How the interaction happen? When happen? The interaction affect on the image quality?
Interaction depends on Photon energy e.v Atom atomic number Z - - - + + ~ ~ + ~
Photon Interaction Probabilities Photoelectric Pair Production COMPTON Z protons 10 100 E energy (MeV) 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100
Basic Interactions Coherent Scattering D Compton Scattering DCompton Scattering D Photoelectric Effect DPhotoelectric Effect D Pair Production T Photodisintegration T D=Diagnostic radiology T=Treatment radiology
Coherent scattering Pair productio n Compton scattering Photoelec tric effect photon interacts with all electrons of an atom Photon interacts With nucleus Photon interacts With outer electrons Photon interacts With inner electrons Source highmediumlowPhoton energy TDDD OR T
Coherent Scattering Also called unmodified scattering classical scattering Types Thomson »photon interacts with single electron Rayleigh »photon interacts with all electrons of an atom
Coherent Scattering Change in direction No change in energy frequency wavelength No ionization Contributes to scatter as film fog Less than 5% of interactions insignificant effect on image quality compared to other interactions
Pair Production Process high energy photon interacts with nucleus photon disappears electronpositronelectron & positron (positive electron) created energy in excess of 1.02 MeV given to electron/positron pair as kinetic energy. - - - + + ~ ~ + ~ - + ***
Positron Phate Positron undergoes ANNIHILATION REACTION Two 0.511 MeV photons created Photons emerge in exactly opposite directions
Pair Production Threshold energy for occurrence: 1.02 MeV »energy equivalent of rest mass of 2 electrons Threshold is above diagnostic energies does not occur in diagnostic radiology - - - + + ~ ~ + ~ - +
Photodisintegration photon causes ejection of part of atomic nucleus ejected particle may be neutron proton alpha particle cluster - - - + + ~ ~ + ~ ? *
Photodisintegration Threshold photon energy for occurrence nuclear binding energy »typically 7-15 MeV Threshold is above diagnostic energies does not occur in diagnostic radiology
Photoelectric Effect photon interacts with bound (inner-shell) electron electron liberated from atom (ionization) photon disappears Electron out Photon in - **
Photoelectric Effect Exiting electron kinetic energy incident energy - electron’s binding energy electrons in higher energy shells cascade down to fill energy void of inner shell »characteristic radiation Electron out Photon in M to L L to K - ****
Photoelectric Interaction Probability inversely proportional to cube of photon energy low energy event proportional to cube of atomic number more likely with inner (higher) shells tightly bound electrons 1 P.E. ~ ----------- energy 3 P.E. ~ Z 3
Photoelectric Effect Interaction much more likely for low energy photons high atomic number elements 1 P.E. ~ ----------- energy 3 P.E. ~ Z 3
Photoelectric Effect Photon Energy Threshold > binding energy of orbital electron binding energy depends on atomic number »higher for increasing atomic number shell »lower for higher (outer) shells most likely to occur when photon energy & electron binding energy are nearly the same
Photoelectric Threshold Binding Energies K: 100 L: 50 M: 20 Photon in Photon energy: 22 Which photon has a greater probability for photoelectric interactions with the m shell? Photon energy: 25 A B 1 P.E. ~ ----------- energy 3
Photoelectric Threshold Photoelectric interactions decrease with increasing photon energy BUT … 1 P.E. ~ ----------- energy 3
Photoelectric Threshold When photon energies just reaches binding energy of next (inner) shell, photoelectric interaction now possible with that shell shell offers new candidate target electrons Photon Energy Interaction Probability K-shell interactions possible L-shell interactions possible L-shell binding energy ** K-shell binding energy
Photoelectric Threshold causes step increases in interaction probability as photon energy exceeds shell binding energies Photon Energy Interaction Probability L-edge K-edge
Characteristic Radiation Occurs any time inner shell electron removed energy states orbital electrons seek lowest possible energy state »innermost shells M to L L to K **
Characteristic Radiation electrons from higher states fall (cascade) until lowest shells are full characteristic x-rays released whenever electron falls to lower energy state M to L L to K characteristic x-rays **
Characteristic Radiation only iodine & barium in diagnostic radiology have characteristic radiation which can reach film-screen
Photoelectric Effect Why is this important? photoelectric interactions provide subject contrast variation in x-ray absorption for various substances scatterphotoelectric effect does not contribute to scatter photoelectric interactions deposit most beam energy that ends up in tissue always always use highest kVp technique consistent with imaging contrast requirements
Compton Scattering Source of virtually all scattered radiation Process incident photon (relatively high energy) interacts with free (loosely bound) electron some energy transferred to recoil electron »electron liberated from atom (ionization) emerging photon has »less energy than incident »new direction Electron out (recoil electron) Photon in Photon out - ***
Compton Scattering What is a “free” electron? low binding energy »outer shells for high Z materials »all shells for low Z materials Electron out (recoil electron) Photon in Photon out -
Compton Scattering Incident photon energy split between electron & emerging photon Fraction of energy carried by emerging photon depends on incident photon energy angle of deflection »similar principle to billiard ball collision Electron out (recoil electron) Photon in Photon out -
Compton Scattering Probability of Occurrence independent of atomic number (except for hydrogen) Proportional to electron density (electrons/gram) fairly equal for all elements except hydrogen (~ double)
Compton Scattering Probability of Occurrence decreases with increasing photon energy decrease much less pronounced than for photoelectric effect Photon Energy Interaction Probability Compton Photoelectric
Photon Interaction Probabilities Photoelectric Pair Production COMPTON Z protons 10 100 E energy (MeV) 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100
Resident Physics Lectures Christensen, Chapter 5Attenuation George David Associate Professor Medical College of Georgia Department of Radiology
Beam Characteristics Quantity number of photons in beam ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1, 2, 3,...
Beam Characteristics Quality energy distribution of photons in beam ~ ~ 1 @ 27 keV, 2 @ 32 keV, 2 at 39 keV,... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Beam Characteristics Intensity weighted product of number and energy of photons depends on »quantity »quality 324 mR ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Beam Intensity Can be measured in terms of # of ions created in air by beam Valid for monochromatic or for polychromatic beam 324 mR ~ - +
Attenuation Coefficient Parameter indicating fraction of radiation attenuated by a given absorber thickness Attenuation Coefficient is function of absorber photon energy
Linear Attenuation Coef. Why called linear? distance expressed in linear dimension “x” Formula N = N o e - x where N o = number of incident photons N = number of transmitted photons e = base of natural logarithm (2.718…) = linear attenuation coefficient (1/cm); property of energy material x = absorber thickness (cm) NoNo N x
Linear Attenuation Coef. Units: 1 / cm ( or 1 / distance) Properties reciprocal of absorber thickness that reduces beam intensity by e (~2.718…) »~63% reduction »37% of original intensity remaining as photon beam energy increases »penetration increases / attenuation decreases »attenuating distance increases »linear attenuation coefficient decreases Note: Same equation as used for radioactive decay N = N o e - x Larger Coefficient = More Attenuation
Polychromatic Radiation X-Ray beam contains spectrum of photon energies highest energy = peak kilovoltage applied to tube mean energy 1/3 - 1/2 of peak »depends on filtration
X-Ray Beam Attenuation reduction in beam intensity by absorption (photoelectric) deflection (scattering) Attenuation alters beam quantity quality »higher fraction of low energy photons removed »Beam Hardening Higher Energy Lower Energy
N = N o e - x HVL =.693 / absorber thickness that reduces beam intensity by exactly half Units of thickness value of “x” which makes N equal to N o / 2 Half Value Layer (HVL)
Indication of beam quality Valid concept for all beam types Mono-energetic Poly-energetic Higher HVL means more penetrating beam lower attenuation coefficient Half Value Layer (HVL)
Factors Affecting Attenuation Energy of radiation / beam quality higher energy »more penetration »less attenuation Matter density atomic number electrons per gram higher density, atomic number, or electrons per gram increases attenuation
Polychromatic Attenuation Yields curved line on semi-log graph line straightens with increasing attenuation slope approaches that of monochromatic beam at the peak energy mean energy increases with attenuation beam hardening Attenuator Thickness Fraction Transmitted Monochromatic Polychromatic
Photoelectric vs. Compton Fractional contribution of each determined by photon energy atomic number of absorber Equation = coherent + PE + Compton Small
Photoelectric vs. Compton As photon energy increases Both PE & Compton decrease PE decreases faster »Fraction of that is Compton increases »Fraction of that is PE decreases = coherent + PE + Compton Photon Energy Interaction Probability Compton Photoelectric
Photoelectric vs. Compton As atomic # increases Fraction of that is PE increases Fraction of that is Compton decreases = coherent + PE + Compton
Interaction Probability Photoelectric Compton Pair Production Photon Energy Atomic Number of Absorber PE dominates for very low energies
Interaction Probability Photoelectric Compton Pair Production Photon Energy Atomic Number of Absorber For lower atomic numbers –Compton dominates for high energies
Interaction Probability Photoelectric Compton Pair Production Photon Energy Atomic Number of Absorber For high atomic # absorbers –PE dominates throughout diagnostic energy range
Attenuation & Density Attenuation proportional to density difference in tissue densities accounts for much of optical density difference seen radiographs # of Compton interactions depends on electrons / unit path which depends on »electrons per gram »density
Relationships Density generally increases with atomic # different states = different density »ice, water, steam no relationship between density and electrons per gram atomic # vs. electrons / gram hydrogen ~ 2X electrons / gram as most other substances as atomic # increases, electrons / gram decreases slightly
Applications As photon energy increases subject (and image) contrast decreases differential absorption decreases »at 20 keV bone’s linear attenuation coefficient 6 X water’s »at 100 keV bone’s linear attenuation coefficient 1.4 X water’s
Applications At low x-ray energies attenuation differences between bone & soft tissue primarily caused by photoelectric effect »related to atomic number & density Photo- electric Compton Pair Production
Applications At high x-ray energies attenuation differences between bone & soft tissue primarily because of Compton scatter »related entirely to density Photo- electric Compton Pair Production
Applications Difference between water & fat only visible at low energies effective atomic # of water slightly higher »yields photoelectric difference electrons / cm almost equal »No Compton difference Photoelectric dominates at low energy
Scatter Radiation NO Socially Redeeming Qualities no useful information on image detracts from film quality exposes personnel, public represents 50-90% of photons exiting patient
Abdominal Photons ~1% of incident photons on adult abdomen reach film fate of the other 99% mostly scatter »most do not reach film absorption
Scatter Factors Factors affecting scatter field size thickness of body part kVp Factors affecting scatter field size thickness of body part kVp An increase in any of above increases scatter.
Scatter & Field Size Reducing field size causes significant reduction in scatter radiation II Tube X-Ray Tube II Tube X-Ray Tube
Field Size & Scatter Field Size & thickness determine volume of irradiated tissue Scatter increase with increasing field size initially large increase in scatter with increasing field size saturation reached (at ~ 12 X 12 inch field) »further field size increase does not increase scatter reaching film »scatter shielded within patient
Thickness & Scatter Increasing patient thickness leads to increased scatter but saturation point reached scatter photons produced far from film shielded within body
kVp & Scatter kVp has less effect on scatter than than field size thickness Increasing kVp increases scatter more photons scatter in forward direction
Scatter Management Reduce scatter by minimizing field size »within limits of exam thickness »mammography compression kVp »but low kVp increases patient dose »in practice we maximize kVp
Scatter Control Techniques: Grid directional filter for photons Increases patient dose
Scatter Control Techniques: Air Gap Gap intentionally left between patient & image receptor Natural result of magnification radiography Grid not used (covered in detail in chapter 8) Patient Grid Film Cassette Air Gap
Resident Physics Lectures Christensen, Chapter 8Grids George David Associate Professor Department of Radiology Medical College of Georgia
Purpose Directional filter for photons Ideal grid passes all primary photons »photons coming from focal spot blocks all secondary photons »photons not coming from focal spot Film Patient “Good” photon “Bad” photon Grid X Focal Spot
Grid Construction Lead ~.05“ thick upright strips (foil) Interspace material between lead strips maintains lead orientation materials »fiber »aluminum »wood Lead Interspace
Grid Ratio Ratio of interspace height to width h w Grid ratio = h / w Lead Interspace
Grid Ratio Expressed as X:1 Typical values 8:1 to 12:1 for general work 3:1 to 5:1 for mammography Grid function generally improves with higher ratios h w Grid ratio = h / w
Lines per Inch # lead strips per inch grid width Typical: 103 25.4 Lines per inch = ------------ W + w w = thickness of interspace (mm) W = thickness of lead strips (mm) w W
Grid Structure
Grid Patterns Orientation of lead strips as seen from above Types Linear Cross hatched »2 stacked linear grids »ratio is sum of ratios of two linear grids »very sensitive to positioning & tilting »Rare; only found in specials
Grid Styles Parallel Focused
Parallel Grid lead strips parallel useful only for small field sizes large source to image distances
Focused Grid Slightly angled lead strips convergence lineStrip lines converge to a point in space called convergence line Focal distance distance from convergence line to grid plane Focal range working distance range »width depends on grid ratio »smaller ratio has greater range Focal range Focal distance
Grid Cassette Grid built into cassette front Sometimes used for portables formerly used in mammography low grid ratios focused
Ideal Grid passes all primary radiation Reality: lead strips block some primary Lead Interspace
Ideal Grid block all scattered radiation Reality: lead strips permit some scatter to get through to film Lead Interspace
Grid Performance Measurements Primary Transmission (Tp) Bucky Factor (B) contrast improvement factor (K)
Resident Physics Lectures Christensen, Chapter 6Filters George David Associate Professor Department of Radiology Medical College of Georgia
Energy Spectrum X-ray beams from tubes Polychromatic »Brehmstrahlung »Characteristic spectrum of energies from 0 – kVp set on generator average beam energy 1/3 to 1/2 of peak (kVp) kVp (as set on generator)
Unfiltered Beams most energy deposited in first few centimeters of tissue lowest energy photons selectively removed energy of low energy photons contributes to dose does not contribute to image »photons don’t reach film Patient film
Ideal Filtration absorption characteristics absorbs all low energy radiation absorbs no high energy radiation high atomic number desirable increases photoelectric absorption of low energy photons
Filter’s Function shape beam’s energy spectrum selectively attenuate low energy photons less low energy radiation incident on patient energy deposited in filter, not in patient Filter Film
Filtration Locations x-ray tube and housing inherent filtration metal sheets placed in beam path placed between tube and collimator or in collimator Usually aluminum added filtration collimator mirror* table (for under-table tube fluoro) * not mentioned in book Filter Tabletop X-Rays Tabletop Light Lamp
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